View Full Version : Pramipexole dosages

05-25-2018, 12:13 PM
Hey guys i will be getn my prami in tomorrow need to start takn it asap.. Finished up my deca and test and adrol cycle bout 3 weeks ago and now im getn a pea size knot behind both nips and have been taking my adex and nolva to try keep it down but they still getn worse... So im betn its becuz prolactin. Thing is that ive never had this prob ever. So its kinda stumpd me.. My question is, how much prami do u guys recommend daily and is at bed time preferable? I have just heard that it makes u feel like complete shit after dosing and its best to dose at night before bed... And maybe for how long do u recommend?. If u have experience plz help... If not then plz no smart ass comments lol

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05-25-2018, 12:29 PM
Prami is very well known for having very harsh side effects. I suggest starting with a very low daily dose and work your way up slow. .12 mg ed to start

05-25-2018, 12:37 PM
Hey guys i will be getn my prami in tomorrow need to start takn it asap.. Finished up my deca and test and adrol cycle bout 3 weeks ago and now im getn a pea size knot behind both nips and have been taking my adex and nolva to try keep it down but they still getn worse... So im betn its becuz prolactin. Thing is that ive never had this prob ever. So its kinda stumpd me.. My question is, how much prami do u guys recommend daily and is at bed time preferable? I have just heard that it makes u feel like complete shit after dosing and its best to dose at night before bed... And maybe for how long do u recommend?. If u have experience plz help... If not then plz no smart ass comments lol

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I’ve used prami and caber. Caber is expensive but worth it. No lethargy or feeling flu like symptoms or random boners. Ya that last one really sucks. In my opinion of being a human guinea pig works better. try and stay away from peptide places they have legit caber all over here. Good luck..

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05-25-2018, 01:40 PM
I’ve used prami and caber. Caber is expensive but worth it. No lethargy or feeling flu like symptoms or random boners. Ya that last one really sucks. In my opinion of being a human guinea pig works better. try and stay away from peptide places they have legit caber all over here. Good luck..

Sent from my iPhone using TapatalkNeeded it quik. Any other caber to order is int or had to make minimum. Low funds and need it now. That why i settled with prami..

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05-25-2018, 02:02 PM
Have u already ordered the parami? If not I have a bottle you can have, pm me your addy. I can’t take it I get sick as fuck, have to use caber

05-25-2018, 02:05 PM
Have u already ordered the parami? If not I have a bottle you can have, pm me your addy. I can’t take it I get sick as fuck, have to use caberDamn. Yea itl be here tomorrow

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05-25-2018, 02:07 PM
U know i watch 44on youtube talk bout prami. He says to dose it right before u fall asleep so atleast u can maybe half ass sleep thru the shitty feeling. Im startn low. I kniw its gonna be hell probably but fuxk i gotta clear my prolactin issue fast

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05-25-2018, 02:08 PM
Ive never had this shit happn and fuckn sucks how soft my nipps are lookn. Fuck

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05-26-2018, 06:51 PM
I run prami year round because once you acclimate, the negative side effects subside. Starting slow as mentioned is nice if you aren't already having problems, but I don't know if you have time to ramp up. If you jump right onto .5mg/day you stand a decent chance of hating life for a little while, but I have had to do it before when I had a run-away prolactinemia issue. It's better than keeping your tits lol.

Taking it at night is by far the best. It can make you achey, stiff, tired as hell, and sick to your stomach a little (never actually vomited from it, just felt like it). This goes away in a week or two from my experience. I take .5mg/day right now and I have no side effects left except for the good ones. If you take it at night, you will just be groggy as hell in the morning but once you're up and going you won't feel much of the side effects even in the beginning.

FWIW, I did the math and with how much I like 19nors, it's cheaper for me to run prami all year than it is to just take caber when I run 19nors.

05-29-2018, 09:59 AM
I started at a very low dose of .125mg. I have a liquid version so i can easily adjust the dose. I worked my way up to .300 daily
or as needed. Im off cycle now and i just use it a few times a week because it ramps up my libido and makes me sleep like a brick. I actually like that stuff, never really had any bad sides besides the fact that if i take it during the day i womt be able
to keep my eyes open. I have some caber on hand too that i may dable with during my next cycle.
Off topic- is it possible to crush prolactin like you can crush e2?

