View Full Version : HD's getting rid of the fat log

02-13-2019, 05:07 PM
So, it is currently week 4 of my dieting. So far I have lost 12lbs, maybe more as I did not check my weight Sunday. I weigh each weekend so I can see if what I am doing is working or not. Below I will describe my current physical condition and then below that describe what I am taking / eating each day. It is important to know that I am working away from home, and staying in a hotel. I did purchase myself a George Foreman Grill, and I do have a microwave and a fridge. So cooking food is limited. Picture was taken at start of diet.

I am 38 years old, 6' 268lbs (as of last weigh in), 54" shoulders and 36" waist. Not sure on the bf, and if anyone has a good suggestion on how I can test that I am all ears.

One-A-Day Men's (taken twice a day)

The following was just started this week and will last for 12 weeks
1cc test p / .5 cc tren a EOD for 12 weeks
Proviron 50mgs per day for 12 weeks
Aromasin 12.5 3x a week
3ius HGH ED

Meal 1: 2 scoops protein (whey), 1 whole banana, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, 1 cup lactaid milk
Meal 2: 1 packet instant oatmeal (low sugar)
Meal 3: 6 to 8 ounces grilled chicken breast, 1 cup cooked rice (Uncle Bens Ready Rice in microwave bag, Jasmine) (I use pepper to flavor, no salt, and sometimes I add mustard for flavor)
Meal 4: Nature's Valley Oats and Honey Granola Bar
Meal 5: 1 scoop whey protein (post workout) (not drank when on non-training days)
Meal 6: 6 to 8 ounces grilled chicken breast, steamed veggies (half of a frozen bag steamed in microwave, pepper for flavor)

Please keep in mind I am trying to stay calorie deficient for weight loss. I would love to eat some eggs each day in my diet, but again I have no way to cook them. I am on a 12 hour a day schedule, and a 1.5 hour total commute to and from work each day. So I take off from the gym every 2 to 3 days to do meal prep. I am also doing 20 minutes of cardio 5 days a week.

I know this is not an optimal plan, which is why I am posting it here in order to receive advice. I am also wanting to keep myself motivated, hence also posting this log. I look forward to your assistance.

Always with integrity


02-14-2019, 01:36 AM
Did legs tonight. Had rice instead of veggies tonight, only change in diet.

Elliptical 10 minute warm up
Hip Abduction 4 sets / 12 reps
Leg Press 6 sets / 8-12 reps
Laying Leg Curl 4 sets / 12 reps
Leg Extensions 4 sets / 12 reps
Seated leg curls 4 sets / 10 reps
Planks 3 x 15 secs

Lower back giving me issues, so no squats. Pushed hard on the leg press. Will keep moving forward.

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02-14-2019, 04:45 AM
When we start off at higher bf, our E and prolactin will swing chaotically... I’d order some caber, just to have on hand. Not take it unless there becomes a reason... I’d recommend bumping your Aromasin up to an even 12.5 ED for now... or if you plan on keeping the same dosage then at least run 20mg nolvadex ED as your safety net... until you get blood work to see where you are at... don’t forget to get bloodwork every 4/5weeks.... other than that, plug away brother... it’s dips and valleys mentally. I’d recommend staying off the scale and go by the mirror instead... the scale fucked me mentally... despite seeing progress in the mirror... your belt, pants, clothes, will do the talking...

Looks like your plan is well thought out and I’d say run with it...

If I may recommend bumping the cardio to 30min and work up to 45min... start at what you’re doing, but bump it up when you feel it’s time to progress... you’ll benefit greatly if you hit 45min per session... 30min is when the magic just starts to happen... I understand time is limited as it is.. but I’d commit to the 45 cardio and 30min weights... bump weight time when able.. it’ll be worth it.

Focus slow and controlled on your movements over worrying about hitting big weight... I get just as sore slow and controlled lower weight as I do faster (with good form still of course) and heavy. You will end up resting less between sets and banging out full workouts in 30-40 min lol

Keep realistic expectations. Understand this won’t be over night. Even these weeks during your cycle, are just one small step towards the end result... keep this log going for at least 1 year. 365 days. Everyday report here if even it’s just to say you’re logging just to get your day logged... commit to it. 100% ... every week selfies on your phone... every 3 months post update pics here... these are vital to combat your brain when it’s telling you to quit and it’s not working or worth it and there’s no difference.. pictures will shut that shit down...

