View Full Version : Weight training for my girlfriend

01-28-2019, 08:31 PM
Hello BOP friends,
My girlfriend is new to weight training and I’d like to design a program for her. I’m a veteran lifter and will teach her.
Can you recommend a forum or website that is rich in weight training routines/programs/workouts for woman?

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01-28-2019, 09:28 PM
My wife was absolutely new to weight training a year and a half ago. She just does everything I do, lighter weight. We go to the gym together 4-5 days a week, great quality time spent, great results. She also has ran a couple of cycles now as well. She has her butt specific band exercises that she does at home on off days but other than that, she lifts like a man. I fucking love seeing the looks on the "gym tourists" faces when she is pushing more weight than they are, her a 39 year old woman, them 20 something men!

01-28-2019, 10:01 PM
What is she using during her cycles?

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