View Full Version : HGH red welt - Advice

07-23-2019, 08:59 AM
Been using HGH for 3 weeks now. Blood results were really good, i pinned 10iu 3 hours before the blood was taken. Serum GH was 6 times over the upper range limit and my igf had doubled from baseline levels after a week of using. There are heaps of signs that what i am using is real GH, physique is improving each week, slight CTS and water retention in hands and feet.
However, into the second week i have started getting red welts at each injection site which after doing some research there is no definitive answer as to what is causing them. Some people believe its a big warning sign to either 192 GH and antibodies are forming. Others say its just Beginner marks and they disappear after a couple of weeks when your body adjusts, some say its left over e-coli that wasn't fully extracted in the manufacturing process and some believe its just the body reacting to some of the fillers used to keep the HGH stable for transportation.
Just after some advice as to what to do from here, my head is telling me to just cut my losses and bin it however the gains are telling me to keep going lol.
Has anyone experienced these red welts on what they are 100% sure is pharma hgh from a dr? This also confuses me as some say they have never had a red welt from pharma gh however get them on chinese GH others have said they have gotten them on pharma.
Thanks in advance for any advice.

07-23-2019, 09:25 AM
. So I had the same issue when I first started gh. I had red welts all over my stomach.. I nownky Gh was good. I combated this by injecting into the muscle. It eliminated the problem.. as long as you know your gh is good then maybe you would want to try this. After about month or so i started sub q again and they went away.

07-23-2019, 11:53 AM
I got some germanlabs shit awhile back that was legit, because I had a serum test, but it left the worst red umps that Hurt for a few days. I chalked it up to contaminants and threw it out. This is not a typical reaction and should.not happen. You have to sit back and think do you really wanna put that shit in your body?

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07-23-2019, 11:56 AM
Try IM shots for a week or so then return to subq
Sometimes i shoot so much shit sub q into my abdomen that it just gets irritated and needs a break

should help for sure ^^
try IM into like delt or tricep -- easy place to hit a muscle and wont leave shit scar tissue bc its not an oil --its a water based peptide

07-23-2019, 01:23 PM
Try IM shots for a week or so then return to subq
Sometimes i shoot so much shit sub q into my abdomen that it just gets irritated and needs a break

should help for sure ^^
try IM into like delt or tricep -- easy place to hit a muscle and wont leave shit scar tissue bc its not an oil --its a water based peptide
I totally agree with you. Same thing happend to me. I switch to I’m and it went away. I chalked it up to maybe being the water and it was causing a irritation due to the ba content. It went away and never happens again after that.. but me meanie said he had legit gh and serums to prove it and then thru it out. If the serums came back great and it was legit gh why thro it out..

07-23-2019, 01:37 PM
I totally agree with you. Same thing happend to me. I switch to I’m and it went away. I chalked it up to maybe being the water and it was causing a irritation due to the ba content. It went away and never happens again after that.. but me meanie said he had legit gh and serums to prove it and then thru it out. If the serums came back great and it was legit gh why thro it out.. Cause I prefer to not have something I know is contaminated in my body. IM shots didnt leave a welt but left sore for a few days, why put myself thru that? I suffered thru it for weeks. Had welts all over my stomach and sore muscles from IM shots. Fuck that

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07-23-2019, 02:00 PM
I am betting that most people think they are doing sub-q are really injecting into fat. So a bolus of water into the center of a fat mass.
IM is the way to go. Dave Palumbo Just did a video on this. He talked about loose skin outside of knee. Thin skin, no fat. That’s where I would do sub-q if I were doing sub-q.

07-23-2019, 02:12 PM
I am betting that most people think they are doing sub-q are really injecting into fat. So a bolus of water into the center of a fat mass.
IM is the way to go. Dave Palumbo Just did a video on this. He talked about loose skin outside of knee. Thin skin, no fat. That’s where I would do sub-q if I were doing sub-q.

I’ll try it

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07-23-2019, 02:15 PM
The science states it is more bio available in the abdominal region via sub q. IM is a tiny bit less bio available than sub q but enters your system faster, sub q is a slower extended release. They both have their place, it would be goal specific or personal preference I think.

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07-23-2019, 02:51 PM
I am betting that most people think they are doing sub-q are really injecting into fat. So a bolus of water into the center of a fat mass.
IM is the way to go. Dave Palumbo Just did a video on this. He talked about loose skin outside of knee. Thin skin, no fat. That’s where I would do sub-q if I were doing sub-q.
Enigma please take notes from mister. Lmfao. No really I will have to try the knee spot. I too have some softness around the abdomen but you know when it really lmflared up was when I did my love handles. Not knowing any better I thought that sub q was into the fat. But again once I started having flare ups after a few weeks I went to Im and never had a reactions again I went thru eight kits with im shots. When I start blasting the gh again I will try the knee spot. I will say I did try a few shots on my forearms. Their is no fat and I didn’t get any reaction or red welts. It made me feel weird infecting into my fore arm so I stopped. Thanks for the insite.

07-23-2019, 03:03 PM
Unless you and Sqwiddly have fat knees a la “bingo wings”. Lol. Do they have a name for that fat hanging over a knee cap?

Man, I don’t care if others agree with me. But I am not exactly known for giving bad advice. On the forum and in real life.

Anyone know how our natural GH is released? Is it “extended” or dumped? (Sorry, rhetorical question.”

07-23-2019, 11:41 PM
Been using HGH for 3 weeks now. Blood results were really good, i pinned 10iu 3 hours before the blood was taken. Serum GH was 6 times over the upper range limit and my igf had doubled from baseline levels after a week of using. There are heaps of signs that what i am using is real GH, physique is improving each week, slight CTS and water retention in hands and feet.
However, into the second week i have started getting red welts at each injection site which after doing some research there is no definitive answer as to what is causing them. Some people believe its a big warning sign to either 192 GH and antibodies are forming. Others say its just Beginner marks and they disappear after a couple of weeks when your body adjusts, some say its left over e-coli that wasn't fully extracted in the manufacturing process and some believe its just the body reacting to some of the fillers used to keep the HGH stable for transportation.
Just after some advice as to what to do from here, my head is telling me to just cut my losses and bin it however the gains are telling me to keep going lol.
Has anyone experienced these red welts on what they are 100% sure is pharma hgh from a dr? This also confuses me as some say they have never had a red welt from pharma gh however get them on chinese GH others have said they have gotten them on pharma.
Thanks in advance for any advice.

Two questions, are you injecting SubQ? and is this your first time injecting PEDs or just GH?

SubQ tissue is much more sensitive to pain and inflammation than IM. There are more nerves here and it does not take fluid, especially at higher volumes, very well. I recommend IM. Most medication have higher absorption and bioavailability from IM route due to much higher blood flow.

Depending on your familiarity with injections, your body can react badly to the injections at first, so called "virgin pip" but also, injection technique is extremely important.

I find the 2 most important things for avoiding injection pain is A. Keeping the needle as steady as possible B. Counting to 20 after the fluid is injected to let it dissipate. This is how i stopped getting PIP permanently

Btw, did you use sterile saline or bac water? Using tap water can lead to PIP (had to ask)