Plate Smacker
05-30-2018, 11:40 PM
Prami is one of those things that just shows more how everyone reacts differently.
I first took 0.15mg, next day 0.25mg, felt sleepy, no negative side effects. Next day 0.35mg. Next day 0.5mg. Still no nausea, just slept like a baby.When I get up to take a piss, zombie feeling. Up to 1mg still no bad effects. Just waking up with dry eyes, and zombie tired feeling when I need to take a piss and down some protein drink. Gone by the time I wake up.
No need to go higher. Dropped it down to 0.5mg.

I believe the fact I am prescribed ******** XR 20mg, and take them every now and then(to get shit done without distractions). The fact I did some other crazy drugs when I was younger fucking around... that maybe that is why it really doesn't bother me.
My bro did 0.25mg and thought he was dying. He also took it early in the day (not recommended unless you know how it effects you).
I get RLS (restless leg syndrome) at least once every other month, so if it strikes, I got the prami.
I make my own using raw, 30mg disolved in 30ml of distilled water(no displacement measurement because it is such a small amount of powder).
You need a good milligram scale with a hood. This shit ain't no joke.

Don't take it just because.
Best to get bloodwork.
If you did at least two Test only cycles, with bloodwork to check estro response and dial in AI, and slowly add other compounds in the future.. you will have a good idea of what is happening without immediate bloodwork.
Leta say you add Deca or Npp for first time. You know bloodwork of up to 900mg Test E/wk with 6mg Aromasin ED shows estro around 31.
Now you are running test e @600/wk and Deca @600mg/wk and 6mg Aromasin ED.
Then two weeks in you notice sensitive nipples and maybe a lump forming. You could take a couple of guesses.
Estro may be too high for Deca added, but was fine when you only ran test. BUMP UP AI, in this case Aromasin, to 12.5mg ED Add Nolvadex 40mg/day (enter upregulation chatter). After 1 wk no improvement? Prolactin creeped in possibly, run some Caber or Prami until subsides.
Keep 12.5mg Aromasin. Drop Nolva to 20mg maybe 10mg ED. Maybe drop nolva. See how things are going.

Or, just get bloodwork and be 100% sure.

Point is, yes you could guess, and figure it out. However bloodwork is key. Just do it people.
Don't take Caber and Prami just because.

Now if taking it improves your quality of life and you have done your research.... then sure, run that shit.
I know some that run it intermittently(trt bros mostly).

06-06-2018, 05:46 PM
Point is, yes you could guess, and figure it out. However bloodwork is key. Just do it people.
Don't take Caber and Prami just because.

Now if taking it improves your quality of life and you have done your research.... then sure, run that shit.
I know some that run it intermittently(trt bros mostly).
This. I might have fanboyed for it a little too much, but the key here is to do your research. I originally took it at a knee-jerk because everything else I had thrown at the gyno wasn't sticking and it was about the last thing I had to try. This was all within a period of a week or perhaps even less, so I didn't have time to wait for bloodwork. It worked, so I kept taking it and figured the bloodwork out at a later point which is NOT optimal or recommended.

I also did my research within this time and, along with personal experience from coming on and off of it and the way I choose to run my cycles, decided to keep taking it indefinitely. That's just the experience I had. YMMV, especially with this compound since it doesn't even directly influence the hormone like most compounds with which we are used to working. It influences dopamine, a neurotransmitter, which in turn influences prolactin. It is definitely not a girl to jump in bed with until you've learned all about her.

06-12-2018, 12:52 AM
I like Prami . I like caber better though, it’s just more expensive and harder to purchase. I have to start super low on the prami dose and work up to 5mg ed for a weeks time to feel ok on it. After I work up though it works great at .5 ed.

06-13-2018, 02:03 PM
It never effected me much. I take 1 mg at a time. It makes me writhe if I overdo it though. But never got sleepy or typical sides.

06-15-2018, 03:05 PM
It never effected me much. I take 1 mg at a time. It makes me writhe if I overdo it though. But never got sleepy or typical sides.

Agreed. No sleepiness or anything here. If I take too much without ramping up gradually I just feel nauseous.