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03-24-2012, 01:06 PM
GPDT – Grim’s Power Density Training
Author: Mike Gossett

What is GPDT? It stands for Grim’s Power Density Training, and it is a combination of a few training ideas that I like, with a few minor variances. Let me give you a quick break down of each style that went into the pot to make GPDT before I go into how to use it.

EDT (Escalating Density Training) by Charles Stayley is a nice program and the heart of this routine. EDT is simple and has a nice progression scheme, using time, rep, and weight progression to allow you to become stronger and bigger without all the hassle of other programs. It uses a set time (called PR zones) where you attempt to get as many reps as possible with a weight (a PR zone is typically about 15 minutes, and you try to increase your reps by 10% in that time period before increasing the weights). My only problem with traditional EDT is that it forces you to use relatively light weights and more reps then I like. In addition, 15 minutes just feels to long to be constantly trying to bench press, or whatever.

The other style of training that went into this is Bulldozer training by my friend Steve Shaw. In this style you use a lot of heavy weights and typically train with singles, doubles, or triples and attempt to hit a certain amount of reps for the day. This style is basic, hard, and effective, the three hallmarks of a good routine.

Ok, so what is GPDT and how did I meld the above routines? The first thing to note is that you will be training only three times a week. PR zones are still going to be used, but they are only five minutes long. You will only be doing a max of three to four exercises per day, so these workouts will be short, get in get out type training. Also you will use a bulldozer type set/rep scheme, so you will either aim for 15 singles, 10 doubles (20 reps), or 10 triples (30 reps) for your exercises. When I say aim, I mean you may not hit those numbers, but when you do you up the weight next time.

Here are the weights you should use depending on your rep choice

Singles – three rep max
Doubles – five rep max
Triples – six or seven rep max

And finally here is an example routine:

Day A
Bench press – Doubles
Deadlift – Singles
Weighted Sit ups – 3×10

Day B
Squats – Triples
Dips – Doubles
Chin ups – Singles

Alternate each day over three non-consecutive days per week, such as Monday, Wednesday, Friday. You can mix and match which method you use, along with the exercises to fit your goals, this is just a simple set up for a beginning to intermediate power lifter.

Feel free to make your own revisions, but remember to keep training fun. If you hate it, you wont do it.