View Full Version : Abscess, Infection, Surgery - a (bad) true story!

10-19-2018, 01:43 PM
Hi everyone.

today unfortunately I would like to share a story not too beautiful.
Yes, I think that these should also be shared so that we can learn from the others' "mistakes" and not commit them we too.

As the title,
I had an abscess on my leg, which subsequently became infected and eventually, in order not to lose my leg, I went to the hospital to do a surgical

The doctors opened and drained me all the crap. More and more times and all whitout anesthesia. An absurd evil pain that I do not wish for anyone.
I was hospitalized for 10 days.
I was attached to an "aspirator" machine (Negative-pressure wound therapy).
and I was treated with oxygen in a hyperbaric chamber.
I lost about 20 lb in 10 days in the hospital.
While I was in hospital, I was able to reflect.
I realized how much my injections have changed since I was inexperienced and novice.
At first nothing was ever too much. Prudence and sterilization were my first thought. I was methodical and very attentive to everything.
Now, however, I reuse the syringes, sometimes I also reuse the needles if I know that I have to do two injections a day (morning and evening), if
something falls to the ground I collect it and use it anyway.
Sometimes I do not use the disinfectant, or I do not step on the stopper of the bottle.
In short, hygiene and sterilization have passed into the background. Sometimes the rush, sometimes the thought "but you do not need much" "yes, but
what do you want it to be, nothing has ever come" ... and instead at the end even I almost lost a leg for an injection .. one injection... ONLY one

Morale is, be careful! be cautious! sterilize, sterilize, sterilize!

Second point, for me it was also hard, when you see that something is wrong, do not wait too long to ask for help and go to the hospital.
I could have gone at least two days before, but I'm not a guy asking for help so easily, I never went to the hospital before and I then delayed the
I have apologized and risked really to the end.
Do not do like me. at the first signs of an infection that you can not treat yourself, run to the hospital and face what you have to deal with either
before or after. better trouble with justice and with a few doctors but still with his leg (or other limb where the infection is) attacked rather
than being without a limb and still have to face the issue.

I took some photo, not really many because they certainly were not my priority.
Maybe, if I can, I will do others when I take off my medications.
If you want I can post them, but they are not for the weak of the stomach.

10-19-2018, 02:45 PM
Brother, post those photos to show everyone how important it is to take care of all aspects of their health. I have used a rig more than once, but always clean it and always use alcohol. Hell a baby wipe is better than nothing. Safety and Good Hygiene are the foundation for all of us.

Thank you for your post.

Plate Smacker
10-19-2018, 05:53 PM
Another danger is small vial rubber pieces. I used to draw with 20G because I had alot of extra ones. I always inspect the vial after I take it from a hot water bath in the sink (110F).
I noticed a very small peice of the rubber from the vial.
Now, I don't think it would have fit through a 25G needle that I pin with, but possibly a 23G.
I also inspect syringe with light after drawing.

I wonder how many have injected a small peice of rubber from the vial?
I now just take the time and draw with 25G, and pin with the same one.

10-20-2018, 05:12 AM

10-20-2018, 05:13 AM

10-20-2018, 05:30 AM
Sorry to see you go through such a terrible thing. Hopes for a speedy recovery brother.

10-20-2018, 05:37 AM
I have a pack of 200 one-time use syringes for around 15$ I don't see any reason to have reusable syringes.

10-20-2018, 05:58 AM
yes yes, I know boys, I also have a closet full of needles and syringes.
they cost very little and there is no need to reuse anything. if things fall to the ground they are contaminated and must be thrown away.
I know.

I'm saying that sometimes in a hurry, out of laziness, for any other reason, you do the wrong thing and you know you do it.

This is exactly the point. I have shered this to remind all these basic things.
those who do injections every day for years happen to take these things lightly and carefree.

10-20-2018, 06:11 AM
Also pin after taking a shower. It's an extra layer of safety.

10-20-2018, 06:54 AM
Glad u shared your story brother cause most would not want to admit to wrong doings and hopefully someone reads this and it makes them think twice before putting sterilization to the side. I have guys i know i bitch at all the time that tell me they gave themselves shots before without wiping anything or worse use one pin for there entire cycle just keeping it in a bottle of alcohol after use

10-20-2018, 08:07 AM
Holy crap... Thanks for sharing nonetheless.

10-20-2018, 01:57 PM
Those are some rough looking pics. What was the time span from when you pinned to the time you took the pictures?

Dont wanna be old
10-20-2018, 03:07 PM
OMG !!
Glad you’re still with us brother .
God Speed to you

10-20-2018, 03:19 PM
Those are some rough looking pics. What was the time span from when you pinned to the time you took the pictures?

the first three photos are on sunday
the other 3 are on Monday and the last on Tuesday, then I went to the hospital.

before Sunday the leg was much more deflated, it hurt but nothing of that.
within 4 days it degenerated very quickly.

the last injection was 5 days before.

