View Full Version : Next cycle advice with pics

08-29-2019, 02:51 AM
Hey brothers. Was hoping to get a some advice on my next cycle and had a couple diet questions as well. I'm 37 5'10 180 (I would say 14-15%) and have been training consistently for about 3 years. Fucking love it. Started TRT (150 MG Test C per week) at the beginning of the before pic about 3 years ago. Felt like shit, test levels were 177 when I got it checked. Did my first blast about 18 months ago and have done a couple since. Previous blasts were all 500MG Test with all 3 and last 2 have thrown in an oral of TBOL or Anavar, really like Anavar and will probably run with each blast I do going forward. What do you guys think of running a first Tren cycle at 200MG per week for 10 weeks? Seems like a good dose to see how I respond and would want to keep sides as low as possible. If I ran the Tren, would you recommend still running the Anavar and Proviron? Any advice would be much appreciated.

I also had a couple diet questions. My issue right now is when I start to bulk I feel like I'm getting too fat (you can see I will hold alot of my fat in my loves handles) and when I cut I start feeling too skinny and not enough muscle. IT's a vicious cycle lol. My maintenance cals right now are about 2600-2700. Any recommendations on where I would want to go with cals with this cycle? I have a vacation in about 3 month and would like to be as lean as possible with abs. Thanks bros!

400-500 Test E - EW - 12-16 weeks
200MG Tren E - EW - 10 weeks
40MG Anavar ED - 6-8 weeks
25-50MG Proviron ED -
Arimidex - .5 - 2-3 EW depending on sides



08-29-2019, 03:23 AM
I like the cycle you have laid out. AI I mean you should have blood work to figure out what’s need be.


There’s no set answer on how you should increase your calories. I would also more so thinking in terms of macro nutrients instead of total calories. But as a reference point your metabolic will go up with AAS. a good reference point is to start where your protein amour where it is now. My personal beliefs are too keep fats to a minimum, trace amounts in your red meat, egg yolks. Carbs should be centers around the periworkout window. Add carbs to your pre, post meal. Then add an intra. Carbs are an energy source and I don’t believe they need to be taken around the clock only around Periods of activity. Keep insulin sensitivty high. Slowly take your protein portions up 2oz at a time. Gift your stomach a time to adapt. You need to your own coach take weekly check in pictures, weights at the bare minimum.

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08-29-2019, 02:19 PM
I see no reason to use proviron while taking test.

2-3 hits of armidex a week is a shit ton. I prefer aromasin over adex but thats me, you can probably get by with less but you know yourself better than I do. I see some gyno in top pick but not in bottom pic.

You need to quantify your diet more. Yes up cals but make sure they're good cals.

Adding tren will make a difference but you also need to be prepared for the sides, so have some caber on hand. Since its your 1st time, I would urge you to consider tren ace or tren hex instead. Both have less sides for most people.

I would not take the anavar with tren for 2 reasons: #1 your lipids will hit the shitter on either, why make it worse. #2 I doubt the var will do much more for you than the tren will. Tren is a magical compound and I think you're close enough to where you need to be to just run it alone.


08-29-2019, 03:00 PM
I appreciate the feedback. Does that look like gyno? I thought it was just a little chest fat. I don't feel any bumps or sensitivity. I do feel a small bump that is above my left nipple but can only feel it when I flex. Would it be worth doing a gyno reduction protocol on that?

08-29-2019, 06:02 PM
I appreciate the feedback. Does that look like gyno? I thought it was just a little chest fat. I don't feel any bumps or sensitivity. I do feel a small bump that is above my left nipple but can only feel it when I flex. Would it be worth doing a gyno reduction protocol on that?

It looks a little puffy to me. Just watch it. It could be shitty adex too, another reason why I like aromasin and the way aromasin works. I'm sure to get into a big discussion about this but proviron could also be causing this, it is a DHT derivative.


08-29-2019, 06:23 PM
OK thanks brother. I actually haven't started my blast yet, just on 150mg per week TRT dose and don't need an AI at that dose. I've only used Arimidex in the past but will look into Aromasin. I think I've decided on going with Test @ 400MG per week and Tren E @ 200MG per week. Going to get things started in about a week.

It looks a little puffy to me. Just watch it. It could be shitty adex too, another reason why I like aromasin and the way aromasin works. I'm sure to get into a big discussion about this but proviron could also be causing this, it is a DHT derivative.