Adjust your macros as you see what works and what doesn’t. Watch your calories and understand where your starvation mode cuts in and out. DONOT cross that line. You’ll spend more time trying to reverse the effects of crossing that line than anything. Stay above the starvation mode. Or your body will fuck you. It’ll store bf no matter what you do...

You have a big ass frame. You’re going to be a friggin beast. Watch out jungle! Crush your days. Stay laser focused. Shut off that brain. You got this.

Following along for sure brother. Excited for your journey!

02-14-2019, 04:47 AM
PS: download myfitnesspal and log everything you eat. Very very important to keep track.

02-14-2019, 11:56 AM
Cowboymike -

First, thank you for the words of encouragement. I want to be a beast, just worried about my age (getting serious too late) and my physical issues. I am a disabed Marine due to breaking my left tibia 7 times and having a compressed disc in my back. On top of that I have suffered 2 heartattacks due to anxiety (I am autistic - high functioning aspurgers). Yet, I still am hard headed enough to try this anyways.

I am wanting to up my cardio to 30 minutes, When I started I was barely able to get 10 minutes, not I get 20 good minutes. I only do 10 minutes prior to leg training, but that is to warm up the muscle, not really doing cardio there.

I will up my anti-e to everyday. If you know where I can get them and other peptides without a minimum amount, and be of sound quality, please PM me and let me know. I am using a well known sponsor here, but like most they do have a minimum.

As far as my weight training itself I am a big buy but not lifting heavy. And I am definitely not an ego lifter. I am OCD about my form and full range of motion. I don't believe in sacrificing form for weight. My shoulders seem to be giving me some issues, but I honestly think that has to do with the position in which I sleep. I am trying to train myself to sleep on my back but that is difficult. I am a stomach sleeper.

And as far as weighing myself, you are correct. And it's the same advise I give others, just not listening to it myself LOL. Last night I found that in the past week and a half I have only lost 1 pound, yet I went down a notch on my belt.

Again, thank you for your encouragement.


02-14-2019, 12:30 PM
dont worry about your age. Im 51 and have my next bodybuilding show in May. Become the beast that you want to. He's in there, you just gotta uncover him and youre on your way!!!!! Train hard and eat clean

02-14-2019, 12:36 PM
So, it is currently week 4 of my dieting. So far I have lost 12lbs, maybe more as I did not check my weight Sunday. I weigh each weekend so I can see if what I am doing is working or not. Below I will describe my current physical condition and then below that describe what I am taking / eating each day. It is important to know that I am working away from home, and staying in a hotel. I did purchase myself a George Foreman Grill, and I do have a microwave and a fridge. So cooking food is limited. Picture was taken at start of diet.

I am 38 years old, 6' 268lbs (as of last weigh in), 54" shoulders and 36" waist. Not sure on the bf, and if anyone has a good suggestion on how I can test that I am all ears.

One-A-Day Men's (taken twice a day)

The following was just started this week and will last for 12 weeks
1cc test p / .5 cc tren a EOD for 12 weeks
Proviron 50mgs per day for 12 weeks
Aromasin 12.5 3x a week
3ius HGH ED

Meal 1: 2 scoops protein (whey), 1 whole banana, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, 1 cup lactaid milk
Meal 2: 1 packet instant oatmeal (low sugar)
Meal 3: 6 to 8 ounces grilled chicken breast, 1 cup cooked rice (Uncle Bens Ready Rice in microwave bag, Jasmine) (I use pepper to flavor, no salt, and sometimes I add mustard for flavor)
Meal 4: Nature's Valley Oats and Honey Granola Bar
Meal 5: 1 scoop whey protein (post workout) (not drank when on non-training days)
Meal 6: 6 to 8 ounces grilled chicken breast, steamed veggies (half of a frozen bag steamed in microwave, pepper for flavor)

Please keep in mind I am trying to stay calorie deficient for weight loss. I would love to eat some eggs each day in my diet, but again I have no way to cook them. I am on a 12 hour a day schedule, and a 1.5 hour total commute to and from work each day. So I take off from the gym every 2 to 3 days to do meal prep. I am also doing 20 minutes of cardio 5 days a week.