10-20-2018, 03:19 PM
Fuck man. That is brutal. Glad that you made it through and are still with us. Thank you for sharing, cause if it prevents just one person from making the same mistake that would be huge. Plus it totally justifies my insane level of OCD when it comes to sterilization when injecting now.

10-21-2018, 05:33 PM
Sorry this happened to you. Education is rarely cheap.


Medic 1
10-21-2018, 07:22 PM
Man bud I am glad you are doing better and thanks fo sharing infection can set in in a mater of 24 hours that is why like you stated using alcohol is so very important. Alway use alcohol and a new syringe. Heal fast bud hope you are feeling better

12-10-2018, 09:07 AM
slowly slowly something gets better

12-11-2018, 11:38 AM
Thanks for sharing

12-11-2018, 12:55 PM
Damn looks severe

I have had some bad injections where swelling occurs and the area becomes
Painful etc but I never turns red and the skin doesn’t break like I n your pictures wow
That is horrible looking

I also don’t pin
My quads bc I have heard they tend to get infected faster (don’t know if that’s legit tho)

I usually pin VG
Sometimes I have a bad shot and it get swollen and hurts for a few days then goes away
I just don’t pin the lee any longer bc I remember that it hurt lol

I too don’t go to hospitals just simply bc of stubbornness and pride but if my shit gotmbad like that I would have to g

Before you went to the hospital , was the area in extreme pain ? It def turned red based on the pics
Hot to
The touch ?
Also - when did the skin break and it start peeling ? That I have never seen before

Thanks for sharing this info

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12-11-2018, 02:58 PM
Thank you! We all get that way. This helps remind us.

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Thor I Am
12-11-2018, 03:20 PM
Glad to know your healing up. Thanks for posting your story and the photos. We all have heard, “Pictures are worth a thousand words”. Your photos alone tell us all.....sterilization is of the upmost importance and a huge reminder to just slow down and be safe!

12-11-2018, 03:37 PM
Glad to know your healing up. Thanks for posting your story and the photos. We all have heard, “Pictures are worth a thousand words”. Your photos alone tell us all.....sterilization is of the upmost importance and a huge reminder to just slow down and be safe!

Unfortunately, the photos of the hole and how it is now can not be published.
Are too strong, someone could throw up

12-12-2018, 03:38 AM
Glad you are better man and that they were able to save your leg. This is twice now that a bodybuilder suffered a bad injection in his leg. First the guy in Columbia and now you. I'm starting to wonder that my new found leg injections may not be worth it! But yes, sterilize sterilize, sterilize! I have been pinning a lot lately for bpc injections and I dropped the pin and it landed pretty evenly on the table, which, for the most part is clean, however, who knows if there's bacteria from my cats on there or what. I grabbed an alcohol pad and swabbed the outside of the pin, just to be sure and waited a sec and injected and everything was fine. Not too worried about a subq injection in that scenario, however, if that pin would have landed on the ground or carpet, I would have replaced the needle. Just too easy to pick up an infection. I think back on that dropped needle and I still can't believe that I did that. Your lesson, will reinforce that into my brain.

I would suggest everyone keep a supply of antibiotics on hand like amoxicillin or another strong one. I usually have them on hand for emergencies or really bad sinus infections.

Now - side note -

Someone on here mentioned that he may or may not have accidentally injected a piece from the rubber stopper in him. What happens if that occurs? I have often wondered about that myself. Does the body attack it and isolate it or would it attack it and go crazy like what happened in these photos? I always use the same pin to pull oil and inject and always look at my oil in the syringe before injecting. Swab the tops of the bottles before and after and the injection site twice.

12-12-2018, 04:16 AM
bacteria are everywhere, even within us.
your immune defenses struggle every day.

if a foreign body enters the body (even the hairs coming off the root are considered foreign bodies) they are attacked and destroyed by the body's immune defenses.
but it happens that, from time to time, they lose the battle.pus, infections. if these take over as happened to me, you have to intervene with antibiotics and other drugs and if not even these can eradicate the bad guys, you have to intervene manually with scalpels and narrow teeth.

incidentally, neither I nor anyone else knows how the infection I had started.
I suspect that it was the winny in water "mixed" with little attention as previously written.
but also the fact of attending a dirty gym with some injuries right on the leg.
my immune defenses were already low in those days because I had fever, toothaches, and other ailments.

in the end, however, I was diagnosed with necrotizing fasciitis, usually called bacteria devours meat or flesh-eating disease.

be careful, do not underestimate the symptoms and be ready to fight

01-01-2019, 04:57 PM
new year, but the hole has not yet completely closed.
it will take at least another month.

