View Full Version : GH and Rejuvenation in women

10-22-2018, 09:15 PM
An*awesome read.......i will be doing GH myself soon....

GH rejuvenation.*Growth Hormones*anti-aging properties have become increasingly popular amongst women. The most noticeable benefit is the increase in skin elasticity and its ability to reduce body fat without much training.

As far as GH rejuvenation is concerned, I have received numerous request for information on how to use it for this purpose and what could be expected from such a cycle so here is some information that*I hope will help;

Relatively lower dosages are used compared to the muscle building or performance enhancing cycles. Typically 2IUs a day. GH is taken everyday. The best time to take it is at night when the body will naturally release GH and it is therefore in the best metabolic state to utilize it. In most case I have seen results inside the 2 week mark, these include fat loss and a visible reduction in facial lines. The effect can be subtle so even if you look in the**mirror everyday, it is likely someone will comment on it before you realize a change.

The duration of used varies and in theory you can stay on it indefinitely but I don’t suggest that. My advice is to use 100IUs (about 12 weeks) and then take a 3 week break before using it again.

Diet and training can make a massive different to result on GH. Water intake also helps a lot. The reason is that GH reduces or completely blocks muscle breakdown and this means an ever increasing metabolism. (I’m working on a article to explain this and it should be published shortly)

GH is injected just below the skin on the stomach using a insulin needle, it is painless in most cases or very close to painless, the needle is thin and you don’t feel it piercing the skin. Most forms of GH have to be mixed manually, this is because it’s only stable in a freeze dried state. There is no such thing as oral GH so don’t be fooled by such claims.

The mixing procedure is described in another article under that section on the site. It has to be kept in the fridge at between 4-7 degrees Celsius and you should take care never to freeze it.

Finally you have to consider which GH you are going to use. It is heavily faked, especially GH out of China. There are 3 local versions: Humatrope by Lilly, Genetropin by Pharamcia and Norditropin. These are what doctors would generally prescribe but your medical won’t pay for it. These are also expensive. In my opinion there is only one alternative you should look at, both from a value and quality point of view and that is Nomatropin from Nomad Labs. Nomatropin has been independently tested locally so we know exactly what we are getting.

Remember that anything you use you do so at your own risk but I must point out the GH is very safe, especially at low dosages described here.