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View Full Version : Shoulder Conundrum

02-28-2012, 06:42 PM
So I have for the most part enjoyed my training split of 2 on 1off 2on 1off then repeat, with the exception of shoulder training which I will expand on.
Here is my current split
Day 1 Chest Tris
Day 2 Back Bis
Day 3 off
Day 4 Shoulders,Forearms
Day 5 Legs and sometimes abs
Day 6 off
repeat cycle

Usually after chest day front delts and sometimes even side delts (dumbell presses) are hit pretty hard and have not sufficiently healed by day 4. Now I have dropped front delt exercises when this occurs from shoulder routine and other times have still hit them with military presses etc. About a year ago I had shoulders on day 2 which quickly was changed to day 4 and that seemed to work well - lately even day 4 is not good so what do I do - maybe move it to day 5 then be faced with same problem when hiting chest on day 1 or maybe throw in another day off Day 7 (which I have done from time to time but is hard to mentally handle) or train chest and shoulders on same day - epic workout ?

Any input from the brotherhood would be worth looking into

02-28-2012, 07:19 PM
I do: day1:chest,light tri's,abs day2:back,light bi's,traps, day3:shoulders,abs, day4:legs day5:heavy tri's,heavy bi's,abs. I try to find time to throw in cardio in those five days. And I take days 6 and 7 off.

02-28-2012, 07:25 PM
That spilt seems to really work for me. my shoulders are gtg by the 3rd day. Maybe taking day 7 off could help you too bro. If you reapeat your cycle on the 7th day your shoulders are getting hit 3 times a week it might be a little too much.

02-28-2012, 08:13 PM
Thanks animal - Taking day 7 off does help shoulder but I feel (and it is mental I have not given it much of a go) that 6 days rest between training the other body parts is too much rest. I guess I could from time to time give an extra day off when shoulders have been anihalated and drop pressing movements for delts once in a while. It must be nice to have those delts ready for action by day 3 on your routine - I find that chest work for me really hits shoulders - I have arms and shoulder domination with my physique when compared to pecs. Actually started using Hammer machines to lessen burdon on front delts but still like to toss those dbells for wonderful pec contraction.

02-28-2012, 08:30 PM
yea I feel ya bro. I usually want to be in the gym everyday. Also on chest and shoulder days I make sure to do a few rotator cuff exercises, that might help some. And I'll trade out overhead db presses with barbell shoulder press every other week because i feel like the dumbells put more stress on my shoulders personally.