View Full Version : Road to 800 kg total

06-30-2018, 07:04 AM
Hi All,

I've decided to start a training log. First week of my pct this week from my last meet where I went 757.5 at 115kg ( have done 775 at sloppy 123). In the log i'll include my gear usage , meet prep and off season training.
I've had the strength to 800 at the last few meets just have managed to have shit days , but it is what it is. Currently sitting around 110 kg at 13% roughly after PCT. Currently 6 months out just thought it would be interesting for all to see what goes into a prep.
Current best comp lifts are 300 kg squat 177.5 Bench and 300kg Dead
Current best gym lifts are 300kg squat 180 bench and 280 for 2 on dead.

This weeks training has looked like this:

Monday DL day:

RDL of 4 mats: 120x4x10
HB pause squat :110x4x5
Plate loaded row 40kg a side for 4x15
Reverse hyper 15x4x10

Wednesday Bench Day:

Chains bench 75 bar weight plus 20 chains for 4x10
Bufflo bar bench with feet up and paused 90x4x10
Chins 4x8 with bodyweight
DBSkull Crushers 15x4x10
Rope pressdowns 25x4x12

Friday Squat Day:

SSB with no belt 140x4x10
Trapbar deads 140x4x10
Barbell Row 90x4x12
reverse hyper 10x4x15

Saturday : Second Bench day and shoulders

BB incline 80x4x8
OHP 60x4x10
Side and rear delts superset 10x4x15
Hammercurl 20x4x12
Rope press down 30x4x12

As you can see the weight is light but the reps are high seeing i'm not starting meet prep until late September and wont be competing to early Jan 19. Hope someone gets some enjoyment out of following this. This is my first time logging training like this so please beware the shitty formatting :)

06-30-2018, 09:21 AM
Bufflo bar bench with feet up and paused 90x4x10

^ never heard of this - what is it Bufflo bar

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06-30-2018, 10:15 AM
Very cool man. I’ll definitely be following. I’m starting meet prep in 3 weeks for a meet in October and am looking for a 1700lb total. Thanks for doing this!

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06-30-2018, 11:56 AM

07-01-2018, 12:26 AM
Bufflo bar bench with feet up and paused 90x4x10

^ never heard of this - what is it Bufflo bar

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Its a curved bar that increases the range of motion on bench bench , Chris Duffin makes one called the Dufflo bar. Feet up is just so I can't use any leg drive and the pause is a comp pause. Just trying to make the movement as hard a possible.

07-07-2018, 06:28 AM
Week 2 off season: Still sitting around 110kg that is kind of annoying. Strength feeling pretty shit especially on over head / pressing movements probably due to the loss of body weight hopefully this will start to climb in the following weeks. Hopefully body weight will be at around 115kg before prep starts. Hopefully the hard work in the offseason will pay dividends on my total.

Monday Deadlift

Defict Deadlift of 4 mats 120x4x10
BB Row 90x3x10
High bar pause squat 100x4x6
Reverse hyper 10x3x20
Chins 3x8

Wedenday Bench

Chain bench 80+20kg of chain 4x8
Bufflo bench 90x4x8
Low DB prone row 20x4x12
EZ curl skull crushes 30x4x20
Rope pressdown 25x4x12

Friday Squat

Bufflo bar pause squat no belt 120x4x6
SSB Squat 100x4x8
Trap bar dead 120x4x10
reverse hyper 20x4x10
Chins 3 sets to failure 12,12,10

Saturday Bench assistance

Incline BB bench 80x4x8
Military press 65x4x8
Side laterals 15x3x10
Rear delt flys 15x3x10
Hammer Curl 20x5x10
DB Skull crushers 20x5x10
Low DB prone row 25x4x12

07-14-2018, 04:00 AM
BW : Still around 110 OHP still feeling shit but other pressing movements are good.
Monday Deadlift:

Defict deadlift of 4 mats 125x4x10
BB Row 90x4x10
Pause squat 105x4x6
reverse hyper 20x3x15
Chins 4x8

Wednesday Bench:

Chains bench 90+25kg of chain 4x8
Bufflo Bench 100x4x8
Low DB prone row 30x4x10
EZ curl skullcrushers 35x3x15
tricep pressdown 30x4x15

Friday Squats

SSB squat 110x4x8
bufflo bar squat 125x4x6 ( Didn't finish squats injured something in my hip)
Chins 5x8

Saturday Bench assistance

Incline BB 90x4x8
OHP 70x46
Side laterals 15x4x15
Rear Delts 15x4x15
Hammer curls 15x4x15
Skull crushers 14x4x15

07-14-2018, 10:25 AM
Subscribed. Nice log, not shitty at all.
Is that Bufflo Bar curved at the chest for like you said, better range of movement, especially on the negative? I've used one before and the stretch you get is amazing and feels so gooooood.
Keep up the good work.

