View Full Version : John Stossel's "You Can't Even Talk About It" Steroids (Video)

11-16-2012, 01:03 AM
John Stossel's "You Can't Even Talk About It" Steroids (Video)

John Stossel's 20/20 special "You Can't Even Talk About It," first aired on May 8, 2009.


11-16-2012, 01:24 AM
Great Video......Got to give props to Stossel for applying some common sense to this issue!

11-16-2012, 05:11 AM
Great Video......Got to give props to Stossel for applying some common sense to this issue!

Agreed. Atleast someone out there is looking for straight answers.

11-16-2012, 04:54 PM
Unfortunately this common sense approach is a mute point to most of society who will continue to demonize the use of AAS and refuse to take a look at their own lifestyle and the products they consume on a day to day basis, (caffeine, acetaminophen, alcohol, highly processed foods, etc.) I love the point of hypocrisy in which plastic surgery=ok and AAS use=a no no, which was pointed out in the clip.

12-20-2012, 07:30 PM
All I know is when I am on my life is better. I am less moody, feel better, more positive, work harder, etc...

12-25-2012, 05:24 PM
I think it's a great point that we are allowed to participate in dangerous activities like racing cars and motorcycles, bull riding and a plethera of other activities but I'm not allowed to use PEDs to improve my physique. Great report, but falls on deaf ears, which is sad.

02-18-2014, 09:44 PM
These are always great to watch

02-19-2014, 12:03 AM
Tobacco and alcohol are two of the most addictive substances known to man, cause cancer, increase medical cost and take a half a million lives a year in the U.S. Why doesn't the nanny government outlaw them for your protection. Oh, thats right because the federal government alone gets 8.5 billion a year from tobacco tax and 5.6 billion a year from alcohol tax. The only reason they will make marijuana legal is so they can tax the shit out of it. Go to those countries where gear is legal and you don't see any of that nonsense that quack doctor was talking about. Last time I checked steroids were made for a positive purpose. We just mastered its use. The plan is to get us high, physically weak and unarmed. Then there will be no one to keep big brother in check.
Great video and kudos to Stossel for speaking the truth. I'm done brothers. Thanks for letting me rant.

Clark Kent
08-21-2014, 11:11 AM
Guys we all know these things we do don't come without risk! There is "use" and "abuse" I tend to practice both. I don't believe these drugs should be classified like crack or heroin! There should however be some type of regulation like cigarettes, Alcohol or Marijuana. Maybe have your doc right a script that would allow you to posses and buy on line without persecution? I think Stossel hit the nail on the head why not let "ADULTS" use these drugs if they want?

08-21-2014, 12:03 PM
the big drug companies know that they can charge more for medications that are controlled substances. And yes, big brother doesn't want a nation of physically superior men with the right to bear arms <--(no pun intended). They would rather have a nation full of estrogen toxic pussys that have to pay their big pharma sponsors thousands of dollars a year just to be able to get it up past age 30!

06-26-2016, 11:10 PM
Awesome video

10-23-2016, 12:43 AM
The funny thing is that we could make a change if enough of our voices got heard. Granted it would take a lot of effort and the media would surely try to suppress the notion, but it could be done if enough brothers and informed adults took a stand! Too many people don't understand the power that we as citizens of the USA have to make change. Sadly, I'm just as guilty, but I sure would like to change that.

04-19-2020, 12:39 PM
Find some of this guy on YouTube

04-19-2020, 01:01 PM
Thanks Pain! I enjoyed this trailer.