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08-29-2018, 03:20 PM
Has anyone ever experienced he feeling of waking up in a panic, feeling like they are stuck under water? Def has to be some sleep apnea. But what causes this!?

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08-29-2018, 03:36 PM
The most common form is Obstructive type where your throat muscles relax. Another type is Central where your brain doesn’t send signals to your muscles to breathe. Then there are those with Complex type where it’s both Obstructive and Central types. I’m no Dr but I have sleep apnea so I’m pretty familiar with it. The panic could be caused by one or all of the types where your body freaks out and goes into survival mode.

I haven’t woke up in the panic mode for about 10 years. But there were other issues where I was having real panic attacks at the time. Hope that helps.

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08-29-2018, 04:26 PM
I have sleep apnea and mine is a breathing thru the nose issue. It's the first thing that flattened my test levels

08-29-2018, 04:47 PM
Get a sleep study done...ive had that its terrifing ....i now sleep with cpap....best ever cant sleep without it more rested no snoring etc....

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08-29-2018, 04:58 PM
I had the same thing. It was my thyroid stimulator. Would send my adrenal gland into overdrive at night. Pump out adrenalin. Cause me to wake up out of breath and in a small panic. Little thyroid meds and never had the problem again. Might have a endocrinologist look at your blood.

08-29-2018, 04:58 PM
I have sleep apnea, if i dont wear my mask i wake up groggy, dry mouth and usually a splitting headache. I used to wake up, realize i wasnt breathing and when i would go to inhale i couldnt, my throat would be closed off, i would jump out of bed gasping for air. Seriously scary shit. Very hard on your heart too, if you think you have it, which it sounds like you do, go to the doc. You will feel like a new person!

08-30-2018, 05:41 PM
Some good advice above.

Sleep apnea will not invade your dreams. Its more snoring, gasping for air and the major thing is not allowing you to fall into REM sleep.

The feeling of drowning is in your psych and could be caused by any number of things. What gear are you taking? Any other type of rec drugs? Do you have anything going on in your life that bothers you or is depressing you?

AS stated, a good palce to start would be a full blood work up, then a sleep test. If there's stuff on your mind, then vent it.