07-15-2018, 12:13 AM
Yeah Bufflo bar probably adds maybe 3 inches to the range of motion. Stretch in the pecs is good as you mention , I also feel it forces good bench form because the way the bar bows in the hands.

07-21-2018, 04:03 AM
Another week offseason training. Hip came good and was able to do abit of squatting on Friday. Still weighing around 110 that is fine. Still making my mind up if i'm going to compete at 110 or 125. Most likely will be competing at 125 see i'm natural now but will probably blow up to 120 once i'm on. Strength feels right about where it should be. Gear will be starting in the middle of September for this prep.

Monday Deadlift:

Deadlift 130x4x10
BB Row 100x4x8
Chins 4x10
Reverse Hyper 15x4x10

Wednesday Bench:

Chains bench 95+25 chain 4x8
Bufflo bench 105x4x8
DB row 30x4x15
EZ curl skull crushers 25x4x25
Ez curl curls 25x4x25

Friday Squat:

Bufflo pause squat 130x4x6
Trap bar dead 130x4x10
Reverse hyper 20x4x10
Chins 4x8

Saturday Bench assistance:

BB incline 100x4x6
OHP 80x1x2 60x2x10
Side laterals 7.5x4x20
Rear delts 7.5x4x20
DB skull crushes 15x4x12
Hammer curl 15x4x12

07-29-2018, 01:06 AM
Another week of training has finished. This is the end of this phase , only have another two for week blocks before meet prep starts. I think for the majority of this offseason i'll stay around 110kg BW then get upto around 120kg for comp time. Cycle will be starting somewhere in the middle of September. I'll attach a screen shot of the spread sheet for my cycle once it gets closer. This is how this weeks training went:

Monday Deadlift

Deadlift 140x4x10
BB Row 105x4x8
High bar beltless pause squat 140x4x6
Reverse Hyper 10x4x20
Chins 3x10

Wednesday Bench

Chains Bench 100+25kg of chain 3x8 1x7(Missed the last rep on right at the lip of the rack , left tricep couldn't push.
Bufflo Bench 110x4x6
DB prone row 30x3x15
Ez curl skull crushes 30x3x20
Press down with V bar 30x3x20

Friday Squats

SSB squat 140x4x5
Bufflo bar pause squat 140x4x5
Trap bar dead 150x4x5
Reverse hyper 30x3x10
Chins 3x10

Saturday Bench assistance

BB incline 100x4x6
DB sholder press 20x4x20
side laterals 10x4x20
Rear delts 10x4x20
hammer curls 15x3x10
dbskull crushers 15x3x10

08-03-2018, 11:47 PM
This week felt like a decent week of training. My bodyweight is starting to come up again. Upto 112 at night so i'm happy about that. First week back since my last comp doing low bar squats and they felt good. I'm really liking the reverse hyper , this is my first time using it for a offseason or a peak. I can feel the difference that it is making already , will be interesting to see if it carries over to the big 3.

Monday Deadlift

deadlift 160x4x6
bb row 110x4x6
High bar pause squat beltless 145x4x4
reverse hyper 10x4x20
Chins 4x8

Wednesday Bench

Chains Bench 105+25chain 4x6
Bufflo bench 115x4x4
DB prone row 35x5x10
KB skullcrushes 20x3x20
Pressdowns 25x3x20

Thursday Squat

SSB squat 140x4x6
Low bar squat 120x2x12
Trapbar dead 150x4x6
Reverse hypber 15x3x15
Chins 4x8

Friday Bench assistance:

Incline BB 105x4x6
DB shoulder Press 25x4x15
Side laterals 17.5x4x12
Rear delts 17.5x4x12
Hammer Curl 17.5x4x12

08-11-2018, 05:46 AM
Training is starting to feel 80% right now. Body weight is around 113 at night so up 1 kg from last week. Still trying to get my grove back with low bar squatting seeing I have not done it in abit. I'm pretty happy with how the pressing is going currently.

