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07-28-2019, 07:32 PM
Doing 150mg. Of tren ace a week. I was wondering if because of the sweat and trying to lean out should I drink more water and eat less or the opposite? I also am doing 400mg. Of test ethanate. Should I increase tren and test gradually or running it how I am doing it?

07-28-2019, 07:37 PM
Hey brother give some more information like age stats goals etc.

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07-28-2019, 07:48 PM
Drink more water and eat less like you said

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07-28-2019, 08:43 PM
I don’t want to offend...but this is your first post? We would need stats, etc. there’s also never a time to drink less water.

07-28-2019, 08:52 PM
Hi, welcome [emoji1317]. Age, Stats? Cycle, schedule and length? You get back what you put into it. It being BOP.

I am a part time Proctologist and full time Gynecologist [emoji199]

07-29-2019, 01:04 AM
Agree with joko.. doubt the kid will be active. I dont even know why I'm posting

07-29-2019, 01:43 AM
My general rule is not to comment on post of members under a month or two. Sometimes I break this rule but rarely. My advice would be to eat the same and drink plenty of water. Dieting on trenbolone usually means eating your own muscle.

07-29-2019, 11:01 AM
eat more and drink more H20.. train is a nutrient hog, you'll flatten out.. time your meals, make smaller portions but definitely always have something in your belly..
The quality with food is more important than the quantity, however, a re-feed may be required as they most are with while running tren..

07-30-2019, 05:06 AM
Thanks guy and you are right, my age is 43. This is not my first cycle. I have done test cypionate and deca before this and before that, it's been a while. I'm like 25 b.f. and I'm at 275lbs. I'm trying to lean out more..i used to work out when I was younger and I've been working out for about a year but more seriously the last 5 months. 4 to 5 days a week.

07-30-2019, 05:09 AM
Also.. my diet is mainly chicken, vegetables, oatmeal and my protein shakes. Been trying to eat more but no appetite. But since taking tren I have started to feel more hungry through out the day and that is why i was wondering about eating more.

07-30-2019, 05:11 AM
I think I do need to do the smaller portions and spread out through out the day.