I know this is not an optimal plan, which is why I am posting it here in order to receive advice. I am also wanting to keep myself motivated, hence also posting this log. I look forward to your assistance.

Always with integrity

First off good job and keep up the fight and don't stop! Second I can tell you how to make that fat melt off in 2 months. The Keto diet. It's very simple count your carbs every single day and stay at 20 or less a day. After 5-7 days you'll feel crappy and that's normal "Keto Flu" get some sea salt and drink a glass of water everyday for 2-3 days with a spoonful of the sea salt. Once your body realizes your not taking carbs it burns your actual body fat for fuel. That's when the magic happens! Don't cheat and eat more carbs one day because one day over will start the process all over again instantly. I do this diet 3-4 times a year and it works like no other. I just finished it and lost 25lbs in a month. Now I'm smashing 1.5grams of protein per my body weight and building muscle. It's a tough diet but it works like a mother-fucker ;)

02-14-2019, 12:41 PM
Sachie -
I will look into the Keto Diet. I am concerned how it will effect my energy levels considering the hours I put in daily/weekly with work, travel, gym etc. If my energy levels can hold up then I am game for giving it a go.

02-14-2019, 12:43 PM
Overfiddy -
I appreciate the words of encouragement. Please excuse my language, but I would love to give a big "FUCK YOU" to all the ones back home (including family) and the those here at work that have told me I am wasting my time, that I am not capable of reaching my goals. Being a beast has always been a dream. I am ready to make that dream a reality. I have no illusions, there is no quick fix or easy way. Just hard work, dedication, and consistency.


02-14-2019, 01:25 PM
My meal prep for lunch and dinner 3 days

http://http://i63.tinypic.com/2aahqv5.jpg (http://http://i63.tinypic.com/2aahqv5.jpg)

02-14-2019, 01:46 PM
Good luck brother! I’m new and don’t have much in the way of advice but I’ll be following along and rooting for you.

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02-15-2019, 11:38 AM
Last night was back and shoulders. Not going to give sets and reps each time. I normally do 4 sets with 8-12 reps, depending on the exercise and how I feel along with the weight.

Seated Cable Rows
Lat Pull Down (Wide Grip)
Reverse Grip Lat Pull Down (Shoulder Width)
EZ Bar Up Row
Dumbbell Side Lateral Raise (iso)
Dumbbell Front Lateral Raise (iso)
Back Fly Machine
Side Oblique Crunch on Back Extension Machine
25 Minutes of cardio on elliptical (up from 20 minutes) (speed is always around 3.3/3.6)

I realized when I left the gym I was out of meal prep at the hotel, and time constraint would keep me from buying and cooking more, so I got a grilled chicken sandwich from Wendy's. Did not eat all of the bread. No fries or drink from there, just a sandwich.

02-17-2019, 02:33 PM
Friday night workout was chest:
Bench Press
Hammer Strength Inline Press Machine
Upper Cable Fly
Lower Cable Fly

Ate 2 slices of carne special pizza at dinner. Other than that no change from daily diet

02-17-2019, 02:34 PM
Saturday no gym diet still on par for the day. Did get some sirloin burger and cooked it to replace some chicken meals. Want to see if adding red meat into the diet will make any changes.

02-17-2019, 02:38 PM

Feel like my balls are being kicked here. At work I get no support, just bullying. Most of the same at home. Felt like if I started a log here, it would be like others where people would put in their two cents, make comments, show support etc. Instead, I am ignored here online as in real life. Somedays I truly feel cursed. That having been said, the log will go on and so will my training and everything included in it. My father told me the other day that men do not support each other, it's part of the "man' code". Being autistic I have never understood social behavior cues and personalities very well. Guess this is one more for the list. I want to support others, male or female. I don't see where being supportive or giving a hug makes you weak. And if that is the case, then I am one weak mofo. Is what it is.