Monday Deadlifts:

Deadlift 165x4x6
BB row 115x4x8
High bar pause squat 150x4x4
Reverse hyper 20x4x12
Chins 4x8

Wednesday Bench:

Chains bench 110+25chain 4x6
Bufflo Bench 120x4x4
Incline row 40x4x8
Tricep press downs 35x3x15

Friday Squat:

SSB 150x3x5
Low bar squat 125x2x12
Trap Bar dead 155x3x8
reverse hyper 10x3x15
chins 4x6

Saturday Bench Assistance:

BB Incline 110x4x6
DB sholder press 30x3x10
Side latteral 17.5x4x12
Rear Delt 17.5x4x12
Hammer Curl 17.5x4x12
Db Skull crushers 17.5x4x12

08-18-2018, 04:56 AM
Body weight is still around 113kg at night. Pretty happy seeing my chains bench is now at 140kg total for 4x6. My best while on cycle for 5 was 145x3x5 comp bench. So should be a good prep if offseason keeps going well

Monday Deadlifts:

Deadlifts 170x4x6
BB Row 120x4x8
High bar pause squat 155x4x4
Reverse hyper 10x3x20
Chins 2x12

Wednesday Bench:

Chains Bench 115+25 chains 4x6
Bufflo Bench 125x4x4
Incline prone row 20x4x20
Kettle Bell skull crushers 14x4x20
Tricep press down 30x3x20

Friday Squats:

SSB squat 160x4x4
Low bar belt less 130x2x12
Trap bar dead 160x2x8
Reverse hyper 30x4x10

Saturday Bench assistance:

Incline BB 115 3x5 1x4 (fucked up the last rep)
DB sholder press 22.5x3x20
Side laterals 12.5x3x20
Rear delt 12.5x3x20
Hammer curl and skull crushers superset 17.5x4x12
Chins 3x5
Lat pull down row super set 170x3x12 190x3x12

08-18-2018, 04:59 AM

This is the Cycle that i'll be running into my comp. Let me know what you all think. This starts in 30 days.

08-25-2018, 06:57 AM
This weeks training has been pretty good other than the hamstring tweak. Bodyweight still around 113. Pressing and deads feeling good squats are pretty meh.

Monday Deadlift

Deadlift 180x4x6
BB Row 125x4x8
High Bar Pause squat 160x4x4
Reverse hyper 10x4x15

Wednesday Bench

Chanins bench 120+25chain 3x5
Bufflo Bar bench 130x4x4
Incline prone row 25x4x15
KB Skull Crushers 16x4x15

Friday Squats

Wrapped beltless SSB 170x3x3 (Finished sets but hurt hamstring)
Chins 5 sets max reps 14,13,13,10,10

Saturday Bench assitance:

Hamstring feels pretty fucked but not torn
Incline BB bench 120x3x3
DB sholder press 27.5x3x15
Hammer Curls 17.5x4x15
Skull Crushers 17.5x4x15

09-01-2018, 04:09 AM
Bodyweight still around 113 to 114 at night. Week was pretty shit seeing my hamstring is a bit hurt. Start of a new phase , cycle starts in roughly two weeks :)
Monday Deadlift
( No deads seeing hamstring is still sore)
Chins 5x10
Inline prone row 30x5x15
Lat Pulldown 150x4x20
Machine Row 150x4x20

Wednesday Bench

Chains bench 100+25 chain 4x6
Bufflo Bar Pause 80x4x10
Incline prone row 25x4x20
KB skull crushers 16x4x15

Friday Squats:

Coach avised to take day of because of hamstring

Saturday Bench:

OHP 40x4x12
DB Incline 25x4x20
Side Laterals and rear delts super set 7.5x4x12
Hammer curl and skull crushers superset 10x4x20
BB Curl and Rope press down superset20x2x25

09-08-2018, 05:39 AM
Bodyweight still the same. Tested hamstring with some light work this week and it seems fine.

