View Full Version : Well since no one wants to answer my FUCKIN question. Slin 27 lbs 7 days

02-18-2019, 04:24 AM

02-18-2019, 04:29 AM
Whatcha talkin about brother? Slin 27 pounds 7 days? What does that mean?

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02-18-2019, 04:37 AM
i had asked if one 4 week cycle would cause gut distensiion or type 2 diabetes.

aside from tht ive gained 27lbs in 7 days is it muscle? no. but the scale, the energy, the recovery 40lbs on dumbell bench in 7 days. no oral steroid is gonna do that shit

02-18-2019, 04:40 AM
fuck m1t sdrol adrol tren this shits nuts but will be my only and ever cycle

02-18-2019, 05:09 AM
i had asked if one 4 week cycle would cause gut distensiion or type 2 diabetes.

aside from tht ive gained 27lbs in 7 days is it muscle? no. but the scale, the energy, the recovery 40lbs on dumbell bench in 7 days. no oral steroid is gonna do that shitHoly fuck! Yeah brother no oral is going to do that.

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02-18-2019, 05:10 AM
fuck m1t sdrol adrol tren this shits nuts but will be my only and ever cycleWhat is it that you're on? The compound?

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02-18-2019, 05:22 AM
I’d assume he’s talking insulin..

02-18-2019, 05:25 AM
I’d assume he’s talking insulin..Gotcha. Didn't catch it from the heading as I have no experience with it at all. So much so I didn't get, "Slin." Lol.....!

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02-18-2019, 05:27 AM
insulin dbol test deca

02-18-2019, 05:27 AM
I’d assume he’s talking insulin..Such a dummy.....lol

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02-18-2019, 02:37 PM
Exactly what is it that u r asking?
& some questions r so broad they can't b answered without A lot of details bcs there r SO many variables that can effect the outcome.

02-18-2019, 09:10 PM
Exactly what is it that u r asking?
& some questions r so broad they can't b answered without A lot of details bcs there r SO many variables that can effect the outcome.

will 1 4week cycle 30 iu insulin a day cause permanent gut distention or type 2 diabetes ?

02-18-2019, 09:31 PM
fuck m1t sdrol adrol tren this shits nuts but will be my only and ever cycle
^^^^^^What does this mean.. please enlighten me^^^^^
No No insulin gut from 4 weeks cycle. Dosnt happen that fast. It happens over a long period of abuse. If you have a distended gut it’s from the 26pounds of water weight your put on. I can guarantee that maybe outta that 27pounds maybe 2-3 pounds of quality mass. And how long have you beeen running test dbol and deca. Is it in your first week or 4th week. Either way you must be bloated like a puffer fish. Not putting you down at all but if you have to ask if the weight you gained is muscle or not maybe you should rethink shit. Insulin is very dangerous and I know national competitors that say unless you are stepping on stage the health risk Involved IE ( DEATH) it’s just not work it. I don’t talk about myself but I can put on 27pounds of quality muscle in 8-12 weeks and only loose 10-15 of it after I am done and never have to use insulin once. I can also put on 10pounds in 20 weeks with a little bit of gear and good diet and not loose any of it. It all depends on the person and knowledge and training level. I gues after almost 20yrs of this I can always learn something new.. Please be careful... But hey it’s your world .. rock it anyway you like..

02-18-2019, 10:29 PM

Dude I replied to your post a day or two ago

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02-18-2019, 10:31 PM
Dude I replied to your post a day or two ago

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And I’ll post again here...

Insulin or growth only cause stomach distention if you’re susceptible to the possible side effects, which is a genetic pre disposition. So it’s more so a myth that insulin and growth are what cause stomach distention.

The real culprit of stomach distention is the copious amounts of food ingested daily for months or years that blow your gut out. Think about it: when you have a huge cheat meal with very high calories what happens? You have a food baby and your stomach is distended.. now imagine doing that for 6-10 meals a day for a very long duration. What do you think will happen? Your stomach will stay distended due to it always being overloaded with foods.

That’s why the eat to grow moniker has an asterisk next to it IMO. Meaning yes you have to eat to grow, but more doesn’t always equate to more. Hence why precision is best. Knowing how to track food ingested and make accurate adjustments based off what your body’s feedback is telling you rather then thinking you need to eat to grow so just up the food with no methodical approach

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02-18-2019, 10:45 PM
Dude I replied to your post a day or two ago

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just saw today thank you

02-18-2019, 10:46 PM
^^^^^^What does this mean.. please enlighten me^^^^^
No No insulin gut from 4 weeks cycle. Dosnt happen that fast. It happens over a long period of abuse. If you have a distended gut it’s from the 26pounds of water weight your put on. I can guarantee that maybe outta that 27pounds maybe 2-3 pounds of quality mass. And how long have you beeen running test dbol and deca. Is it in your first week or 4th week. Either way you must be bloated like a puffer fish. Not putting you down at all but if you have to ask if the weight you gained is muscle or not maybe you should rethink shit. Insulin is very dangerous and I know national competitors that say unless you are stepping on stage the health risk Involved IE ( DEATH) it’s just not work it. I don’t talk about myself but I can put on 27pounds of quality muscle in 8-12 weeks and only loose 10-15 of it after I am done and never have to use insulin once. I can also put on 10pounds in 20 weeks with a little bit of gear and good diet and not loose any of it. It all depends on the person and knowledge and training level. I gues after almost 20yrs of this I can always learn something new.. Please be careful... But hey it’s your world .. rock it anyway you like..

first week everything but ya i know its not much muscle

02-19-2019, 02:45 AM
just saw today thank you

No problem man. Hope that helps clarify some things you were asking about..

Also in regards to becoming diabetic two things: have at least 2 days of the week where you do no carbs and proteins & fats. This will help bring insulin resistance down and also give your digestive track a break from all the food being eaten.. and taking metformin at night before bed (250mg) helps also bring insulin resistance down so I do that almost every night when using insulin as well as a week or two after

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02-19-2019, 03:19 AM
No problem man. Hope that helps clarify some things you were asking about..

Also in regards to becoming diabetic two things: have at least 2 days of the week where you do no carbs and proteins & fats. This will help bring insulin resistance down and also give your digestive track a break from all the food being eaten.. and taking metformin at night before bed (250mg) helps also bring insulin resistance down so I do that almost every night when using insulin as well as a week or two after

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just worried because it lowers igf-1 along with mTOR.
going to take berberine 3 weeks after as "pct" hopefully doesnt fuck up igf-1
may only run the slin for 3 weeks as well sine ill be on test deca and switch to adrol from dbol