02-17-2019, 03:03 PM
My meal prep for lunch and dinner 3 days

http://http://i63.tinypic.com/2aahqv5.jpg (http://http://i63.tinypic.com/2aahqv5.jpg)
Someone's not fucking around! Nice

02-17-2019, 04:51 PM

Feel like my balls are being kicked here. At work I get no support, just bullying. Most of the same at home. Felt like if I started a log here, it would be like others where people would put in their two cents, make comments, show support etc. Instead, I am ignored here online as in real life. Somedays I truly feel cursed. That having been said, the log will go on and so will my training and everything included in it. My father told me the other day that men do not support each other, it's part of the "man' code". Being autistic I have never understood social behavior cues and personalities very well. Guess this is one more for the list. I want to support others, male or female. I don't see where being supportive or giving a hug makes you weak. And if that is the case, then I am one weak mofo. Is what it is.


HDHey HD.... I hear ya.

The Brotherhood will be able to help you and give info but you have to let the process work. This thread is only 3 days old and you have had 5 different posts of encouragement and diet info. You have to get your posts read regularly by doing what you are doing now. Update everyday or multiple times a day. That gets more eyes on it, hence gets more help... believe in the process and it will work. Guys on here are very encouraging. Nobody on here will flame you for putting in the work you are doing. A lot of guys will get motivation off of your post. I know it gives me extra to read what you are going through(work, family, etc...).

My only 2 suggestions to you are that you get your bmr with a calculator online and get your macros calculated(I didnt see anything specific in your intro). Use it to get you P,C and F dialed in. Also your daily caloric intake. Dont cut it so far down that you stall your metabolism. Work from a deficit of about 500 a day at first. That way you wont kill your muscle while losing fat. You have to eat to make your body work.

Second, do some reading on the right diet FOR YOU. It is important to figure out what kind of lifestyle you can live with your work schedule and everything else you got going on. If a diet is too strict or hard to accomplish with your schedule(life). I promise you're going to fail.

I hope this helps you and gives you some "food" for thought as you embark on this long journey. I like to say to myself all the time. I didnt just wake up one day and weigh 345 lbs. I got there over a period of time. I'm not going to be 240 overnight either. Just keep grinding. If you mess up on a meal, just get right back on the horse.

Unleash the BEAST you want to be brother.
It's in there.... just feed it!!!!

Good luck.


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02-17-2019, 04:58 PM

Oh yeah, as far as figuring out your BF....

You can do the dexa scan that is about as accurate as you can get. The others are calipers(to hard to get right) or water submersion. Google search your area for those different types.

You may want to get some extra motivation(if you didnt already have enough).

Enter a body transformation contest. It may help push you to a specific goal or time frame.

I know one just starting. Get motivation and maybe some gear out of it. Just a thought, you may not need it.


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02-17-2019, 06:06 PM
You don't need gear at that high body fat seriously.

Wise up

02-17-2019, 07:58 PM
Tried yogurt today, super yuck. Just don't like it. Diet still on par. Gonna sit down and figure out the exact calories per day, I without a doubt know it's more than 500 less than what I was in taking.

Today was arms
EZ Bar curls
Cross Body Hammer Curls
Hammer Curls
Overhead Extension
Close Grip Bench Press
Close Grip Cable Press
Reverse Grip Cable Press (iso)
30 minutes on the elliptical

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02-17-2019, 09:13 PM
You don't need gear at that high body fat seriously.

Wise up

So, I first thought to reply with something that may have gotten me banned, second thought was to not reply at all. Yet you chose to speak stupidly on my thread, so I am responding.

First - if what you say is true, then those 400+ pound powerlifters that are all morbidly obese when it comes to body fat percentage or BMI are all idiots.

Second - the use of steroids / gear / juice / etc. is not a magic substance. I know this clearly. It is a weapon added to an arsenal to assist one in obtaining their personal goals. It is something used along with diet, training, supplements etc.

Third - I am using these compounds (I have done my due diligence in research) to help both assist me in keeping the muscle mass which I already have during my calorie deficient diet from wasting, and to assist in recovery from intense training and past injuries.

Fourth - I am not trying to get a six pack, nor am I trying to be a pretty boy. When I took the picture, I felt disgusted with the way in which I looked, was not sucking in my gut, flexing any muscles, etc. I was not trying to impress social media followers with the best angle and lighting. I could have easily done the above and looked differently. As I signed my post (which by the way I have found through experience most people don't have any more) I signed by saying "Always with integrity". I am willing to bare myself in front of a "brotherhood" of like minded people so that they can witness me in true dedication to making my dream become a reality.