Monday Deadlift

Deadlift 180x1x5 ( tested hamstring seems fine pulling)
BB row 100x3x10
High bar squat 100x3x10
reverse hyper 5x3x20
chins 3x10

Wednesday Bench

Chains Bench 105+25 3x6 1x8
Bufflo Bench 85x4x10
Incline DB prone row 35x4x15
KB skull crushers 16x4x15

Friday Squat :

Low Bar squat 120x3x10
SSB Squat 120x3x5
Trap Bar deadlift 120x3x10
Reverse Hyper 10x3x15

Saturday Bench assistance:

OHP 45x4x12
Incline DB 30x3x15
Side lateral and rear delt super set 10x4x20
Hammer curl skull crusher super set 12.5x4x20

09-08-2018, 04:22 PM

This is the Cycle that i'll be running into my comp. Let me know what you all think. This starts in 30 days.

What liver supps do you take and doses with orals like that? 40-50mg dbol smashes my appetite. 30mg ED is the sweet spot for me.

Haven't used halo but heard it was harsh.

When using orals I have used TUDCA ay 750-1g ED and also NAC at 1-2G ED.

09-09-2018, 02:41 AM
What liver supps do you take and doses with orals like that? 40-50mg dbol smashes my appetite. 30mg ED is the sweet spot for me.

Haven't used halo but heard it was harsh.

When using orals I have used TUDCA ay 750-1g ED and also NAC at 1-2G ED.

I'm using 500mg of TUDCA a day. I find with EQ my appetite will be fine. Will have to see how we go once tren starts. Halo i've only ever used on meet day so it will be interesting.

09-15-2018, 06:31 AM
Weight now at 115,5 seeing cycle started , look like im in for a good time
Monday Deadlift:

Defict of two mats 170x4x6
RDL of two mats 100x2x20
Barbell Rows 80x4x12
DB Rows 30x2x20
Chins 3x10
Reverse Hyper 10x4x20

Wednesday Bench:

Chains bench 110+25 chains 4x6
Bufflo Bench 90x4x10
Incline DB prone row 40x4x10
KB Skull crushers 20x4x10

Friday squat:

Low bar squat 140x4x6
ssb pause 120x4x6
reverse hyper 20x4x15


OHP 50x4x12
Inline db 35x4x8
side lateral 10x4x20
Rear delt same
arms set 40x4x20 precher curl superset tricep pressdown 20x4x20 ( burnout last setup 1 arm preesdown , half weight,)

09-22-2018, 03:43 AM
Starting to feel good on deadlift and bench now. Weight is up to 118kg at night now, will have to see what we hit once the longer esters kick in. For my first time using dbol I fucking love it so far. Can't wait to start comp prep.

Monday Deadlift:

Deadlift of 3 mats 180x4x6
BB Row 85x4x12
Chins 4x8
Single arm row 30x4x20

Wednesday Bench:

Chains bench 115+25 chain 3x6 1x8
Bufflo bar bench 95x4x10
DB Incline prone row 35x3x15
KB skulcrushers 20x3x10

Friday Squat:

Low bar beltless 150x4x6
SSB Pause 130x4x5
Reverse Hyper 20x3x10

Saturday Bench assistance

OHP 55x4x10
Inlcine DB press 30x3x20
Upright row 30x4x15
Rear delt flys 10x3x20
rope press down 25x3x20

09-29-2018, 09:11 AM
Body weight around 120 at night. Training has been kicking arse early in the week. Sucked towards the end because of the flu.

Monday Deadlift:

Defict Deadlift 185x4x6
Stiff leg deadlift 120x4x10
BB Row 90x3x12 1x25
DB Row 40x2x20

Wednesday Bench:

Chains bench 120+25 chain 3x6 1x9
Bufflo bench 100x3x10
DB row 25x3x20
KB Skull crushers 14x3x20

Friday Squats:
Low bar squat 160x4x6
Have fucking test flu so just did working weight and called it a day :(

Satuday Bench assistance:

OHP 60x4x10
Upright row 40x4x12
Incline DB 20x2x25
Rear Delt /side delt super set
Bi's and Tricep super set

10-06-2018, 08:26 AM
Bodyweight sitting steady at 120 now. Starting to feel my groove on all lifts now. Still 15 weeks out will see how we go this prep.

