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View Full Version : Irregular Period in Anavar/Winstrol Cycle

04-03-2019, 10:47 PM
Hello I have a friend is taking 2.5mg Anavar and 2.5 mg Winstrol twice a day and instead of stopping the menstrual cycle. She’s been getting it for the last 7 days.

please help. Any info is highly appreciated

04-04-2019, 08:30 PM
My only experience with this is with Anavar at 20mg split am/pm, sometimes my period would be irregular, shorter or I just wouldn't have one at all. But I would cramp and have swelled breast either way.

If she's expecting it to cut her period completely off, I don't think that's typical.

I have never tried winny, but just started my 3rd anavar cycle.

Probably not helpful at all, but I hated to not say anything at all.

Good luck to your friend.

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