View Full Version : Winstrol- Injection or oral?

03-19-2012, 04:59 PM
Just wanted to get your guys' thoughts on winstrol. I know they say that taking it orally or injecting has the same results but I wanted to hear some of your opinions on this. I dont know if its just in my head or what, but I swear I can see a difference between injections and taking it orally! I've taken tabs, shot the water based and even drank the water based. I really think injecting is the best! Like I said, it could just be mental.

03-19-2012, 06:16 PM
From what Ive gathered injections will most likely work better due to avoiding the first pass through the liver. I personally dont think the little bit of difference is worth having to pin it ed though. If you are concerned about it, just take a slightly higher dose with orals. The only time I use 17aa injections is if they are in blends.

03-19-2012, 06:31 PM
Yeah, shotting everyday doesnt sound so bad when you're planning out your cycle but a couple weeks into it you're kicking yourself in the ass. I think I will run the tabs. I have a couple bottles of oil based so I'll run the tabs and then shoot the oil the last 20 days.

03-20-2012, 02:04 AM
Oral and an injection is good. To many injection sure does suck. EOD is cool but ED i dont think i can ever do that.

03-20-2012, 04:42 AM
ED would be a pain. The liquid is water based, right? If so, is it a painful injection?

03-20-2012, 04:52 AM
I wont 3 vials of Winny a while back...never tried Winny, but the fact that it was a water injectable has turned me off to trying it....though Ive read if suspended in water you can just take it orally...may give that a try next cycle? But if I were to purchase it, Id just go with the oral

03-20-2012, 09:56 PM
ED would be a pain. The liquid is water based, right? If so, is it a painful injection?

The water based winny isnt really painful to me but it clogs the needle a lot. I always add a little b12 in with it and that helps you get it in without clogging.

03-21-2012, 01:25 AM
The water based winny isnt really painful to me but it clogs the needle a lot. I always add a little b12 in with it and that helps you get it in without clogging.

It's great when combined with something like test prop or another oil based product...you can mix the two in the same needle, it looks like a lava lamp but it eliminates any discomfort...i prefer the injections over the oral simply to avoid any more undue stress on the liver....Oral Winny at higher amounts can be a little hard on the ol liver

03-21-2012, 01:36 AM
I pinned it twice a day with prop for awhile. Thank God for slin pins.