Monday Deadlifts:

Defict deadlift 190x4x6
Stiff leg deadlift 125x2x12
BB Row 100x4x12
DB row 50x2x12
Reverse Hyper 10x4x20

Wednesday Bench:

Chains bench 125+25 chain 3x6 1x5 (fucking lower back cramped)
Bufflo Bench 105x4x8
Incline DB row 35x4x12
KB Skull Crushers 16x4x15

Friday Squats:

Low bar beltless 170x4x6
High bar pause 130x4x6
Revese hyper 20x4x15

Saturday Bench assistance

OHP 65x4x10
Fucked around with 12 inch log worked up to 100 kg
Rear Delt and side latteal super set
Ez curl curls and skull crushers super set

10-13-2018, 06:23 AM
Bodyweight still at 120 but leaner. Good week with some negatives. Hips are starting to play up. Hopefully chiro can assist me with this.

Monday Deadlift:
Defcit deadlift 195x4x6
BB Row 105x4x12
DB Row 65x3x6
Chins 4x8

Wednesday Bench

Chains Bench 130+25 Chains 3x6 1x5 Missed right at the top didn't fail on on side
Bufflo Bench 110x4x8
Incline prone row 40x4x8
KB skull crushers 20x4x12

Friday Squat

Squat 180x2x6 hip was sore so cut it there
Belt squat 40x2x12 Hip is still sore , seeing chiro tuesday hopefully can help.

Saturday Bench assistance:

OHP 70x4x8
Upright rows 40x4x12
Rear delt + side delt super set 15x4x12
prone curls 10x5x20
skull crushers 10x5x20
Barbell Curl 50x5x8
Tricep pressdown 40x5x8

10-13-2018, 11:35 AM
120 kilos, right?

10-14-2018, 10:43 PM
120 kilos, right?

Yeah everything in this log is KG , i'm from Australia.

10-20-2018, 10:22 PM
Bodyweight at 121 dbol stops this week , prep starts in 2ish weeks

Monday Deadlift:
Going light seeing I spotted yesterday
RDL 120x4x10
Chins 3x10
Lat pull down 140x3x12
Row 150x3x12

Wednesday Bench:

135+25 chains bench 3x5
115x3x6 Buffflo Bench
Incline DB row 40x3x10
KB Skull Crushers 20x3x10

Friday Squat

Low bar 190x3x5
High bar pause squat 150x3x5

Saturdau Bench assistance:

OHP 75x4x8
Upright row 50x4x12
side laterals 10xx4x20
rear delt fly 10x4x20
rope press down 25x4x20

10-28-2018, 09:20 AM
So dbol finished last week so i'm down to 119 now. Seems to be sitting stable now thank fuck. Had a three day training week seeing the gym had a meet Saturday Sunday. Next week is going to be a bit of fun just a few heavyish triples.

Monday Deadlift:

Deficit deadlift 200x4x6
Deficit RDL 145x4x12
BB row 100x4x10
Chins 4x8
Reverse Hyper 10x4x15

Wednesday Bench :

Chains bench 140+25 chain 4,3,3
Bufflo Bench 120x3x6
Incline DB row 30x3x20
Skull crushers 14x3x20

Friday Squat

Beltless low bar 200x3x5
High bar pause 160x4x5

11-03-2018, 06:47 AM
Meet prep starts next week. Sitting at 120 now so have 5kg to gain in the next 11 weeks. Did a little bit of heavier training this week but still using no belt or wraps. Volume is going to go up a heap seeing prep is starting. I'm currently only posting once weekly as summary, if anyone has any questions about anything feel free to post here.

Monday Deadlifts:

Deficit deadlift 200x3 220x3 240x3
BB row 120x4x10
Chins 3x10

Wednesday Bench

Chains bench 130+25x3 140+25x3 150+25x3 155+25x3
Bufflo Bench 130x3x5
Incline DB row 40x3x12
KB skull crushers 20x3x15

Friday Squats

Beltless squats 200x3 215x3 230x3
High bar pause squat 180x3x3

Saturday bench assistance

OHP 80 3x5
Side laterals 15x3x12
Rear delts same
Arms supersets

11-08-2018, 05:09 AM
Your training looks very similar to mine bro. Throwing around some good weight and you body weight seems to be in a good stop to be able to high a high surplus going to help the training into the meet.

