View Full Version : 1st Cycle Log Test E only.

02-12-2019, 02:45 PM
Week 1 day 7
Hey everybody! I've decided to run a log for my first cycle. Not just for me but for newbies like me so they maybe have something to reference when they're trying to decide whether or not to dive into the world of AAS.

I'm 36 years old. 6ft even and my current weight is 189. Body fat is hovering 16-17%. I've always had a pretty strong lower body as I'm built pretty thick below the waist but my upper body is just trash. I attribute some of it to having long limbs but that's probably just an excuse.

I'm running 500mgs of Testobolin (Test E) per week with a frontload of 1000mgs in the first week. Pinning glutes only but I haven't moved to the left side yet. Very little PIP with the 3 injections I've done and mostly just with the first. Today I hit my one week mark. I haven't really noticed any strength gains outside of the placebo effect even with the frontload. I hit a squat PR and that had me excited but realized it was all in my head. I wonder if other people get as impatient as me? I've actually been considering throwing some prop in there just to get more immediate results. I'm kind of an all or nothing kind of guy with things I've picked up in my life but I'm trying to stay away from that mindset so I don't do something stupid.

I'm excited to get this thing rolling at full steam and for anyone reading this (if at all), if you have input or advice please share. I'm not so arrogant that I can't take constructive criticism or advice from people with a lot more experience. Cheers fellas.

Also the pic was just my cut before I went on holiday.

02-12-2019, 02:47 PM
Week 1 day 7
Hey everybody! I've decided to run a log for my first cycle. Not just for me but for newbies like me so they maybe have something to reference when't they're trying to decide whether or not to dive into the world of AAS.

I'm 36 years old. 6ft even and my current weight is 189. Body fat is hovering 16-17%. I've always had a pretty strong lower body as I'm built pretty thick below the waist but my upper body is just trash. I attribute some of it to having long limbs but that's probably just an excuse.

I'm running 500mgs of Testobolin (Test E) per week with a frontload of 1000mgs in the first week. Pinning glutes only but I haven't moved to the left side yet. Very little PIP with the 3 injections I've done and mostly just with the first. Today I hit my one week mark. I haven't really noticed any strength gains outside of the placebo effect even with the frontload. I hit a squat PR and that had me excited but realized it was all in my head. I wonder if other people get as impatient as me? I've actually been considering throwing some prop in there just to get more immediate results. I'm kind of an all or nothing kind of guy with things I've picked up in my life but I'm trying to stay away from that mindset so I don't do something stupid.

I'm excited to get this thing rolling at full steam and for anyone reading this (if at all), if you have input or advice please share. I'm not so arrogant that I can't take constructive criticism or advice from people with a lot more experience. Cheers fellas.

Also the pic was just my cut before I went on holiday.You dont need to front load. Especially with virgin receptors. What is your weekly dose?

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02-12-2019, 02:50 PM
250 Monday 250 Thursday

02-12-2019, 02:54 PM
250 Monday 250 ThursdayYoure gonna love ur first cycle. The first is always the best. Good luck

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Plate Smacker
02-12-2019, 06:40 PM
I will simplify this: Frontloading not usually recommend first cycle. We don't know how our bodies react and convert Test to estrogen. Even higher risk of early early estro issues had someone included dianabol due to it's conversion.
You should be fine though. If you notice nipple sensitivity within next week or two, administer AI. If you are already running AI, slightly increase dose until symptom goes away. Then back to original dose.
There are other methods, this one is simple as I don't know what you have.
What AI do you have on hand?
What else do you have on hand?

You will find that this shit isn't magic. It merely creates an environment for greater recovery, and gains. You have to take advantage of that environment.

Once we know what else you have, we can give further info.

02-12-2019, 06:50 PM
Thanks man. I mean it's already done so I can't change that. I haven't noticed any sides of estrogen but I did jump on .5 Adex eod from day one. Diet and training have been consistent so we'll see. I would really like to jump on an oral but I know people will say I don't need it so I digress...

02-14-2019, 05:41 PM
Week 2 day 4...

Today was injection #4. 250mg of test e. Over the last couple days I've noticed that my irritability has went up substantially. Nothing a little walk and some breathing can't take care of but little things have been getting on my nerves. My longtime girlfriend has been supportive and understanding which is nice because she gave me permissions before I ever ordered my gear. Also, not sure if it's my elevated testosterone or the small changes in my physique but she has been as horny as I have which is double nice.

Overall I feel good. I've noticed a little extra focus in the gym and maybe some minor strength gains but that could also be attributed from just being dedicated to the lifestyle. Not sure. My endurance for training has gone up so I've been taking advantage of that and really trying to push myself harder. Also, like I said earlier, there has been some change in my physique but nothing that would blow anyone away. Just minor vascularity differences, shoulders are a little more rounded, and my back is filling in some. My quads and hams feel more firm and that's probably where I've noticed some strength gains the most. I pulled 405 deadlifts easier then ever last night and my front squats were a little easier at 315 (not by much). Leg extensions seemed basic which was cool as well. Other then that, not much to report as far as performance goes. Chest day was just meh... Slightly above average I guess but mainly in volume.