Fifth - I have been a moderator on a board "ironlifter.com". I have been a veteran on a few boards. For you to have earned such status and be allowed by administration to speak in such a way, makes me question your worthiness. Think on that before you make a negative statement to a person willing to share openly their personal information and their journey on bettering themselves.

Last - Some will say I took that comment too personally. And in the spirit of integrity, I may have. Yet I will say this, I posted earlier today the lack of support I have received in all aspects when it comes to me in this journey. I am called names from those whom also call themselves my friends and family. So, yes, I take such a thing personal.

I shall end this in saying I move forward, offer forgiveness to Couchlockd for his comment, and will continue to push on with my journey. As when it comes to changing one's physique, only the person themselves can effect the change.


02-17-2019, 09:34 PM
It's your life and your body bro. Try finding a fun cardio machine. I like using a rower. I can "race" myself every day. Keep on your diet and to tell with the naysayers. You are doing this for you. If you don't believe in you no one else will. Use that prick as motivation and in 11 more weeks post a finished result a demand an apology. Lol.

Caustic Charm
02-17-2019, 09:35 PM
I’ll follow your journey, brother. Read up on your diet, you mentioned eggs, so I wanted to throw out the suggestion of gettin liquid egg whites. They are simply superb. Google it, you can get it on amazon or at your local grocery store for a few more pennies. And while most folks cook them, I prefer to just turn it up and drink from the carton. Easy protein and you can get it with no flavor whatsoever, which I prefer

I’m 52 years old, 182 pounds and I am leaning out big time these days. So, it can be done, just find the right combo of gear.

And I don’t eat 6 times a day. I find the common knowledge on diet among bodybuilders to be largely outdated and I pay zero attention to it. Simply put, build muscle, eat sensibly, and fat will leave.

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02-17-2019, 09:45 PM
It's your life and your body bro. Try finding a fun cardio machine. I like using a rower. I can "race" myself every day. Keep on your diet and to tell with the naysayers. You are doing this for you. If you don't believe in you no one else will. Use that prick as motivation and in 11 more weeks post a finished result a demand an apology. Lol.

Appreciate the support brother. I use the Elliptical at the gym, thinking of doing the same here at the hotel on off days from the gym. Decent small gym here at the hotel

02-17-2019, 09:48 PM
I’ll follow your journey, brother. Read up on your diet, you mentioned eggs, so I wanted to throw out the suggestion of gettin liquid egg whites. They are simply superb. Google it, you can get it on amazon or at your local grocery store for a few more pennies. And while most folks cook them, I prefer to just turn it up and drink from the carton. Easy protein and you can get it with no flavor whatsoever, which I prefer

I’m 52 years old, 182 pounds and I am leaning out big time these days. So, it can be done, just find the right combo of gear.

And I don’t eat 6 times a day. I find the common knowledge on diet among bodybuilders to be largely outdated and I pay zero attention to it. Simply put, build muscle, eat sensibly, and fat will leave.

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Thanks for the follow my brother. I may try the eggs you speak of. I tried the liquid egg whites a few years back as a substitute for milk in my shakes... yucky LOL. So farmy meal plan has worked well for me. I see less weight on the scale each week (which I should not be weighing each week) and my belt has gone down a notch and almost ready to go down another already. So my leaning out plan is ahead of schedule from what I was expecting, so dedication truly does pay off.

Caustic Charm
02-17-2019, 10:09 PM
Why not weigh every week? Nothing wrong with it. You know the journey you’re on, nothing weird about making weekly adjustments to the calorie count.

And yea, I don’t put that stuff in shakes. 8 oz carton, pop and drop. Done.

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02-17-2019, 10:31 PM
Throw the scale and BF% out the window. Look in a mirror. That's your progress report. Take a weekly selfie. Stress will keep weight on you. Sounds like you have an overactive mind to a degree. Could be counter productive to you to focus on numbers. And Jack that cardio up as much as you can!

02-18-2019, 01:20 AM
Why not weigh every week? Nothing wrong with it. You know the journey you’re on, nothing weird about making weekly adjustments to the calorie count.