What sort of cycle will you be running for it gear wise?

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11-10-2018, 12:23 PM
Your training looks very similar to mine bro. Throwing around some good weight and you body weight seems to be in a good stop to be able to high a high surplus going to help the training into the meet.

What sort of cycle will you be running for it gear wise?

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Hi Mate,

sorry for the late reply just saw this. Early in the log i've screenshooted a speadsheet showing all the gear being used for this cycle :)

11-10-2018, 12:24 PM
Comp prep has now begun. Alot of volume is being added at the start to try and build some quaility mass and strength. Bodyweight is sitting around 120 still.

Week 1 of comp prep

Monday Deadlift:
Deads 155x3x10
RDL of two mats 100x2x20
BB Rows 100x4x12
DB rows 40x2x20
Reverse hyper 10x4x20

Wednesday Bench:

Comp Bench with pause 100x4x10
Chins 4x8
Chains bench 120+25x1x6 110+25x3x6
Inlcine DB Row 30x2x20
Rope pressdowns 20 till failure 39,35,33

Friday Squat:
Low bar squat 145x3x10
High bar pause squat 160x4x6
Reverse hyper 20x3x15

Saturday Bench assistance:

OHP 60x3x10
DB Shoulder Press 20x3x20
Side laterals 10x4x15
Rear Delt flys 10x4x15
Hammer curls 12x4x20
Skull crushers 12x4x20
Press downs 30x3x20

11-17-2018, 11:40 PM
Hi All,

Second week of comp prep has ended. Still Weighing around 119-120 at night. Weights are moving really easy. Will be adding my belt back in next week for working set squats. Everything is going to plan so far.

Monday Deadlifts:

Deadlift 170x3x10
RDL of four mats 140x3x10
BB Row 110x3x10
DB row 55x3x10
Reverse hyper 20x3x15

Thursday Bench:
Comp Bench 110x4x10
Chains bench 130+25 3x3 100+25 2x8
Inline prone row 35x4x15
Press down and chins superset
kb skullcrushers 16x4x20

Friday Squat
Squats 160x3x10
High bar pause 185x3x4
Reverse hyper 20x3x15

Satuday Bench assistance:
OHP 65x3x10
Upright row 40x3x10
Side laterals 12x3x15
Rear delts same as sides
hammer curl 15x3x15
Press down 25x3x20

11-24-2018, 03:40 AM
Third week of comp prep, the tren has began to kick in. This means I feel strong as fuck but lose abit of my appetite. Down to 118kg but believe I have not lost any muscle. I've decided to bump the dbol for 40 to 60 mg from 6 weeks out to see if this will help put more weight on. Training feels really good , was abit strange to be back in the belt but squat felt easy.

Monday Deadlifts:

Deadlifts 185x3x8
RDL Of two mats 160x3x8
BB Row 120x4x8
DB Row 60x2x10
Reverse hyper 30x3x15

Thursday Bench:

Bench 120x4x8
Chains bench 140+25x4x2
Incline prone row 40x4x10
KB Skull crushers 20x3x10

Friday Squat

Squat 175x3x8
High bar beltless pause 210x2x2
Reverse Hyper 30x3x10

Saturday Bench assistance:

OHP 70x4x8
DB Shoulder Press 30x3x10
Side laterals 15x3x10
Rear delts 15x3x10
Hammer Curl 15x4x15
Skull crushers 15x4x15

12-01-2018, 04:30 AM
Fourth week of comp prep is now over. BW is sitting around 119. All lifts are feeling pretty solid, i'm into knee wraps next week so that will be some good fun.

Monday Deadlift

Deadlift 200x3x8
RDL 150x3x10
BB Row 120x3x10

Thursday Bench

Comp Bench 130x4x8 Volume PB
Chains Bench 125+25 1x3 ( tris are gassed) 105+25x1x8 stopped after this
DB prone row 35x4x20
KB skullcrushers 16x4x20

Friday Squat:

Squat 190x3x8
High bar beltless pause 175x4x6
Reverse hyper 20x3x20

Saturday Bench assistance:

OHP 75x3x8
DB shoulder press 25x3x20
Side and rear delts 12x3x20
Hammer curl and skull crushers 12x3x20

12-03-2018, 04:55 PM
I like the training bro. Keeping it simple and basic. Throughing up nice numbers for volume Four days per week one squat one dead one bench and one “bro”

I often train similar and see great results in my prep.

