View Full Version : Deca Pinning schedule and dosage.

04-29-2019, 09:51 PM
I am currently blasting 250mg of test E Wednesday and Saturday and just finished my last four weeks of Dbol and want to start running deca but still not sure on MGs and pinning schedule. I am doing 12.5 mgs of EXE EOD for estrogen control.

04-29-2019, 10:16 PM
I’m running deca now and I’m only taking 210mg every Monday and 180mg test e Monday and Thursday. For me I can tell the difference when I inject test once a week vs twice a week. For me personally I’m not to worried about spreading out my deca in two injections with the half life as long as it is. Know if I were to take say 600mg of deca I would then spread out the dose only to cut back on the amount of oil injected.

04-29-2019, 10:49 PM
Finding your own sweet spot with deca is something you have to kind of figure out. I started with 300mgs a week for 10 weeks. This cycle imrunning closer to 500 which is plenty for me. Just make sure you have caber or pyrami for prolactin as well as your AI if you feel you need it for your test and stay away from nolvadex while your on deca.

04-29-2019, 10:50 PM
Finding your own sweet spot with deca is something you have to kind of figure out. I started with 300mgs a week for 10 weeks. This cycle imrunning closer to 500 which is plenty for me. Just make sure you have caber or prami for prolactin as well as your AI if you feel you need it for your test and stay away from nolvadex while your on deca.

04-30-2019, 02:39 AM
Why stay away from nolvadex while on deca?

MC Anabolic
04-30-2019, 04:13 AM
400-600 mg is good with deca. due to it being a long ester 2 pins per wk is good. you can pin more if you want and are shooting high dose

Plate Smacker
04-30-2019, 02:38 PM
I pin Deca twice a week.
Best blast I run: against most of the bro science that floods the web...
Two 19nors with Nolvadex OMG somebody call the doc and the cops...
All homebrew gear and raws.

Test Deca Tren blast: 16 wks
Test E and Deca brewed 300mg/ml 1%BA 7%BB
Tren E 1%BA 18%BB in MCT Oil.

Pinning Mon. morning Thurs. night (E3.5D)
Test E: 720/wk
Deca: 600/wk
Tren E: 400/wk (drop at week 12 or add at week 4 to 16)
Mk 677: 25mg split dose Mk-677 12.5mg AM and PM.
If problems with bloating:
12.5mg before bed for 2 weeks
Then bump dose to full dose EOD:
(25mg split dose Mk-677 12.5mg AM and PM EOD) So one night I take only 12.5mg, then next day 12.5mg AM and PM, next day skip AM dose and take 12.5mg PM
Basically: run it however works for you. 12.5mg is highly effective if you have legit MK-677. I felt my first ever dose of 12.5mg four hours later with awesome pumps.

6mg Aromasin E3.5D
10mg Nolvadex EOD
5mg Cialis ED

Some may need Prami or Caber because of low dose AI.

Around Week 5 or 6: Almost unbearable pumps. Pumped all day.