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View Full Version : First cycle down

03-21-2012, 12:01 AM
Well its been 14 weeks since i started my Test E cycle. Now that it is wrapping up, I'm happy with the results, it got me back to where i was before I got injured and got all wrapped up in my ex-fiancé and let my self go. Being young I think I am going to spend the next 4-5 mo just training naturally, and see how that goes. It has been a learning experience. I reckon I should put this out there for anyone new who is considering their first cycle that you should do lots of research and a simple Test-E cycle is all you need for your first go around and most likely your second. Also focusing on your diet is important and have your PCT already set up. especially for us tall lean body types. and finally I couldnt have done it without the help of the Brothers of Pain. Always there to offer suggestions and answer questions no matter how trivial.

week 1
http://i1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd393/Sscow/Mobile%20Uploads/life/425341_3166543201313_1197414155_3288073_817666961_ n-1.jpg

week 4

http://i1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd393/Sscow/Mobile%20Uploads/life/421496_3166548361442_1197414155_3288077_925548416_ n-1.jpg


week 5
http://i1217.photobucket.com/albums/dd393/Sscow/Mobile%20Uploads/life/408127_3166549361467_1197414155_3288078_422146460_ n-1.jpg

until i can get my phone fixed those are all i have on hand i will take some better pictures on my day off of me now. and some after PCT

i didnt get sides until much later in the cycle. body hair and acne for the most part.

Once again thx BOP for having a wealth of knowledge to share, and answering all my questions to date.

03-21-2012, 01:50 AM
Congrats on the first cycle bro and be smart and run your PCT and stay off for the right amount of time before you decide to run another one...Always remember as well no matter what "Supplements" you decide to use the key to your continued success is the food you eat to fuel the machine...no matter what drugs you take you can't grow without the proper nutrition...Congrats again

03-22-2012, 08:18 PM
Congrats on the first cycle bro and be smart and run your PCT and stay off for the right amount of time before you decide to run another one...Always remember as well no matter what "Supplements" you decide to use the key to your continued success is the food you eat to fuel the machine...no matter what drugs you take you can't grow without the proper nutrition...Congrats again

I will be running a clomid PCT for 6 weeks and 6 more weeks off before I decide if i want to do a cut or not. I can not agree more with ya on the food and diet point. thx.

03-23-2012, 09:29 PM
I will be running a clomid PCT for 6 weeks and 6 more weeks off before I decide if i want to do a cut or not. I can not agree more with ya on the food and diet point. thx.

No need to cut bro your pretty fucking lean right now...If your goal is more size go for another Bulking cycle and be sure you eat at least 4 (I would tell you to eat 5 or 6 but realistically most people have a hard enough time eating 4) meals min a day...add in some protein shakes or meal replacement shakes in between those meals and you'll be amazed....Do some more research as well and maybe consider stacking the Test with a simple oral like Dbol....Test and Dbol is an age old stack that's proven to put on size...when done right there's nothing like Dbol for some new muscle...

03-24-2012, 02:01 AM
couldn't agree more rghtnow! I love the test/dbol and eq or deca cycle for some size...countless cycles later (I've been doing this for 12 years now) I still feel like test/deca with oral of dbol for the kick-start is a great newbie cycle...how were your gains overall? What did you start at (lbs, strength, etc) and where are ya now? I wouldn't worry about cutting either and I would make sure you eat your ass off because like 85% or more of any gains I've had on cycle I attribute to my diet lol....keep it up brother

03-27-2012, 12:24 AM
I agree another bulker.. u can run something like npp/prop with a kicker if u want.. get a short one in.. get another 20 lbs on then slim it down.. looking good for first cycle tho man good work.

No need to cut bro your pretty fucking lean right now...If your goal is more size go for another Bulking cycle and be sure you eat at least 4 (I would tell you to eat 5 or 6 but realistically most people have a hard enough time eating 4) meals min a day...add in some protein shakes or meal replacement shakes in between those meals and you'll be amazed....Do some more research as well and maybe consider stacking the Test with a simple oral like Dbol....Test and Dbol is an age old stack that's proven to put on size...when done right there's nothing like Dbol for some new muscle...