View Full Version : What are your experiences with Isotretinoin/Accutane as a steroid user?

08-13-2019, 08:27 AM
I'm currently cruising with plans to start a T only cycle within the next 2 weeks.

My skin has never been great. It's always been really oily on my face, neck, upper back, chest and shoulders causing those areas to be covered in acne (unrelated to steroid use as It was just as bad before I started using). 3-4 years ago (before any steroid use) It got to a point I was so self conscious about my pizza face/neck (I was particularly concerned about those areas because obviously those areas are always exposed for the world to see) that I went to the doctors and they prescribed me some kind of antibiotics. It turned out to be a really good idea as it made the skin on my face and neck about 50% better which I was pretty happy with, however It did absolutely zilch for the other acne prone areas I listed.

Recently I've been noticing that at a very very slow rate the skin on my face and neck is starting to get worse again and the skin on my back, chest and shoulders is getting worse than it has ever been. I'm concerned that when I start my cycle It will get drastically worse which is the reason why I've been considering getting some Isotretinoin (accutane).

If you have experience with using accutane please let me know if it was worth it for you and what I should be aware of if I start taking it.


08-14-2019, 04:29 PM
I've used it a few times myself,self prescribed mind you,but it worked great for me,cleared up my back and shoulders fast. It is liver toxic though as well so just keep that in mind,and it will dry the
fuck out of your skin especially your lips. I have oily skin anyway so it was nice for me lol.

08-14-2019, 06:23 PM
Never had too much of a problem and neither did my wife but she was prescribed it a long time ago for other skin issues. I don't know her dose but I'm sure it was extremely too high. She had horrible sides from it, lips cracking and bleeding, skin so dry is was extremely sensitive to the touch... etc

With that said I believe the dosing protocol has changed a great deal and I see people using it and getting good results. If I suffered from bad acne I would consider it. I wouldn't hesitate to jump on it if I could benefit from it but drink plenty of fluids because it's pretty toxic like another poster said. It seems widely available as well.