View Full Version : A different life....

07-02-2019, 05:43 AM
A different life....
Some say; letting go has nothing to do with "quitting".. I call BS, quitting is quitting.. Ask yourself this "Am I sticking it out or am I staying stuck?".. These are the defining moments that ultimately decide if you're quitting or if you should change things up so you can continuously stay with the grind while seeking improves in your route and mindset.. Here's something I truly beg of you to think about and digest.. Seriously...Ready?

"You're always one decision away from a totally different life!"

If you give in and quit your goal, your life will change and if you stick it the hell out, your life will also change..At the very end the one thing that you will have in common with those decisions, is the mere fact that you will have a totally different life with either one.. Which life do YOU WANT?

When you read this, I want you to think about what decision you need to make in order to have a whole different life..

Being fat or skinny is hard on us and so is being jerked, that shit does not come easy.. Pick your hard that will ultimately be your different life..

Just some thoughts before I go to bed and I wanted to share them with you my brothers and sisters..

07-02-2019, 03:35 PM
Love it Vision, this is good shit.

I was contemplating this same sort of deal while I was sitting on the beach the other day. So much has changed in my life this year. Loved ones passed away, an awesome opportunity to own my own business but I'm still on the fence about it because I'm not sure if that's what I want to do for the rest of my life. It's that one decision that can shape your life. It's important to put the world on hold, be by yourself and have some of these deep thoughts.....

07-02-2019, 03:43 PM
Very deep and insightful thought my brother.aevery decision we make does alter our life’s path in one way or another.Good or bad,it’s what we make of it.