View Full Version : What are your thoughts on cycling hgh

10-03-2019, 02:36 PM
I have been taking hgh now for almost a year straight. I take 5iu/day in 2 doses while on a blast and 3.3iu per day 1 am dose while on cruise

I was watching enhanced athletes on you tube with dr huge and coach trevor and they recommend taking more hgh a day 7.5iu- 10iu and doing mini cycles or just running hgh only on lift days.

So I was thinking of bumping my hgh to 7.5iu a day taken 3 times a day. 2.5iu am, 2.5iu preworkout, and 2.5iu post workout and not taking hgh on my rest days

Any thoughts?

10-03-2019, 02:43 PM
Ive read alot guys having good results doing larger injections eod or only on workout days. But at the same time there have been experiments done (mainly on children with actually deficiencies) that have concluded no major difference in the benefits using either frequency. The rest is just bro science and anecdotal experiences.

I cruise in 3 to 4ius and blast on whatever i can afford on cycle. Right now that is 10iu split am (5iu) and post workout (5ius).

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10-04-2019, 07:07 PM
Dave Pulumbo is a big advocate for keeping dosage of gh low (around 3 iu max) and not using it every day. He recommends 5 days a week at most. My understanding is that having gh in your system all the time can lead to higher blood sugar levels and some say cause diabetes. Either way, I think taking a break is safer than running it all the time, but to each their own.

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10-04-2019, 07:19 PM
Self experimentation and timing seem to be the best mode of operation with rHGH. The Gh/AAS Combo obviously are a huge factor.