And yea, I don’t put that stuff in shakes. 8 oz carton, pop and drop. Done.

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Great advice. 8 bucks for six 8oz cartons at Costco. Great for building or dieting.

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02-18-2019, 01:23 AM
Thanks for the follow my brother. I may try the eggs you speak of. I tried the liquid egg whites a few years back as a substitute for milk in my shakes... yucky LOL. So farmy meal plan has worked well for me. I see less weight on the scale each week (which I should not be weighing each week) and my belt has gone down a notch and almost ready to go down another already. So my leaning out plan is ahead of schedule from what I was expecting, so dedication truly does pay off.

I pour those liquid egg whites on my cereal post workout. Chug half a carton after a meal when I’m growing. Makes a great breakfast on its own too.

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02-18-2019, 02:16 PM
Why not weigh every week? Nothing wrong with it. You know the journey you’re on, nothing weird about making weekly adjustments to the calorie count.

And yea, I don’t put that stuff in shakes. 8 oz carton, pop and drop. Done.

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Was advised not to weigh in each week. Though your thoughts on it mimic mine. It allows me to know where I stand and if something needs to be tweaked.


02-18-2019, 02:21 PM
Throw the scale and BF% out the window. Look in a mirror. That's your progress report. Take a weekly selfie. Stress will keep weight on you. Sounds like you have an overactive mind to a degree. Could be counter productive to you to focus on numbers. And Jack that cardio up as much as you can!

Unfortunately I do have an overactive mind. Yet it does work both as a positive and a negative, depending on the situation. Stress has caused me to have two heart attacks already and I am only 38. Me achieving these goals mean more to me than most will ever understand. One doctor told me I would never walk without a cane... if he could see me on leg day lol! When my mind allows it, I am my best motivator.

And I have worked up from 8 minutes of cardio when I first started to now doing 30 minutes. Have to keep in mind my schedule and what will allow me the most production in the amount of time given when factoring travel time, food consumption, work, sleep, etc.


02-18-2019, 02:23 PM
I pour those liquid egg whites on my cereal post workout. Chug half a carton after a meal when I’m growing. Makes a great breakfast on its own too.

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I will look into those, may add it to my meal 4 of the day, so that way I am getting in more clean protein. Guess if the flavor sucks I just down it and chase it with some low sugar Gatorade or something. Thanks for the advice.


02-19-2019, 03:00 AM
Was advised not to weigh in each week. Though your thoughts on it mimic mine. It allows me to know where I stand and if something needs to be tweaked.


For me the scale became useless.. I can see it in my body what’s working and what’s not and when to adjust... the scale screwed with my head to much... but hey brother, do what works best for you! Hang in there brother! Keep plugging away!

Caustic Charm
02-19-2019, 07:51 AM
For me the scale became useless.. I can see it in my body what’s working and what’s not and when to adjust... the scale screwed with my head to much... but hey brother, do what works best for you! Hang in there brother! Keep plugging away!

OP is about 65 pounds over weight, if I’m making a guess. I would use the scale as a fantastic measuring stick until he gets down to his ideal weight, and then of course it’s all about the lean muscle, and like you say, scale is useless :)

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02-19-2019, 11:48 AM
For me the scale became useless.. I can see it in my body what’s working and what’s not and when to adjust... the scale screwed with my head to much... but hey brother, do what works best for you! Hang in there brother! Keep plugging away!

I have gone down a notch in my belt, and almost ready to go down another notch very soon. So both are positive for me. One to let me know if I am on track, the other helps with self esteem issues.

02-19-2019, 12:06 PM
As you transform (especially if you are running gear) the number on the scale will not reflect the weight you are wanting to lose. I gained 12 lbs the first 6 weeks I started but my waist shrank. I wasnt running any gear but my body carries more muscle than most (6'3) if you are measurung numbers you will just waste your time. You aren't trying to get on a stage or compete. Just doing it to be a better version of you. Keep doing what you are doing bro. You'll get there.

02-19-2019, 12:14 PM
As you transform (especially if you are running gear) the number on the scale will not reflect the weight you are wanting to lose. I gained 12 lbs the first 6 weeks I started but my waist shrank. I wasnt running any gear but my body carries more muscle than most (6'3) if you are measurung numbers you will just waste your time. You aren't trying to get on a stage or compete. Just doing it to be a better version of you. Keep doing what you are doing bro. You'll get there.