On a side note... Does anyone else get satisfaction from pinning? Like I find myself really looking forward to it which I never thought would be possible. Its oddly satisfying. Some creepy shit but whatever. Hoping for some better updates next time around. For the 6 of you that probably have read this out of bordem. Take care fellas.

02-19-2019, 01:44 PM
Week 3 day 2:

Ok so I've realized a couple things. 1. The strength gains aren't nearly what I thought they'd be up to this point. 2. My body has started to show some change but I'm not sure if I'm as excited as I thought I would be. 3. Diet and nutrition are absolutely without a doubt of the utmost importance. I fell off the wagon a little this weekend hanging out with friends and I've felt like shit the past couple days. I have to refocus on that starting right now.

I will admit that I didn't think I've changed much but my girlfriend has seen some change in me. A little more conceded and selfish mostly and after some self reflection I would probably agree. That is something I'm going to try to work on as I really don't want anyone close to mentoring feel alienated. Mainly because I've been so consumed by the process that a lot of things have been kind of secondary to me and that's not how it should be. I'm starting to question if I really needed to move to gear to improve. Obviously the changes are there but I thought I'd feel better about myself but I'm just not sure if in the end that it is THAT important to me. The process doesn't bother me whatsoever but it does make me question whether the goals I set for myself were truly at the top of my priority list.

Anyways... I'm going to continue to push through and finish what I started regardless the outcome. Sides wise, really not much to talk about there. No acne (yet). No major temper issues. Maybe some mood swings and probably a little more emotional then usual but nothing crazy. Adex seems to be doing its job and I might think about downing the dosage. Currently at .5 eod.

There is some awkwardness at the gym and I'm trying to figure out if it's all in my head or not. Its typically the same crew every morning at the gym and I've sensed that some of the guys may be starting to talk. My gains are noticeable and clearly not achievable in the matter of 3 weeks. It makes me a little self conscious to be honest. Did anyone else feel that way at first? I really don't have the type A personality which would thrive on a situation like that. It's weird.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. Have a great day fam. I'll post progress pictures at the end of the week.

02-26-2019, 09:20 PM
First of all, imo, you've got to change your mindset regarding what the fuq anyone thinks about you (exception: your gal as you don't want to mess that up im sure) but these guys in the gym "fux em and feed em fish heads". Don't let anyone devalue you. May be all in your head anyhow. They may be complimenting you.

02-26-2019, 09:54 PM
Take lots of pics you’re gonna grow real nicely. First cycle is the bomb you’ll never experience another cycle like it plus you’re body is primed coming off your cut and being nice and lean. Shows you also know a thing or two about nutrition which is refreshing to see in someone who is relative novice.

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02-26-2019, 10:01 PM
Around week 4-5 is when e/c starts kicking in. Trust me you will know. You will go to the gym and everything you used to struggle with will seem light. You will also feel like a king. You dont need a lot to get great results. I wouldnt frontload. Its a waste. Good luck on your cycle. Dont forget about nutrition. It is 80%of a cycle. You need protein to make muscle and lots of good complex carb sources. Do some research. It can make all the difference in the world

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02-26-2019, 10:02 PM
Next time run a kick start like adrol to get u by until the long ester test kick in

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02-26-2019, 11:07 PM
Bro it is common to get paranoid on steroids
Its normal to feel that way im glad you have realized your feeling that way
Just dont act on it
I get that way in the first 4 weeks of a cycle.
Let me tell you that they are not really talking about you etc
Its all in your head.
Put your headphones on with music pumping and focus on your workout
You may go through different feelings along the way but its just your body adjusting to the test.
Cranky,horny,paranoia,bliss,sad, can play out during cycle
Enjoy the ride
Dont get impatient and increase dose or chuck in orals
Make sure you have ai on hand
Also sort.out pct

02-26-2019, 11:10 PM
Dont forget to warm up shoulders
Rotator cuff injuries are a bitch

02-27-2019, 01:57 PM
Week 4 day 3:

Feeling strong! Shoulders this morning and crushed it. I can't say as the strength was crazy but definitely hitting #'s I've never seen before so that was cool. Tomorrow is chest day so I think it's probably time I test my max bench to guage where I'm at.

I need some input on a couple things if you guys don't mind. When people say "you'll know" when it kicks in what does that mean? As I approach week 5 I'm kind of anticipating a boost but up to this point everything seems to be pretty gradual. Secondly, should I expect to see more sides show up as I get further into my cycle? I haven't had much shown up other then a couple pimples and some "sad" moments where I just get a little down. Not even sure if those are sides because that's just how life goes. I haven't done any blood tests so not really sure where my levels are and to be honest... I'm probably not going to. Like at all... Unless something goes crazy I won't be getting tests done until post cycle. I already know what you're going to say and I get it ok. Its and ameteur move but we're moving on lol.

