View Full Version : Staying Fast while building strength?

05-10-2018, 12:50 PM
How's it going BOP?
I'm about to do my fourth cycle in my life, but I haven't decided what I want to do yet. The issue I run into is that all three cycles I've run in the past have caused issues with either cardio my ability to run. I want to train to gain strength, but my endurance and speed are equally important. The past cycles have included the following; test-E, Halotestin, Equipoise, Winstrol, Anavar, mk677 and the following was used in addition, but for obvious reasons, Proviron, Nolvadex, and HCG. I'm looking for any training advice or cycle advice for how I could build substantial strength while maintaining or improving my endurance and speed. The biggest side effect I have during my cycles is that my calves swell to the point that they go numb if I run too long, which is obviously bad, as I risk causing compartment syndrome. So I turn to the Brother Hood of Pain and suggestions for the cycle or training?

05-10-2018, 12:54 PM
If you focused on speed as well as strength thats tough. Ideally I’d pick one for best results. And imo I don’t think you’d really need any juice to improve your speed. Your best bet is to probably just avoid any extra water or bloat fat and just go for lean muscle.
For me this hints towards a lower test/eq/Winny cycle

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05-10-2018, 01:02 PM
Appreciate it Bro! I've run the cycle you suggested before and it was the only one where I could still run, but I ran into the calf issue. I'm guessing it's just something I'm going to have to overcome and train around.

05-10-2018, 01:03 PM
Yeah the calf issue is likely the winstrol.
You can cut the Winny out or just use it on weight training days and play around with some natural supplementation to help the cramps

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05-10-2018, 01:05 PM
What would you use in regards to the natural supplementation? And it makes a lot of sense that the winny would cause that; shit made my sprints great, but after about 3km I was in pain and around 5km I was in tears.

05-10-2018, 01:10 PM
Yeah anabolics don’t seem to be helpful to long distance runs. Unless your at the top level and those guys just use epo and shit

I really think you would see better results focusing on lean mass and stregth and just keep some sprints in there several times a week for HIIT cardio if that’s something you enjoy.

Focusing on running off cycle would be better until your ready to blast again

I know there’s some amino acids and stuff that seem to help with cramps, but I’ve never really had issues with those. Actually running winstrol right now. Maybe a vet could chime in or just search around on the boards, it shouldn’t be hard to find.

Back when I was fat and bloated powerlifting popping tons of dbol I got nasty low back pumps, but that’s a different ball game and seemed to be more weight related.

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05-10-2018, 01:11 PM
What’s your stats? Age height bodyfat etc.

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05-10-2018, 07:53 PM
weight169lbs BMI 7.6 Height 5'10
1RM events. 225 Bench, 485 Deadlift, 315 Squat, 185 Military Press
Some other stuff I like to keep track of is my run/ruck time. last 5km run was 17:30 not great, but it is what it is. My 13k Ruck with 35 kg 01:42:00
Another thing that is really important to me is a 500m and 800m swim which my current paces are 10:42 and 23:21 respectively.

05-10-2018, 08:04 PM
Those are very natty stats. Again I’d reccomend Blasting some gear putting some size on and up those lifts and then focus on cardio when you want to slim down.

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05-10-2018, 09:52 PM
To be honest I’m not too sure why those compounds wouldn’t help your endurance unless you packed on a bunch of body weight. I would just make sure to have speed and endurance training be upped as priority and planned effectively and it should be fine

05-10-2018, 11:06 PM
The last time I used them I had added about 40lbs on went from being in the 140's to 190s and recently cut back to 165-175 area. Right now I'm following the PHAT layout and my intent is to stick with that, while adding in the speed and endurance training I need. Would you suggest taking full rest days or just having two recovery days planned out in the week?

05-10-2018, 11:57 PM
Test, EQ, Anavar, and GW1516... train using explosive speeds and fast footwork drills... Split endurance and strength training days.. dont do both on the same day... make sure you get plenty of recovery of course! Calf pumps are usually water retention related... make sure, especially if your doing speed work, to stay hydrated and electrolyte balanced!