View Full Version : First Cycle

07-03-2019, 07:03 PM
Hey bros. New here and new to the gear. Read a ton before forming what I think my first cycle is. It's essentially a copy and paste of one of the stickys and PCT's.

CYCLE 12 weeks
Test C 250mg twice per week
Arimidex 0.5mg E2D
?? Maybe HCG here??
HcG- 1,500iu per week for week one and two. Split into three, 500iu doses MWF
Aromasin- 25mg/day (week 1+2), 12.5mg/day(weeks 3,4,5)
Nolvadex- 40mg/day (week 1+2+3) 20mg/day (week 4+5++)

Thinking about adding 250iu of HCG twice per week during the cycle. I also read that you shouldn't be on it for more then 2 weeks. My main concern is reducing the chances of going sterile as much as I can since I'm only a year or two out from kids. Reading up on HCG, it seems it's good to keep it running to ensure natural production, but it's more then the 6weeks

Thanks bros

07-03-2019, 07:49 PM
Idk about running the Aromasin and Nolva together at those doses. Esp that early. You may end up running your estro TOO low and you need some of that to grow.

07-03-2019, 07:49 PM
As far as the hcg, how old are you now?

07-03-2019, 08:02 PM
Make sense. Going off of a basic PCT protocol I found on here. 22. So not a huge concern probably, but not having kids in my future worries me.

07-03-2019, 08:48 PM
Idk about running the Aromasin and Nolva together at those doses. Esp that early. You may end up running your estro TOO low and you need some of that to grow.

I agree with IrishOak. I think with that AI protocol during as well as in your PCT you’re going to crash your estrogen

I am a part time Proctologist and full time Gynecologist.

07-03-2019, 10:57 PM
Sorry for the confusion! It'd only be for PCT. During cycle Id run the Test C, Arimidex and possibly HCG. PCT would be Aromasin, Nolvadex and the HCG. Does that clarify it better, or are you saying get rid of the arimidex and possibly HCG during the cycle?

07-19-2019, 08:25 AM
Just my 2 cents worth, I would say get your bloodwork before the cycle and check your estrogen level, then if all is well, drop the adex from the cycle, unless you have any estrogen sides. Then halfway through your cycle get another bloodwork done and compare the levels to precycle, especially the estrogen. If estrogen is in an acceptable range and you are not feeling any sides (bloating, edema, tiredness, unable to get/keep an erection, etc..) then don't take the arimidex because on your first cycle you really don't know (without bloodwork) what your estrogen level naturally is and how sensitive your body might be to it, or how easily your body will aromatise the test. So you may not need the arimidex at all. Or you may need it on your 2nd shot. You know your body better than anyone so just be mindful of how you feel and any normalities. On my first cycle I noticed nipple tingling and sensitivity the second week (after 3rd shot) and since it was tingling I didn't get worried but I started feeling tired and moody. I started skipping going to the gym because I was just too tired. Then that night I noticed my feet were swollen and I thought to myself, these are all signs of high estrogen so I took a quarter of a 1mg arimidex before bed and when I woke up the next day all the symptoms were almost completely gone. After 2 days I took another .25mg every 3rd day of arimidex to keep it down and it worked great until the end of my cycle. Could I have stopped the arimidex? I don't know but I seemed to find a solution for me that worked well. I personally know people that did 500mg of test a week for 12 weeks and had no arimidex for the 12 weeks and they had no sides whatsoever, so I'd say you need to listen to your body. Because I can see how some people can confuse low estrogen sides with high and if you take arimidex when not needed and tank your estrogen you may think it is high estrogen and take even more arimidex. If you (or someone) does that they will have major problems. So I would take it easy and not just take an ancillary med just because you read on the internet that it was a good idea. You need to listen to your body. I hope this helps someone and everyone please disagree if you feel I am wrong, I am just giving my 2 cents worth of opinion, for whatever it may be worth.

07-19-2019, 11:11 AM
HCG should be either during cycle or before PCT
not both
so if youre gonna run it pre pct - perfect
Don't run during cycle

I prefer running it on cycle instead tho
first off i just blast and cruise so no PCT here
and second -it helps sexual functioning better when i run throughout the cycle

theres a argument for and against this idea so its preference really

I would do everything as above 500 cyp adex etc
500hcg 2x a week during cycle

PCT - take your last shot -- then stop oils and no HCG

then after 10 days after last cyp shot - start PCT with the nolvadex . (clomid? didnt see that listed )

Aromasin is good as an AI on cycle but i wouldnt use it during pct

stick w nolva and clomid PCT and youll be fine
Again just my chiming in -- do what works best for you