View Full Version : Did not take pct years ago

05-19-2019, 09:42 AM
Hello everyone I�m new to this forums so ur Patience is appreciated.
Let�s start off I�m 23 years old and 6�1 about 210lb
I used streroids once in my life I was 18 about 5 years ago I had already been training for a year and I got sick lost some weight so my friend showed me what steroids where and he was using them at the time
I used sus and prope test for about 4 weeks then I used tren when I switched to tren the second time I took it I got a rapid heart rate at night and had a anxiety attack I ended up in the hospital and being a kid at that time I told them what I had been doing they told me to cut it off and not use it or it�ll cause heart attck so I did
I guess at that age I didnt need it who needs test at 18
When I cut them off I had no clue what pct was so I just cut off the test
I noticed my sex drive was really low but everything went back to near normal in about 4 months ,
Since then I hadn�t touched steroids or test
Over the past 2 years I�v notices a drop in my sex drive and I have gaining fat i was ripped befor but I�m starting to gain weight around my love handles and stomach
My testis are abit smaller aswell
I went and got a testosterone test and the result was 390ndl
The doc thinks it�s fine but I read on the internet that the range should be from 300 to 1000 so I�m just on the low end ,
Could that I haven�t taken any pct back then be the reason why this is happening ?
If so is there any pct I can take that would help
Iv been thinking about useing test recently but I�m just scared about the heart problems and I remember that night at the er in my head , any help about this or any pct advise is much appreciated.

05-19-2019, 01:30 PM
There's lots of stuff you could take
Olympus labs eliminate

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05-19-2019, 03:04 PM
Perhaps strenuous physical activity, training, eating well and living a generally healthy lifestyle will do all the things you are looking for?
I saw no mention of this.

05-19-2019, 03:16 PM
True but with low T he may set himself up for failure and possibly get injured . With diet he may lose weight but again low t could lead to osteoporosis and other bad conditions so in reality post cycle may be the easiest way to trouble shoot

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05-19-2019, 03:38 PM
Perhaps strenuous physical activity, training, eating well and living a generally healthy lifestyle will do all the things you are looking for?
I saw no mention of this.
I do eat healthy and I exercise regularly I’m just aging flabby weight like my body’s been limp . The doctor said my test levels are within range but realistically speaking they’re in the very low range

05-19-2019, 03:45 PM
I'd say try DAA ( D ASPARTIC ACID ) and nolvadex along side b6.
However they do say increased body fat lowers production of hormones so maybe your flab is causing the low T or vice versa
In my opinion dish out $40-50 bucks try the anti estrogen and see if that helps
Maybe your T will rise enough with nolva to help lose weight which will increase your T levels so you don't need nolva again

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05-19-2019, 04:28 PM
This is a stab in the dark without seeing your blood work but I'd suggest trying this:

1500 iu;s HCG 3x week for 3 wks
100 mg clomid ED for 3weeks
20 mg novaldex ED for 3 wks
drop hcg
50 mg ED clomid 3wks
20 mg ED novaldex 3 wks