View Full Version : Long Journey Until my First Cycle!

10-08-2018, 01:35 AM
Some background information.
Purpose of this log:
I will be posting pre cycle blood work, mid cycle blood work and post cycle blood work in this log.
I will also be cataloguing my workouts as I attempt to reach my strength goals naturally before hopping on a cycle.

Age: 29
Height: 5'9.5 no shoes
Weight: fluctuate between 163-170 (Once I weigh 170 or so I've been dieting back down to 163-165)
Body Fat: No idea ( feel free to guess/estimate)
Prior Gear Experience: None, zip, nada

Current Lifts
High bar ass to grass squat: 385
Low bar squat parallel: 405 for a double
Conventional deadlift: 485-505 (deadlifts are fucking weird for me, one week I'll do 500 for a double, and the next week I'll fail 485)
Bench: 335 until I tore my pec =(
OHP: 145

I've been lifting on and off for about 15 years. I've had three separate periods, each lasting 1-2 years, where I did not touch a weight or even exercise at all. During these breaks I typically balloon up to 210+ pounds and based on the mirror look to be well over 20% body fat. Most recently I had stopped lifting from the end of 2016 until 2018. Girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me last December, I looked at myself in the mirror and told myself "holy shit you are really fucking unattractive now." Started lifting again January of this year as part of my New Years Resolution (I know I know, fucking casual), and holy shit muscle memory is the truth. I'm not quite back to my peak strength but I'm definitely the strongest I've ever been while consistently weighing under 170.

Planned Cycle:
16 weeks: 300 mg Test E per week. I'm tempted to go to 500, but I'm all about minimum effective dose protocol.
Aromasin taken as needed based on side effects experienced and mid-cycle blood work
HCG 250iu 2x a week

PCT: Nolva + Clomid, however I'm planning on running it for a longer time and lower doses than standard PCT. Credit to Jcaesar on reddit for the plan which is: 20mg Nolva 6-8 weeks, + 25mg clomid 6-8 weeks.
Caveat: I may toss the idea of a PCT and just blast and cruise depending on what my pre-cycle bloods look like.

The title of the log implies I will not be taking gear right away. which is true. I want to be as close to my natural peak strength wise before I get on. I'm writing this log so you guys can hold me accountable, cheer me on, and see what natural progress is like before I start gear.

My goal is to comfortably deadlift 600+, high bar squat 500+, have a respectable strict OHP lol, and an insane weighted chinup BEFORE I do my first cycle. Also, I must reach these goals while maintaining or decreasing my current body fat percentage. I want to achieve these strength gains with as low a body fat as possible without compromising strength.

10-08-2018, 01:47 AM
I'm having some issues with uploading pics, limited time tonight so I'll just upload 2-3 month old pics for now. More recent pics incoming later this week, with actual body building poses.


Edit: No idea why pics won't upload....here are imgur links.

Imgur: The magic of the Internet (https://imgur.com/99U8Pen)
Imgur: The magic of the Internet (https://imgur.com/MrDwrCV)
Imgur: The magic of the Internet (https://imgur.com/psvGGMj)

10-13-2018, 11:32 PM
Back shoulder, bi's look Good in the rear dble bi pose!!
Great lifts for your weight,
Great Job Proust!

12-18-2018, 04:44 AM
Hit 405 ass to grass high bar squats for a double! Close to my peak strength at this point. I hit 405 high bar for 5 reps when I was at my strongest so I'm inching my way to my previous peak. Might lower my goal for squats to 455 or some other weight I feel I can accomplish before 30 LOL. 500 seem so far away at this point.