Keep it up bro

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12-08-2018, 05:09 AM
Bodyweight around 119. First week back in knee wraps and squats felt easy af. First nose bleed of prep but that was matter of time on deads. Everything feels like it is coming together.

Monday Deadlift:

Deadlift 220x3x5
RDL 150x4x10
BB row 120x4x10
DB row 60x2x10

Thursday Bench

Bench 140x3x5
Close grip 120x2x8
Inline Prone row 40x5x10
Chins 12,10
Press downs 30x2x30,20

Friday Squat

Comp Squat 220x3x5
High bar pause 200x2x4
Revere Hyper 20x3x15

Saturday Bench Assistance

Chains Bench 135+25x4x4
DB shoulder press 30x4x10
Side lateral and rear 15x4x15
Hammer curl and skull crushers 15x4x15

12-13-2018, 03:05 AM
Awesome log mate, I'll definitely be following. When is the comp?

12-13-2018, 10:27 AM
Awesome log mate, I'll definitely be following. When is the comp?
Hey mate , comp is on the 20th of Jan , may roll this prep in the Arnolds depending on how I go.

12-15-2018, 03:22 AM
Bodyweight at 119 at night. Training is going really well other than a minor pec strain on Wednesday. Had to not bench on Saturday but still hit accessories hard

Monday Deadlifts:

Deadlifts 235x3x5
RDL of two mats 170x3x8
BB row 130x3x8
DB row 70x2x8

Wednesday Bench

Bench 150x3x5
Close grip 125x2x8
Inline row 45x4x8
KB skull crushers 24x4x10

Friday Squat

Squat 235x2x5
Leg extension 140x3x20

Saturday Bench assistance

DB shoulder press 30x4x12
Machine side and rear delts 15x3x10
Machine curl 40x5x20
Machine pressdown 40x5x20

12-22-2018, 07:37 AM
Body weight up around 119.5 kg. All lifts feel really fucking good , should be a good peak if it keeps going this way.

Monday Deadlifts:

Deadlifts 250x3x3
BB Row 120x2x12
DB row 60x2x12

Wednesday Bench:

Bench 160x3x3
Close grip 130x2x8
Incline row 30x3x20
kb skullcrushers 16x3x20

Friday Squat:

Comp squat 250x2x3
High bar squat 160x2x8

Saturday bench assistence:

Chains bench 120+25x4x6
DB shoulder press 30x4x12
Shoulder supers sets on cables 4x20
DB Skull crush + hammer curl 15x4x20

12-29-2018, 03:33 AM
Another solid week of training. Bodyweight is up around 119. Only things that I've changed this week is that i've bumped my tren ace for 800 pw to 1g pw , the difference is fucking ignorant to say the least. Halo also starts next week. Pretty happy considering Christmas was this week and everything was not optimal.

Monday Deadlift deload

BB row 100x2x15
Chins 4x8
DB row 40x2x15
Machine row 170x2x15
Lat pulldown 170x2x15

Thursday Bench:

Comp bench 170x2x3
Close grip 135x2x6
Incline row 35x4x15
KB skull crushers 20x4x15

Saturday Squats:

Comp squat 270x1x3
Reverse hyper 20x3x10

12-29-2018, 04:44 AM
Whens the comp again?

12-29-2018, 07:51 AM
Comp is Jan 20

12-29-2018, 04:20 PM
Comp is Jan 20

Damn. Just a few weeks. I'm excited for you!! I hope you hit your goal!

12-29-2018, 09:29 PM
Damn. Just a few weeks. I'm excited for you!! I hope you hit your goal!
Thanks :)

12-29-2018, 09:42 PM
Hey what federation do you compete in?

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12-29-2018, 10:51 PM
I compete in GPC and Proraw

12-29-2018, 11:37 PM
I compete in GPC and Proraw

Oh cool I Just got my international elite total for USPA! I usually compete in USPA but have done one APA meet. Good luck brother!!

