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View Full Version : cruise/blast

03-20-2012, 05:28 AM
I frequently see guys that do the blast/cruise thing. I was curious as to the point of doing it this was, but first i wanted to make sure I understrood it right

So lets say you do a 16 week cycle (example)
test e 700
deca 300

So after your last pin on that cycle the next week you begin your "cruise" at test 250/week. You will continue test250 until you go into your next cycle and forego the entire PCT process. Correct??

So my question is what is the purpose of cruising at teh TRT dose at 250 and not doing the PCT process. I would assume you will hold onto your gains pretty well that way.

Is there a benefit to doing it this way over another?

03-20-2012, 12:17 PM
Well the reason i blast and cruise is because my own production is already shut down for good from previous high use long term cycles (I once stayed on for a few years straight at doses that ranged from 800mg test a wk to 2,500mg a wk)....So there is no "Off" period for me....it's test injections EOW when i'm not "On" just to keep my levels within the normal range....Others that haven't been shut down will Blast and then Cruise i feel because mentally they don't want to come "Off" completely for fear of losing everything they've gained.....Your strength levels drop off and you lose size when you stop we all know that....So the benefits are maintaining as much of the size and strength you've gained during the blast and not watching it fade away during any PCT....I don't see any benefit other than that from Blasting and cruising because if you continue to Blast and Cruise you will shut yourself down completely and then it's injections forever...For some guys like myself it's the old "Fuck it" attitude when your younger and then as you get older your like "What was i thinking"...Lolololol

03-20-2012, 01:02 PM
ok, ok.....because i was going to ask what does one do if they decide to come off of TRT. Lets say a guy blast/cruised for a year or so, then wanted to come off altogether? I figure there would be some problems, i wouldn even know what method to use, pct?

You werent blast/cruising brotha...you were blastin/mega blasting! thats insane. I know just what you mean by the mental effect of coming off, so i can see how that can easily get out of control. How would you come off the TRT dose after prolonged blast/cruise?

03-20-2012, 01:39 PM
Most guys that blast and cruise are already on trt so no pct is needed. I wouldn't recommend it if you still produce a good amount of test. The risk of shutting yourself down would be bretty high, and it brings so other issues like low sex drive, low sperm count, etc..

03-20-2012, 02:37 PM
ok, ok.....because i was going to ask what does one do if they decide to come off of TRT. Lets say a guy blast/cruised for a year or so, then wanted to come off altogether? I figure there would be some problems, i wouldn even know what method to use, pct?

You werent blast/cruising brotha...you were blastin/mega blasting! thats insane. I know just what you mean by the mental effect of coming off, so i can see how that can easily get out of control. How would you come off the TRT dose after prolonged blast/cruise?

You can't come off the TRT after a prolonged Blast and cruise because your probably shut down.....I guess you could try to restart your puppies with come HCG and possibly Clomid but like MPMC said if you aren't already shut down the best way to success is on/off cycling with proper PCT protocol......otherwise if you take the hardcore approach you will have to stay on TRT for the rest of your life.....

03-20-2012, 03:35 PM
TRT for life sounds like a pain in the ass literally and figuratively. and very $$$

03-20-2012, 04:04 PM
MPMC and Rghtnow have this covered. As far as $$, I'm 47 been on TRT almost a year. Insurance pays for my doctor visit and all bloodwork.
I get a script for 10ml of test cypionate and 30- 25x1.5 pins. Every 10 weeks. Test costs me 17.00 and the thirty pins cost me .89 after insurance!! I don't think that's too bad at all. ;)

03-20-2012, 10:04 PM
oh....wow thats awesome. i remember a while back i was looking into a HRT clinic, the kind with reps and phone consultations and they were exp as shit! and they wouldn take insurance. Its hell trying to get a regular doc to get you some trt.

Diesel Flextronic
03-26-2012, 06:50 PM
Unless you are a bit older just come off... recover and go back on. Blast/cruise if for the older cats who need HRT/TRT. It is a fancy name for not coming off.

04-03-2012, 03:23 AM
Not worth it unless your older.