12-19-2019, 01:52 PM
What's up fellas just wanted to post what i'm currently running and was curious if anyone ran anything similar, a few stats first:

26 years old
5"9 1/2 had to through the half in there lol
currently 187.2 lbs cut down from 235

Cycle duration: 10 weeks
Compounds: Tren ace weeks 1-4 350mg/week
Winstrol weeks 1-4 50mg/day
Test E 210 mg/week (entire cycle)

I tapered up my dosages following weeks 4-10 to the following:

Compounds: Tren ace 4-10 750mg/week
Winstrol out
YK-11 30mg a day
Test E 210 mg/week (entire cycle)

Results: No prolactin sides, slight insomnia, no irritability... constant rapid hear rate, bp is 128/90
no noticeable toxicity or appetite decrease.. bouts of hypoglycemia.. my guess is from the tren... in the gym strength is completely insane 25-35lbs on top of all my lifts even completely depleted from my diet my guess is from the from YK-11 i took out the winstrol since YK is very similar to DHT and as it is will compete with DHT and Testosterone at the receptor level,
just massive strength.. this compound is no joke.. muscle hardness extreme vascularity alot of cosmetic changes it's just ridiculous i wish i could describe it better for you guys... i do believe i am an exception and not the norm.. i've always been able to get away with crazy ass cycles and recover every single time.. i did this cycle as a experiment and is not something i recommend for beginners.. i trained naturally for 10 years and have been running gear for about 3 years.

thanks for reading


12-19-2019, 02:12 PM
Sounds pretty badass. Thanks for sharing your experience. Any before and after pics by chance because that sounds like quite the cut from 235 to 187, probably looking peeled as fuck.

12-19-2019, 02:14 PM
I'll upload when i get back to my personal PC, currently on gov pc lol. but yeah legs vassky as hell...

12-19-2019, 02:22 PM
I'll upload when i get back to my personal PC, currently on gov pc lol. but yeah legs vassky as hell...

I bet bro. Keep up the good work.

12-20-2019, 12:27 PM
John you 3/5?

12-20-2019, 01:18 PM
John you 3/5?

I'm not sure what you are asking