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12-30-2018, 05:58 AM
Oh cool I Just got my international elite total for USPA! I usually compete in USPA but have done one APA meet. Good luck brother!!

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Thanks dude !

01-05-2019, 04:02 AM
Bodyweight around 118.5 at night now, i'm fine with this seeing that everything feels so fucking light. This is my first full week on halo and i'm loving it. Bench and Squat are both PBs , got some good momentum going into the comp now only two weeks to go.

Monday Deadlift

Deadlift 270x1x3

Wednesday Bench

Comp Bench 180x2x1
Close grip 140x2x5
Incline prone row 40x4x10
KB skull crushers 24x4x10

Friday Squat:

Squat 285x1x2

Saturday Bench assistence:

DB shoulder press 20x1x10 ,25x1x10 ,30x1x10x 35x1x10 40x1x10 45x1x10
Side delts on cable 10x3x15
Rear delts on cable 10x3x15
Tricep press downs 80x3x15
Ezbar curl 40x3x20
Ezbar skullcrush 40x3x20

01-12-2019, 05:05 AM
Final week of training is now done , bodyweight is at 118. Hit all my lifts this cycle and equalled my comp PB total in training. All the top weights listed this week are second attempts. I'd be happy to upload videos of the lifts if someone can help me blur my face :). Next week is deload and then I compete on the 20th. Next update will be a wrap up from the meet.

Monday Deadlift:

Deadlift 290x1x1
BB Row 120x3x8
Row machine 40x3x15

Wednesday Bench:

Bench 185x1x1
Close grip 150x2x5
Incline Row 30x2x25
Rope pressdown 40x3x15

Friday Squat

Squat 300x1x1

Saturday Bench assistance:

DB shoulder press 30x3x20
Side laterals 10x3x15
Rear delt 10x3x15
Press down 80x3x20
Machine row 190x3x20
Hammer curl 10x3x20

01-20-2019, 10:01 AM
All righty so I had the comp today. Weighed in day before at 115 way underweight.

Squats managed a 280 squat and missed 300 twice . 2nd attempted blacked out and 3rd fell back before the rack command right at the top.
Bench was great ended up with a 187.5 kg bench that is 10kg alltime pb in comp.
Deadlift hit 280 then 295 and missed 305.

This prep has been a good learning experience and maturing experience, I've learnt that more is not better in regards to gear especially with Tren, I found that it made me strong as fuck but also made me drop body weight and thats not good. I also need to completely rebuilid my squat in regards to tech. Hopefully next time I'll have much better day but it's that nature of the beast , thanks for following.

01-21-2019, 10:41 PM
All righty so I had the comp today. Weighed in day before at 115 way underweight.

Squats managed a 280 squat and missed 300 twice . 2nd attempted blacked out and 3rd fell back before the rack command right at the top.
Bench was great ended up with a 187.5 kg bench that is 10kg alltime pb in comp.
Deadlift hit 280 then 295 and missed 305.

This prep has been a good learning experience and maturing experience, I've learnt that more is not better in regards to gear especially with Tren, I found that it made me strong as fuck but also made me drop body weight and thats not good. I also need to completely rebuilid my squat in regards to tech. Hopefully next time I'll have much better day but it's that nature of the beast , thanks for following.

Squat is always rough for me in competition. I've had quite a few meets where I lost squats I had the strength for on technical issues. For me, the nerves mess up my technique on squat moreso than on bench or deadlift. All that to say, I've had quite a few meets that look like what you posted where bench and deadlift went better than squat.

Interesting that Tren made you lose weight.

01-23-2019, 08:28 AM
Squat is always rough for me in competition. I've had quite a few meets where I lost squats I had the strength for on technical issues. For me, the nerves mess up my technique on squat moreso than on bench or deadlift. All that to say, I've had quite a few meets that look like what you posted where bench and deadlift went better than squat.

Interesting that Tren made you lose weight.

Yeah squats are strange didn't really have that much nerves just had a few technical breakdowns

03-01-2019, 07:53 PM
Yeah squats are strange didn't really have that much nerves just had a few technical breakdowns

True that I’m a fucking head case until after my opening squat then it’s go time.

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07-22-2019, 01:03 PM