View Full Version : Walking pneumonia while on cycle!

02-27-2012, 10:26 PM
Ok bros I have been sick as fuck and now know why. I have a bacterial lung infection. Simple question is I am on cycle for 3 more weeks. I have continued to pin my standard doses. I have not been to the gym as to rest my body. I am on antibiotics and got a shot of penicillin as well. Do I cut cycle short and start my cruise?

02-27-2012, 10:56 PM
I would say continue your cycle right on..It only makes you stronger...But take your antibiotics like you are suppose to... Things will get better..Just dont push yourself as hard in the gym and overdue it.Do just enough to maintain what you have so you don't loose out..You will be weaker so don't get discouraged..

02-27-2012, 11:33 PM
Unsure whether or not the gear will interfere with the abx or not, I'll leave that one to somebody smarter than me. But you need to no-shit take care of your lungs right now. They're hurtin' bad. Bac-pneu is some serious stuff. Since you said pen for the abx and it's bacterial, I'm guessing it's either penG or penVK. If its the later don't forget to account for the potassium thats in the medicine. Plenty of extra water everyday. Kinda odd they didnt go with a quinolone. Anyhow, don't overtrain and take it easy on your airbags. I'm sure you'll be throwing the heavies in short order.

02-28-2012, 04:40 AM
bro ur the only other person I've ever heard of this happening to, 2 years ago i was on test e only cycle and got bacterial pneumonia, spent 5days in the hospital so i really had no choice but to drop the cycle as i couldn't pin there but if ur out, i dnt see why not go on with it, i take doxycycline daily for acne which is a mild antibiotic and it has no counter effect with the juice. get well bro i know it BLOWS id honestly say don't bother lifting AT ALL until you can at least take the stairs without gasping... i know not lifting is hard but its better than a relapse. gluck bro keep us posted

02-28-2012, 04:50 AM
Bro , take care of urself and keep ur body rested but fueled as much as possible.. stay away from foods and drinks that cause more flem (milk , dairy...) let me know if I can do anything for ya bro..

02-28-2012, 07:05 AM
Its happened to me as well bro. I have chronic bronchitis, and if the weather gets fucked up enough that shit can turn into full blown walking pneumonia just like you have. If you ony have 3 weeks left to go, than stay with it. You arent gonna be sick for too long now that you are on medication, depending on what you are taking, you can knock that out within 7-10 days. Plus, I dont know ur cycle, but Im assuming ur using test e, or c, and even after your last pin of that 2 weeks later you will still have active amounts floating around the blood stream, so you have more like 5 weeks left of gear being active in your system. Keep it going, take ur anitbiotics, and rest. Dont push urself, because walking pnuemonia, can turn into full blown need to be in the hospital with IV antibiotics, pneumonia if you push yourself. Health before body in this case my man. Feel better bro, and if use a humidifier if you arent already, it helps open the lungs up, so you can hack that shit up easier.