Feeling kind of fat today so I didn't take any pictures. Just one of those days ya know? Other then that, feeling pretty good. Appreciate all the feedback and I need it. Helps keep my head on straight. A little update on my gym experiences as of late. People are definitely starting to talk but it's in a positive light other then a couple guys who I think are just intimidated by my new found work ethic but f*** em. I'm not there to stand around and bullshit for 2 hours. They can keep their social hour. I'm over here getting these gains lol. As far as PCT goes, I believe I have everything on hand I'll need. As I get closer to the end I'll probably lean on you guys for doses. (Clomid and/or Nolva) and HCG. Thanks again fam. Go kill it today!

02-27-2019, 02:55 PM
Wish you the best


So your question you'll know when it kicks in.
Well at week 4 now its definitely kicked in.
The thing is you're not looking for a major change. It's not like a high from drugs. Yes you're starting to see pimples. It's like you're going through puberty all over again. You should feel some strength coming on. But not the type of strength you would feel from let's say Dianabol.
this is actually a very common question for a beginner.
The only advice I can really give you is you have to push yourself further than you've ever pushed yourself before. You can take all the steroids you want and sit in a chair and you will not grow. You can take all the steroids you want and continue training like you've always trained and you will not grow. You've got to dig down deep and you got to try hard. Then and there is a place you will find and you will know when it's kicked in. Make sure when you're working out you are stretching and squeezing stretching and squeezing. You're bulking you're going to need food lots of it. A s*** ton of protein a s*** ton of carbs and some fat good fat in fact eat clean all the way around.

02-27-2019, 02:58 PM
Dont forget to warm up shoulders
Rotator cuff injuries are a bitch

It's very important to warm up the shoulders rather you're doing chest or shoulders. I can spend 20 minutes warming up the shoulders not even joking

02-27-2019, 03:04 PM
I warm up my shoulders and elbows before any upper body workout. Nothing worse then shoulder pain when you're trying to lift these heavy ass weights.

02-27-2019, 08:55 PM
Thanks man. Anything you think I could ad in to my cycle from BCG? You're the only sponsor who has reached out with support... I'd like to try you guys out. Maybe some Decc or Mast.

02-28-2019, 07:34 PM
Goodluck mate

03-05-2019, 01:56 PM
Week 5 day 2:

So the guys at work and I have a term that we use that no one else really gets. It started as a joke with a pain in the ass customer now we use it for shit that people are like "what the fuck does that even mean?"

That term: PUNISHER
And Punisher is right! Great Oden's Raven!!! Woke up this morning tired as all hell but dragged my ass to the gym at my normal time of 5:30am and let me tell you... By the time I finished warming up my pump was outrageous and I was actually worried about taking my hoodie off. I mentioned during week three that I felt people were starting to eyeball me a little and I was getting a little paranoid. Well this morning was that ×10. Don't get me wrong it feels great but I've never really had that alpha mentality so still a little uncomfortable.

I want to ask some questions about PIP as I'm currently bro sciencing how to limit it. I never get it too bad but since I've been playing around with ACE's test prop at low doses a few times a week I've noticed I'm getting some knots in my glutes. Semi painful but nothing I can't manage. Going to try to going down to a 25g 1.5inch instead of the 23. I'll figure it out but if anyone else has experienced this your input is definitely appreciated. On that same note I pinned my quad for the first time to see how that reacted with .5 of the same test prop and I could walk this morning so that's a plus. I used a 25g 5/8 pin. I'll be honest, I was nervous about the pin length. Your thoughts? Felt myself getting a little irritated from having soreness in both glutes and in my right quad on the ride home this morning so this is definitely a priority because I was ready to snap on traffic when I'd hit a bump. I'm thinking about (already ordered lol) adding some BCG pre workouts to my cycle because with the limited sides I've had I feel like I can afford experiment a little. Go ahead and talk me out of it if you'd like. I get it.

Overall though, I feel great. Mentally no major issues. Physically still no sides other then a couple pimples. I'm dosing my adex at .25 every other day because I felt .5 was still too much. I'll update y'all on that later. My girlfriend is secretly in love with my body (which she won't admit). I feel incredibly strong and although I keep catching myself looking in the mirror way too much I'm super pumped about the next 7 weeks. I've already added 14 pounds and I've ready the second half of a cycle is where the big gains are made so let's get it...

So happy to be a part of this brotherhood and with all the info you guys provide I know that if/when I run into issues that I have a band of brothers to turn to. Let's get it!!!

03-06-2019, 01:41 AM
F*** I'm getting fat! I need a coach because I thought I knew what I was doing. Clearly, i do not. Also,the quad pin mentioned earlier... Hurts like a bitch lol. That is all.39304

03-06-2019, 11:38 AM
Where are you pinning into your glute? I noticed if I pin into the muscle that is higher I always get pip, but if I go into the middle more I get no pip but I bleed like crazy and lose oil.

03-06-2019, 03:15 PM
I'm probably a little higher on my glute. I wasn't getting much pip with Testobolin (test e) from pharmacom but the test prop from Ace and the pip I get with it is annoying.

03-06-2019, 11:33 PM
I quit