View Full Version : Stenbolone? Any experiances?

07-26-2018, 08:24 PM
Has anyone ever tried stenbolone. I've heard of it. Seen it around. But for some reason it is very obscure and rare. Is supposed to be like a milder and softer anadrol. I have tried msten in a combo product with like 4 other designer steroids. But the 3 others make it invalid.

I take it because it is not more common it must not be that good. But then again no one cared for superdrol until mid 00's and that been around since the very late 50's but while drostanalone surged in popularity methyldrostanolone wallowed in obscurity. Could we just be over looking Sten. Or is there something else causing it from being a steroid of choice?

07-27-2018, 03:20 AM
only used in a stack. heard its for strength not size. basic point is, if u already have it yeah its worth it, if ur looking to buy, theres probably better stuff to use