08-30-2019, 05:43 AM
I agree 100% on Asin. It's what I use yr round. Adex actually shut my estro down and it was a bitch getting back on track.

I personally love Test/Tren/Mast/Var. It is a complete recomp for me.

I do agree with running Tren Ace to reduce sides. Hex is expensive and it's damn hard to find a source that has Hex and wasn't sold raw Enanthate instead. And I discourage a long ester Tren for a 1st timer. 30mg Tren Ace ED is my go to Tren protocol now. I also like 8 weeks. About week 7-8 is where the mental sides hit, I'm already sick of the night sweats, and the insomnia is really getting taxing affecting my short term memory and ability to focus.

Joko is extremely knowledgeable and a successful BB'r I've seen his pics and his fucking lat spread is amazing, Big from what I've seen is a straight shooter, so if they're willing to give input I'd listen to what thay have to say.

So just to be clear.....while bulking you were @ 2700 cals? What was your starting weight and target weight. I do agree on watching macros and not just cals. When I'm prepping for a bulk I plan macros for what weight I want to be. There's not a lot to add to what Joko has already stated except that some guys struggling to add significant size do well with a bump in EFA's and like Joko stated making sure you're getting in short acting carbs like Dextrose pwo, intra and post. I actually eat an orange, a few sips off of corn syrup, 200mg Caffeine and 40mg of Dextrose intra w/o.

I keep fats to a minimum around my early morning training.

Also at bedtime, in an attempt to keep blood sugar level, and make sure you're not depleting stored energy while you sleep, I encourage you eat a quality easily absorbed protein and in moderation 4 - 6 oz is a good starting point. Cottage cheese with a low-GI fruit (Cherries, Grapefruit, Apricots, Pears, Apples, Oranges & Plums are my favorites), or maybe 6oz of grilled chicken breast and stay away from high-fat protein. An omlet is a go to for me too.

In the pics you not only added a damn respectable amount of lean muscle mass but you also lost bf. IMO that's the holy grail. Many guys try but can't do both. Whatever you did it fucking worked. Are you keeping a good detailed log? Asking for advice is great but don't discredit yourself. You did damn good and the same habits could yield great results again especially adding Tren. I see guys all the time come to me for a magic AAS stack and when I see their progress my 1st question is "and why do you want to make these changes?" There are guys here on BOP that have been at this for a long ass time and still don't look as good as you did. You did great and you deserve credit for that.

When you say you lose too much lean muscle when you cut.....are you eating to stay anabolic? Like every 2 biurs for example? When you drop AAS timing with your food is paramount to maintaining muscle. The high quality protein, like 6oz, before bed is one example of proper timing.

Remind me again.....which pic shows where you are now? If there's not one can you post one or explain the difference? And what are the specific goals for this run? If your comment of wanting to be as lean as possible and have abs is the goal then you've got a damn good protocol. Especially adding Tren. Just be aware lots of guys have a misconception of what to expect while on Tren. They assume that its gonna pack on slabs of muscle and for me I struggle to put on any significant size with Tren. A lot has to do with my appetite being low in Tren. So if you can still force feed while on Tren you should do better than I do in regards to lean muscle gains.

I like Tren and Var because Tren flattens me out and IMO Var fills out the muscles belly. 40mg is a very moderate dose but it's still enough to get the job done. Big is right about the lipid issue this is why I run an OTC stack which has helped me significantly on this issue. Hawthorn Berry, Turmeric, Berberine, Garlic, Fish Oil, CoQ10 and Red Yeast Rice. You have to take CoQ10 along with Red Yeast Rice. One without the other is a "no no."

25mg Proviron is enough to lower SHBG and free up some bound Test. Proviron is a mild oral and as long as you run Tudca and NAC along with the orals I think you should get the full benefits. Add in Milk Thistle when your completely off orals to boost recovery.

Off subject but I see you did a serious upgrade on the counter tops and painted the bathroom a different color too. Man when I'm blasting every spare penny I've got goes to facilitating the blast. Just the cost of food is ridiculous. Especially because I have to go out to eat or I get bored outta my mind of what I cook. Hell I spend more money on OTC's and ancillaries than some guys do on gear.

08-30-2019, 04:52 PM
I wish I had access to something besides my phone. I have a few suggestions. You are starting at a good spot it looks like. I can ask why haven’t you considered other compounds besides tren for first foray into more potent drugs?