Appreciate and thank you for the words of encouragement. Yes, I am doing this for me right now, not a stage or competition.

02-19-2019, 12:19 PM
Last night was legs. Lower back issues and damaged left leg (broke the tibia 7 times while in the Marines) keep getting in the way of making the lifts at the level I would like to be at. Unfortunately time won't fix this, but I am not quitting. I just have to accept my legs will never bee the size I would like, yet that doesn't mean I don't give them hell anyways.

Squat (traditional)
Leg Press
Lying Leg Curl
Leg Extension
Stretching (multiple positions)

Diet stayed on point today. I am hungry to some degree all day, but that is just the sacrifice I am willing to make. Going to be spending some time today crunching some numbers so that everyone will know my daily intake. I am not counting macros in this diet, yet I will post them just for those who really want to see them.

02-19-2019, 12:35 PM
Lol. Marine. Totally explains. I was Army infantry bro. I understand the discipline factor. You dont have to be a subject matter expert on this man. Just dont put bullshit into your body, stay with your routine for long enough and you will be fine. Youve probably gained 10 lbs of muscle too. Your probably gonna transform like a mother fucker if you stick at this for awhile. Again. Stress and sleep are probably going to be the only thing that holds you back.

02-19-2019, 12:39 PM
Lol. Marine. Totally explains. I was Army infantry bro. I understand the discipline factor. You dont have to be a subject matter expert on this man. Just dont put bullshit into your body, stay with your routine for long enough and you will be fine. Youve probably gained 10 lbs of muscle too. Your probably gonna transform like a mother fucker if you stick at this for awhile. Again. Stress and sleep are probably going to be the only thing that holds you back.Speaking of sleep. I am a stomach sideways sleeper. I have noticed my shoulders not healing and actually starting to give me troubles. Did some homework, found that my mattress is too firm at the hotel, and all of my body weight is applying pressure to my shoulders as I sleep. Causing possible rotar cuff issues. So now I am trying to learn how to sleep on my back, which is so difficult to do. I end up having to roll over and am loosing sleep because of all this.

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02-19-2019, 12:44 PM
Try laying with your head at the foot of the bed while you learn to sleep on your back. That way your body wont try to fight to its default position.

Caustic Charm
02-19-2019, 04:24 PM
You’re gonna start losing sleep anyway on the tren. Might want to take that into account

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02-25-2019, 10:52 PM
Switching to night shift has been hell, and I will be going back to day shift on the 4th, next Monday. So my sleep is all out of wack. That being said, I am now training every other day due to being tired. And taking a preworkout isn't in my best interest as I workout after shift, so it would effect sleep also. Diet is suffering, the Walmart here closes at midnight, and far enough away from the hotel that getting up early and driving back and forth is not a smart idea. Using low sodium canned chicken instead of grilling it. Seems to give me the poops bad. Dealing with it as I want to stay on track as best as possible.

Submitted photos for the PL contest, and if I am approved, I will put a link in this thread so that I am not trying to run two logs.

02-25-2019, 10:54 PM
Did chest after shift Saturday morning. One thing about hitting the gym at 330 am is you are the only one there.

Bench Press
Hammer Strength Incline Press
Upper Cable Fly
Lower Cable Fly
20 minutes on Elliptical

Just didn't have my usual energy levels.

Wondering if for the week I may up my carb intake prior to leaving work. Maybe some oatmeal for energy. Going to try this tonight/morning and see how I feel.

02-26-2019, 01:26 AM
My log o under Private Label started 2/25/2019


03-26-2019, 02:51 PM

So, to date I have lost 30 pounds. I will be picking back up on this log, the other is in cyber limbo never to be seen again....

Here are some changes I have made:

> About every 3 days I eat an actual meal, like meat and two veggies type of deal. I started to feel like I just was not getting enough food in my system. The long hours at work and then gym time made life difficult. I am working 6-7 days a week, and with travel to and from work time included, I am pulling 13 hour days. So I feel I need the extra calories, and I do feel best after a good solid meal.