[depression time]

01-17-2019, 05:01 AM
Almost 100 days have passed since the crime.

The chasm has closed more or less completely.T
he leg, however, is still a little bad especially to the touch.

100 days lost with a single injection of 1/2 ml ...

01-17-2019, 01:22 PM
I use alcohol wipes and i have a bottle of alcohol i use with the wipes i dont fuck around i soak that shit in alcohol and scrub my shoulders are the worsed everytime i pin in them i find the wipe is dirty as fuck

01-17-2019, 02:48 PM
Is there going to be any lasting muscle damage?

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01-17-2019, 02:49 PM
I’ve been pinning for about 11-12 years and my practice is still the same from day one less the aspirating. I swab the vial top then use that same swab to wipe down injection point. Then i draw oil and swap needles. Then I take a new swab and wipe down injection point again as an extra measure of safety. The extra needle and swab will cost what, maybe .20-.30 cents. Small price to pay for that extra peace of mind. I’m hope you recover soon, OP.

01-17-2019, 02:58 PM
Is there going to be any lasting muscle damage?

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the muscle should not have been affected.
in fact, when I had an open wound I had all the fibers in sight

01-17-2019, 06:01 PM
I had all the fibers in sight

That would have been intense to see.

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01-17-2019, 06:04 PM
That would have been intense to see.

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for this reason I did not post the photographs.

If you want, I can post one of it as it is now after 100 days.

but after the surgery, I feel bad when I look at them

01-17-2019, 07:29 PM
for this reason I did not post the photographs.

If you want, I can post one of it as it is now after 100 days.

but after the surgery, I feel bad when I look at themI'm curious, but curiosity killed the cat.

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01-17-2019, 07:39 PM
I'm curious, but curiosity killed the cat.

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OMG..... That's effin Crazy.

Along the lines. I know a "guy" who did a shot in his thigh from a source from long ago, G.A.U.L.S. within two days after his leg starting swelling. He didn't go to the hospital. He tried to wait it out and it got worse. He finally went when he couldn't pressure on it.

After going to the hospital, he didn't tell them what really happen and they put him the infectious disease ward. They ran a bunch of tests. When he finally told the head doctor what had really happen they treated it correctly. He read in the hospital for 5 days.

To reinforce the importance of taking proper precautions and being honest and treating with urgency.

01-17-2019, 08:06 PM
Good luck to you bro and I hope that you recover well. When its time and you are ready to go back to the gym what are your thoughts on pinning going forward besides sterilization? Just gonna hit glutes or continue to rotate locations?
And again man my best to you moving forward that shit looked rough to go through.

01-17-2019, 10:07 PM
Man that sucks. I also appreciate your humility and being willing to share it as a reminder to the rest of us.

Just out out of curiosity did you tell them what happened when you went to the hospital or did they take a look at your ripped quads and know what was up?

01-18-2019, 01:21 AM
Man that sucks. I also appreciate your humility and being willing to share it as a reminder to the rest of us.

Just out out of curiosity did you tell them what happened when you went to the hospital or did they take a look at your ripped quads and know what was up?

In the hospital I said that I injected a substance that is legal here.
I do not know how much they actually believed it.

01-18-2019, 01:24 AM
Good luck to you bro and I hope that you recover well. When its time and you are ready to go back to the gym what are your thoughts on pinning going forward besides sterilization? Just gonna hit glutes or continue to rotate locations?
And again man my best to you moving forward that shit looked rough to go through.

I went back to the gym the same day they let me out of the hospital.
I have not been training my legs for months but the rest of my body can train without problems

01-18-2019, 01:40 AM
Browsing through some of these comments and stories is a reality check for me. Regardless of age, sex, lifestyle, whatever...we are human and make mistakes.

You sir are a success story. Could have definitely been a worse situation. Glad you are ok and shared this. Now where are my alcohol swabs...


car diesel
01-20-2019, 11:22 AM
thanks for info

02-07-2019, 03:39 AM
Glad to hear that you're recovering nicely, Phill. I can't imagine what that must have been like going through it. I'm always hesitant on jabbing my quads, and when I do, it's a certain distance down, I shave the hair off a day before in that area, use a 1/2" pin 27 gauge and slowly inject after swabbing both the bottle and the injection site. And, I only inject my leg after I've done at least 4-5 successful injections from the same bottle and it's never the first injection from any new bottle either. I've had bad injections before, mostly in my delts, but nothing that went out of control. I don't know why everyone gets infections in their legs and not anywhere else. Maybe it's just the lack of evidence on this from my viewing but quads are a bit scary.