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View Full Version : Opinions Of PCT

09-19-2012, 10:22 AM
What is your opinions about PCT ? Know guys who are on TTR because they dont want to crash their test then doing a pct, then recrash etc etc.... Its like to buy a porsche, crash it in a wall, repair it, then restart. He's true even if i already do a pCT.
Il already bridge between 2 cycles, like 10weeks of AAS then 1month of test250 every 10 days, then restart a cycle during 16 weeks. I did a pct and I recovered completely

09-20-2012, 03:21 AM
PCT is very useful and necessary to maintain gains if you plan on coming off cycle. If you are on TRT you can cruise through to your next cycle without the need for PCT.

09-20-2012, 04:12 AM
Pct, training, and diet, if done properly will prevent that crash and loss you are taking abou. Unless you want to be on trt forever you need time off and pct

09-20-2012, 04:27 AM
Pct, training, and diet, if done properly will prevent that crash and loss you are taking abou. Unless you want to be on trt forever you need time off and pct

This is mostly true there is one other option that may potential restart after years of a cruise.

(http://www.ergo-log.com/triptorelin.html)Single dose of triptorelin gets bodybuilder’s hormones going again

Italian endocrinologists managed to restore the natural testosterone production of a bodybuilder whose sex hormone production had shut down after 13 years of taking steroids. All they had to do was give the 34-year-old man a single dose of 100 micrograms triptorelin. An article by the researchers, who work at the University of Brescia, was published recently in Fertility & Sterility.


The bodybuilder went to a doctor in September 2008 because he was depressed, had no energy and had lost all interest in sex. He told the doctor he’d been using steroids since he was 21.

The guy took 10-week courses. Typically he would inject a daily 25 mg nandrolone and 25 mg stanozolol for the first 8 weeks, and follow it with 2 weeks of 50 mg mesterolone daily [say: primo]. The following week he would take 50 mg clomid daily, and for the last week he’d inject himself three times with 2000 IE hCG.

Well, that’s what the doctors reported. Probably the man took hCG first and clomid after. What’s more the doses sound very responsible to us. If bodybuilders tell doctors how much steroids they’ve been using, in our experience you need to triple the doses.

How many courses the man took each year is also not mentioned in the article.

The bodybuilder did jack up his doses from 2005 to 2008. During the 8 weeks that he injected stanozolol and nandrolone, he also started to use boldenone, injecting an average of 50 mg per day for a period of 3 weeks. And that’s where it went wrong, according to the blood tests. The doctors examined the guy in September, but decided to just observe for a few months. A damaged axis often just needs time to recover. But when the doctors examined the bodybuilder’s blood again in January 2009, there had been hardly any improvement.


The doctors decided to treat the guy with the GnRH analogue triptorelin. GnRH is a hormone that consists of only 10 amino acids. It is produced in the brain by the hypothalamus and stimulates the production of FSH and LH by the pituitary gland. The hormones travel in the blood to the sex glands, where they get these to produce testosterone.

The bodybuilder responded immediately to the hormone treatment. Within several minutes the concentration of LH and FSH in his blood had risen.


The doctors saw the bodybuilder 10 days later. His energy had returned and the testosterone concentration in his blood had risen to 7 ng/ml. Another three weeks later, his testosterone level was still normal, and his libido had returned too.


09-20-2012, 10:21 AM
Thats unreal.

09-21-2012, 03:38 AM
is the study on trip legit? any more studies?

09-24-2012, 09:36 PM
is the study on trip legit? any more studies?

I believe it's just this one case study but I have heard a few guys are trying it I will try to find their logs. Honestly I'd say its very early to say this stuff is 100% legit but maybe worth a try if you have been on a very long blast and cruise! With clomid or other SERM

09-28-2012, 09:47 PM