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View Full Version : Test propionate for libido

10-01-2018, 04:13 AM
Just*an article i found for anyone interested in*a good read... i have used propionate myself and i really loved it in low doses its great....


Ok*not trying what so ever to give any kind of advice here. I am no doctor or pro when it comes to stuff like this. I just thought I would share our results of my*wife runing a little test for libido enhancement.

We read a few articles of some other peoples experiances and talk to a few others about the pros and cons of a woman running Prop and decided to give it a shot. When I go on cycle my wife cant quite seem to keep up with me and she wanted to try a little boost. Maybe not the best reason but who am I to discurage her.. So we decided a low dose of 100mg test prop at 1/10 of a cc every 3rd day so 10mg every 3rd day. The results have been nothing short of spectatcular. It*took maybe a week n half before we really started to take notice of the changes. As of right now she is on week 4, and she way surpasses me on the whole sex drive issue. It has gotten so out of control I have had to acctually turn her down once or twice. She has not been this freaky in the 10 years we have been married. She offered some backdoor play this morning which is completly not in her demeaner and I told her she would regret that later after opening that door it wasn't closing...lol

As far as the sides. We decided with these results there was no need to up the dose any more than what she was already taking. We have not seen any negative sides at this point. No deepning of the voice, maybe a slight enlargement of the clitoris kinda hard to tell because there is a very noticable swelling of the whole vaginal area. She is extremly sensitive because of this but says its very enjoyable. She thinks she might have a small bit of water retension but I cant tell, I think that could be in her head but all I see is those huge fake boobs I paid way too much for... She says the day after her shot she feels great all day with a very positive outlook on everything. I can definatly tell that is the case and that alone is worth its weight in gold. She says by the end of the 2nd begining of the 3rd day she can feel somewhat of a crash coming on, but that goes away almost immediatly after taking a shot. She goes to the gym with me everyday and is in good shape. She claims to not really be able to tell of any strenght increass or endurace and no testpumps as well. Guess maybe just the low dose. I have taken this prop and can 100% verify it is good.

We are going to do labs with the doctor and see what his advice is in 2 weeks as far as coming off of it and how long she can safely run it. But I would go as far too say she will want to run it again while I am on cycle no questions asked, but that is still to be determined by the outcome of her blood work and what the doctor has to say. We don't want to do any long term damage cause I plan to still be active 10 years from now..lol...But I will post up her labs and results in 2 weeks when we go have them done. I think that is everything I can think of at the moment. If I remember something else I will come back and add it. Sorry for my spelling eroids don't have spell check...


Women especially like propionate since, when applied properly, androgenic-caused side effects can be avoided more easily. The trick is to increase the time intervals between the various injections so that the testosterone level can fall again and so there is an accumulation of androgens in the female organism. Women therefore take propionate only every 5-7 days and obtain remarkable results with it.

The androgenic effect included in the propionate allows better regeneration without virilization symptoms for hard-training women. The dosage is usually 25-50 mg/injection. Higher dosages and more frequent intervals of intake would certainly show even better results but are not recommended for women. The duration of intake should not exceed 8-10 weeks and can be supplemented by taking mild and mostly anabolic steroids such as,*Primobolan,*Durabolin, and*Anavar*in order to promote the synthesis of protein.