View Full Version : First Cycle Round Two ...

03-28-2019, 10:47 PM
To the Brotherhood:

44 years old
Not sure of my BF.
Good foundation, been putting in work solid work for about 6 months with TRT dose of 200mg/week. Been lifting overall for many years.
Never done a true cycle.

My original first cycle plan was:
400mg/wk Test C.
35mg Rad 140
12 weeks.

Ran into issues with the Rad140. Not sure what the hell I got. Gave me major jitters, hyped up feeling like I was on 3 cups of coffee and a NOS. I have a good baseline of being tolerant to most supps. Threw the shit away.

New plan:
Test C 400mg/wk
Anavar 10mg bid AM/PM for the last 6 weeks of the cycle
12-week cycle.
Adex .5mg 2 times per week

I have my labs just done, complete and will do more on week 4, 8, and 12. I will post all results for the brotherhood to see.

The concern is I know its hard to get good Var. in fact I am still not sure where I should get my gear from. I have read every sponsor inside and out on this board. There is a creed that all sponsors on this board are solid, and I am sure that is true. I am sure there are some finer polished sources and I need to figure that out. I have 3600 mg of pharmacy Test C on hand that I have stocked up on from my TRT regimen and want to build up more while I do the cycle of Test from a source on this board. My next cycle will be all pharmacy grade run and I will compare the two using the same 400mg/wk labs at 4/8/12. This will show the similarities or gap from one to the other.

Anavar seems good because I am naturally thick, most people think I am on more test that I am, naturally good genetics. However, age is clicking away so I want to get it moving.

Your a good crew to get feedback and input from. Thanks in advance..