> No more tren for now. Been having trouble sleeping, prior to the tren, and feel like it may have been effecting it more negatively. May try it again in the future if my schedule ever slows down. At the end of the day, I don't get paid to lift, so I have to take care of my health.

> Taking Sus twice a week (1cc per) and 40mgs of Var a day. Also have my aromison I take every other day. May up my test to 1.5cc per shot.

> Training has an extra day now. Broke up shoulders and back. Felt like I wasn't giving my delts the attention they deserved after hitting back. So I have a 5 day split now. I am seeing some roundness in my delts, so it is working.

So all else is still the same. I did buy a weighted blanket to help me sleep, which it does help. Autism has it's positives and negatives, yet I feel pushing forward each day with a positive mindset will help me in reaching my goals. As always I appreciate the support.


Caustic Charm
03-26-2019, 04:27 PM
I read early on you were doing tren EOD, was that ace or enanthate? I do 400 mg tren-e a week with 3 IUs a day of GH, and my sleep is pretty damn good. GH I believe offsets my sleep issues from tren.

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03-26-2019, 04:30 PM
I read early on you were doing tren EOD, was that ace or enanthate? I do 400 mg tren-e a week with 3 IUs a day of GH, and my sleep is pretty damn good. GH I believe offsets my sleep issues from tren.

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I was doing .5cc of Tren A EOD and 3ius of GH each morning. I was tired in the morning until I had some caffeine. It may not have been the tren, I just know I do not sleep well and kept reading where everyone lost sleep from it, so I didn't want to further hurt myself.

Caustic Charm
03-26-2019, 09:09 PM
I was doing .5cc of Tren A EOD and 3ius of GH each morning. I was tired in the morning until I had some caffeine. It may not have been the tren, I just know I do not sleep well and kept reading where everyone lost sleep from it, so I didn't want to further hurt myself.

That’s only 200 mg a week of tren, I wouldn’t think that would screw up your sleep that bad, but everyone is different. Tren always has a unique effect on folks.

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03-27-2019, 12:03 PM
Trained legs last night:

Hip Abductors - 4 sets
Squat - 5 sets
Stiff Leg Deadlifts - 4 sets
Leg Press - 4 sets
Laying Leg Curl (iso) - 3 sets
Leg Extensions (iso) - 3 sets
Oblique crunches - 4 sets

Ate well for the day. I am eating subway rotisserie chicken wraps post workout now, makes life easier. Its double meat and gets my veggies in. I use the spinach wrap, no chips or cookies. Hell of a lot better than the big mac and fries I ate prior to this diet. Wearing compression pants today under my jeans, hoping it helps with recovery as I am sore as f*#k today. Thankfully the bathroom in my office has handicap bars to help me up LOL!

Have a great day and stay positive brothers!

03-28-2019, 12:34 PM
No training last night. Legs are still sore today, but going to be hitting chest and calves tonight. Ate a sandwich and some chips last night. Always been a comfort food deal for me, and as a plus the chips were homemade, not some store bought in a bag deal. Not good for the diet, but was good for me. Gonna do some leg stretches here in the office and grab some food. Hope everyone has a great day!

03-28-2019, 02:01 PM
Sounds like you got room for improvement on the diet. Hitting macros once in a while with fast food is OK but quality of ingredients won't be there and it's almost always loaded with sodium. Grats on the 30lbs mark. Seems risky to drop tren since that's a great drug for cutting. Hgh can make you tired /sleepy and could be the culprit. What's the weight goal for the end of this cycle?

03-28-2019, 02:12 PM
Sounds like you got room for improvement on the diet. Hitting macros once in a while with fast food is OK but quality of ingredients won't be there and it's almost always loaded with sodium. Grats on the 30lbs mark. Seems risky to drop tren since that's a great drug for cutting. Hgh can make you tired /sleepy and could be the culprit. What's the weight goal for the end of this cycle?Not really a goal on the weight, it's more on how I feel about myself when I look in the mirror. I like being a bigger guy, just wanted to lean down some.

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04-12-2019, 02:21 PM
So everyone knows I lost my job and have been trying to find a new one while traveling. Due to this my workout and diet has gone to hell. So as of now I am going to TRT and will be back on schedule once everything is good once again. Thanks to those that followed me.


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