View Full Version : Cutting cycle help

03-20-2019, 09:50 PM
So this will be my third cycle. I’m currently 6’1 and 210 pounds. My diet is pretty strict with your average amount of slip-ups but other than that I stay around 280g of protein,400g of carbs and around 70g of fat. I would like to try out a tren/testp/mast cycle and I plan on EOD injections. With that being said what would be a moderate dosage as I will be new to tren and would like to not go balls to the wall but I also don’t want to take such a small amount that’s it’s useless. I was thinking maybe 50mg of each? As I said new to tren and want to be smart about it. Also this isn’t to get ready for a show or anything, I’m mainly wanting to lose some body fat and look good for my vacation in 14 weeks. I appreciate any input!

03-21-2019, 08:05 PM
I’d cut my carbs in half. Everything else looks good. Gold line has a blend called Shredz that is 75/75/75 per ml. This cuts down on the amount of oil you’re injecting per pin. I would give that a shot at 1ml eod.

03-21-2019, 09:29 PM
I would work on your diet first man. Without that, your gear won't work as good

03-21-2019, 09:39 PM
Would highly advise against Tren until you have more experience..

but if you must.

i would steer clear of mixes for your first run..
use Acetate so you can back out quick and it takes effect quicker..
go at it slow man..
Tren is no fucking joke..
start with 1/4ml and bump up in about 2 weeks if your feeling ok..

please be safe..