View Full Version : The Kigtropin Problem

03-26-2012, 05:28 PM
I have seen enough threads on other boards and on this one covering the issue's with Kigtropin HGH being bunk...Here's some pictures for everyone to see for themselves of 2 different Kits of kigtropin that were purchased from the same vendor....One kit as you can see does not resemble the other...One has printed numbers on the labels from a computer and one has a different type of numbers...one is darker green than the other...one has a security seal on the top of the box and one does not.....Both kit's were fakes...Then you have the Vials that have the numbers that are stamped on them...those were also fakes...and then there are the kigtropins with the green tops instead of Blue Tops..also fakes....way to many fakes out there

This comparison is another example of what is going on with them right now and i would avoid them at all costs..



03-26-2012, 11:09 PM
In the top pic the fakes I got were the box on the left and vials on the right.

Working on getting Rip's and if that don't go through Novo's it shall be.

03-26-2012, 11:42 PM
Rips according to everyone who have used them are awesome and as far as Novo's go i recommend them to anyone who can get them...I love em because they work and the blood work i've had done prove they are legit...Elevated IGF-1 and GH Blood Serum levels so I don't have any complaints and my plan is to stick with them