View Full Version : First Cycle!

05-14-2018, 12:46 PM
I just got my shipment in and I'm excited to start.
Got two vials of Test E 250 and a 60-count of Aromasin.
I'm planning on front loading at 500mg for 4 weeks, then bringing it down to 300mg for the next 10.

I was told I don't really need PCT because I'm already on TRT so that will compensate for the drop in test after the cycle.

05-14-2018, 03:48 PM
I was told I don't really need PCT because I'm already on TRT so that will compensate for the drop in test after the cycle.


05-14-2018, 04:18 PM
Thanks for posting - what are you trying to accomplish going to 500 mg for 4 weeks then bringing it back to 300 mg. How many cycles have you done? What are your stats. I think you will be very dissapointed with what you laid out. Again just my opinion and others might disagree. However, more insight from you would be helpful.

If you are on trt you do not need pct. However, it takes test e awhile to build up and start showing results - so by the time you drop it down to 300 mg after only 4 weeks at 500 mg that would be when it would just be kicking in then you are down to 300 mg - which is just a high TRT which I can't see doing that much for you in terms of muscle gains which might not be the objective.

Option 1 - take 500 mg of test E for 10-12 weeks then drop back to TRT. If you front load the test e in the 1st inj (weekly dosage of 500 mg / 7 then X by test e half life of 5 then add typical bi weekly inj amount of 250 - for 610 mg shot inj 1) and then 250 mg for shot 2 that week (total of 830 mg week 1) - that will get you at the 500 mg levels immediately. Then instead of 10-12 weeks you can do 8-10. Then drop back to TRT

If you are stuck on this little blast consider:

Option 2 - 4 week blast - given the PIP of test suspension, I am now staying away with from it but I would run 200 mg of test E all 14 weeks as the foundation and add 300-500 mg of test suspension a week (inj 2 x a day) during the 4 week blast. Suspension has no ester and people can get good results in 4 weeks (even though you might lose a lot of it but maybe not with the TRT dose). Definitely use an AI.

Option 3 - Same as option 1 but use test prop (400 mg) instead of suspension for 6-7 weeks in addition to your 200 mg test E foundation. Test suspension can be effective in 4 weeks but prop needs longer.

When you are just on TRT of 200 mg of test e - aromasin might be too much. You don't want to crash your estrogen levels. You need to get blood work to see what is a good amount.

05-14-2018, 08:43 PM
My goal is simply to build more muscle mass. I haven't taken measurements mostly because I'm a powerlifter foremost, but I'm fairly big at this point. 5'11" about 205lbs, ~20% bodyfat.

I was just going off the recommended dosages for beginners (250-500mg/week) and I thought the initial 500mg for 4 weeks would be a good way to front load. But I think your option 1 is probably the best course for me in this case. Thank you!

05-30-2018, 11:11 PM
So, I took Zeus's advice and front loaded 860mg for the first week and running 500mg for the rest of the cycle. Aside from a little PIP, I've had no ill effects from the test. My libido though...man, I feel like I'm in my early 20's again.

I've also been on a bulk diet of around 3000kcal/day, and my weight is up to 213. I expect by the end of the cycle to be close to 230. I took measurements, too, but I haven't seen any change in those yet. I feel bigger though! That's probably psychosomatic but I'll take it haha

I'm already making plans for another cycle. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I am liking this.

06-13-2018, 10:08 PM
My arms are up to 17 inches now! I'm fucking ecstatic :D Weight is around 215.

I look forward to pinning now; I have a reminder set on my phone and on those days I'm just like HELL YEAH ITS A PIN DAY. The pip sometimes gets pretty painful but a couple ibuprofen takes care of that. I actually don't know if I should pin in the same area each time or switch hips. I've been pinning in the glute just below my hip bone, the ventrolateral region. I just switch hips each week, dunno if that makes a difference.

Anyway, I'm super happy that I'm visibly making progress and I just want to grow till I'm a huge monster. And re: my libido, my wife will just have to get used to being fucked multiple times a day lol

06-14-2018, 01:35 AM
It's good to have multiple sites to rotate injections. Ventral glute is about the best spot. I have my wife do regular glutes. Delts work great with a 1/2" 27 gauge, never had any pip in the delts but I've never taken a shot over like .35ml. Quads work well too just because it's so easy to do yourself. Quads got pretty sore the first time or two but after that it's nothing.