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03-22-2012, 11:13 PM
Tabata Training For Lean Muscle Gains And Muscle Density For Women

How To Do Tabata Training

Setting up a Tabata Training Workout

What you want to do is the most reps you can of a particular exercise in 20 seconds. We'll use dumbbell thrusts. It helps if you have a clock with a second hand that you can see clearly.

You want to be able to look at the clock while doing the exercise. Or I would suggest making a small investment in a Gymboss timer.

If possible have someone time you and count your reps. This will help you with your concentration on what your doing especially as you start to tire.

Start out with light weights this is not bodybuilding and pay close attention to exercise form especially as you begin to tire to prevent injury. Remember the key to burning off that body fat is raising your metabolism.

I would advise trying Tabata Training once or twice a week (depending on your conditioning level) to start with.

Your aiming to do 8 sets, once you can do 8-10 reps on your last set add a little weight or another session per week to increase intensity.

03-22-2012, 11:13 PM
Increasing muscle density means achieving a defined, "hard" look. Muscles typically appear dense when your body fat percentage gets around 10 percent to 12 percent.

Now Tabata Training is known as an incredibly intense fat burning workout.

But What If We Just Changed Tabata A Little?

What if we shift the focus of tabata training from total fat burning and conditioning to gaining lean muscle while still working on fat burning (for muscle density)?

What I'm suggesting is doing Tabata with a little heavier weight, increasing your rest periods slightly, instead of 8 reps go with 5-6 and going with a typical tabata type exercise as an example Double Kettlebell Squat Press or Kettlebell Thrusters.

Tabata Training For Lean Muscle Gains The Double Kettlebell Squat And Press

The Double Squat Press is a great combination exercise that will give you a full body workout. If you're short on time then this exercise is perfect for you. Try the Double Squat Press in your conditioning circuit as it will help you burn tons of calories while giving you a great strength workout at the same time.

The double squat press is one of my favorite exercises. It is truly a total body workout rolled up into one exercise. And yes you can use dumbbells but kettlebells are much better. As I mentioned above it is a superior conditioning and fat burning (muscle density) exercise but it is also great for lean muscle gains (the look of an athlete or fitness model).

How To Do The Double Kettlebell Squat Press

Double clean two kettlebells to rack position.

Squat down and as you stand up begin pressing both kettlebells before fully upright

Drop down again and repeat.

Maintain a straight back throughout the exercise as well as a tight core.

P.S.You can intensify this exercise even more by doing a clean at the start of every rep.

So For Lean Muscle Gains And Muscle Density How I Changed Up My Tabata Training

As we all know Tabata is 20 seconds on 10 seconds off. So here is how I'm doing tabata from a total fat loss and conditioning workouts to the lean muscle building version.

1) Add 10 -15% more weight than usual (more if you can but don't go to crazy at first)

2) Set Your Timer for around 12 seconds work and 30 seconds rest

3) Keep your reps to 6 max

4) Do 6-8 rounds

Now as far as your times go you may have to adjust them up or down slightly to suit your conditioning level.

I have been experimenting with this for a few weeks now and am really seeing a difference in muscle density. My thought is that kettlebells are the best option for doing this with dumbbells being second. But with kettlebells and how they affect all the stabilizer muscles just adds to the intensity of it all.