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12-12-2012, 11:05 PM
Box Squatting

By: Louie Simmons

Box squatting is the most effective method to produce a first-rate squat. This is, in my opinion, the safest way to squat because you don't use as much weight as you would with a regular squat.

Let me say first that, no, they won't hurt your spine, you don't use1000 lbs. on a 25 inch tall box, you don't rock on the box, you don't touch and go, and there is no need to do regular power squats before a meet. No knee wraps are worn nor are the straps of the suit pulled up.

By doing sets of 2 reps for at least 8 sets with short rest periods, you will get about a 200 lb. carryover to your regular squat. Two of our lifters finished their lifting cycle before a meet with 8 sets of 2 reps with 505 lbs. off a slightly below parallel box, and both squatted 700 for a meet PR One was competing in the 242s and the other as a 275. Two years before, in his first meet, our 275 pounder squatted 465 - quite an improvement!

There are many advantages to box squatting. One of the most important is recuperation. You can train more often on a box than you can doing regular squats. The original Westside boys (Culver City, CA) did them three times a week, which I feel is a bit extreme, but they paved the way for this type of training. We do them for the squat part of our workout on Fridays and occasionally on Mondays to build hip and low back power for deadlifting. The NBA's Utah Jazz do box squats for the same reason - recuperation. Greg Shepherd, their strength coach, is a former member of the Culver City gym.

The second reason is equally important. It is generally accepted that you should keep your shins perpendicular to the floor when squatting. With box squatting, you can go past this point (that is, an imaginary line drawn from your ankle to your knee will point toward your body), which places all the stress on the major squatting muscles- hips, glutes, lower back, and hamstrings. This is a tremendous advantage.

Thirdly, you don't have to ask anyone if you were parallel. Once you establish a below parallel height, all of your squats will be just that -below parallel. I have seen it over and over. As the weights get heavier, the squats get higher. This can't happen with box squats.

If your hips are weak, use a below parallel box with a wide stance. If you need low back power, use a close stance, below parallel. If your quads are weak, work on a parallel box. If you have a sticking point about 2 inches above parallel, as is common, then work on a box that is 2 inches above parallel. Our advanced Westside Barbell Westside Barbell (http://www.westside-barbell.com/) squatters use all below parallel boxes. This builds so much power out of the hole that there will be no sticking points.

As an added bonus, box squats will build the deadlift as well by overloading the hips and lower back muscles. Your ability to explode off the floor will increase greatly. One of our 275 pounders, Jerry Obradovich, put 50 lbs. on his dead lift in 3 months by doing extra box squats during that time period, going from 672 to 722 at the 1994 APF Junior Nationals. Chuck Vogelpohl deadlifts only about once in 8 weeks yet pulls 793 in the 242s. Chuck relies on wide box squats on a low, 12-inch box and does a lot of reverse hypers and chest-supported rows.

Now, how do you do a box squat? They are performed just like regular squats. Fill your abdomen with air, and push out against your belt. Push your knees out as far as possible to the sides and with a tightly arched back, squat back, not down, until you completely sit on the box. Every muscle is kept tight while on the box with the exception of the hip flexors. By releasing and then contracting the hip flexors and arching the upper back, you will jump off the box, building tremendous starting strength. Remember to sit back and down, not straight down. Your hamstrings will be strengthened to a high degree, which is essential. Many don't know this, but the hamstrings are hip extensors. Some great squatters have large quads and some do not, but they all have large hamstrings where they tie into the glutes. Remember to sit on the box completely and flex off.

Now, how do you know how much you can full squat if you box squat all the time? Well, let's say you have squatted 600 lbs. in a meet and decided to box squat. Let's say you can do 550 off a parallel box; that's a 50-lb. carry-over. Now you are doing only box squats and you take a weight 4-6 weeks into the cycle. You hit a 575 squat, a 25-lb. jump on that particular box. This will carry over to your 600 contest best. So now expect a 625 at your next meet.

I recommend that you train with 65-82% of your box record on each particular box height that you use. Change box heights every 3-4 weeks. Do not base the training weight on your full squat record! Box squats are much harder than full squats! Do 8-12 sets of 2 reps with 1 minute rest between sets. This is a tough workout! The week that you reach 82%, reduce the sets to 6. Don't train with more than 82%. You can try a max the after you train with 82%. If you are going to a meet, take a weight 2 weeks before the meet. The week before the meet use 70% for 6-8 sets.

This type of squatting is hard work, but each rep shouldn't be hard. Don't get psyched up to do your sets. We have found that 2 reps is ideal because any more may cause bicipital tendonitis and if you are doing 12 sets, you are doing 12 first reps per workout. After all, the first rep is the most important one. This will make your contest squat much better. Our most talented lifters will do best on Westside Barbell their first rep and then tire quickly whereas our lower skilled people will do better after the first rep is completed because they use the first rep as a body awareness tool. As they become more skilled, their first rep will be their best.

I know box squatting is not common, mostly because no one knows how do them. After reading this or watching my squat tape you should be fully aware of the benefits. Many great squatters have done box squats including Marv Phillips, Larry Kidney, Roger Estep, Matt Dimel, and of course George Fern, who did an 853 squat in track shorts in 1970. If box squats didn't work, we wouldn't do them. We have 20 lifters who have squatted over 700 lbs. in a meet including a 198 who has done 804. 1 hope this article clears up any misconceptions and leads to great success on the lifting platform.


12-31-2012, 09:35 PM
Anybody (other than me) getting all the hype of the box squat. We have the how to box squat info. We have how to do a box squat info. All we missing is you!!!

12-31-2012, 10:43 PM

12-31-2012, 10:45 PM
Dave Tate 'splainin' it.


01-01-2013, 12:04 AM
Thanks bro. Now we have the whole package. Get on it!!!

01-01-2013, 12:10 AM
Great stuff DSF, Im getting psyched about my box squats this week.

01-25-2013, 05:29 AM
Good stuff bro

01-25-2013, 04:12 PM
Thanks bro...good info here!

01-25-2013, 05:25 PM
Ok I've been doing these wrong. Thanks for the videos!

01-25-2013, 08:21 PM
Never neglect squats, they are a must for ANY routine.

01-25-2013, 11:38 PM
I haven't been neglecting just form was wrong. I started using a step in the gym to gauge just past parallel on my squat. I never sit on it, just touch and explode. For me it was a safety net. However I see that I'm not far enough back to actually call what I do box squats. Monday is legs, gonna get these right!!

Thanks DSF an Cam!

01-26-2013, 12:09 AM
Never neglect squats, they are a must for ANY routine.
Not a big fan of squats I neglect them all the time

01-26-2013, 12:42 AM
All it takes is a bad or screwed up form from the get-go, and a person will despise squats, and thus just skip them eventually. There was a time I'd say fuck the squats (because of all the work involved) in favor of leg presses, etc, but there is no comparison. For myself I've always found to start with light weight and get the proper form and depth as a habit, then add weight. When people are in a hurry to keep adding the weight without keeping the proper form in check, the bad habits creep in and can be a bitch to overcome.

01-26-2013, 08:13 PM
What is proper form and depth??? What you mean below parallel...!!! That probably hurts!!! LoL!!! I LOVE MY 3 WHITE LIGHTS!!!!!

All it takes is a bad or screwed up form from the get-go, and a person will despise squats, and thus just skip them eventually. There was a time I'd say fuck the squats (because of all the work involved) in favor of leg presses, etc, but there is no comparison. For myself I've always found to start with light weight and get the proper form and depth as a habit, then add weight. When people are in a hurry to keep adding the weight without keeping the proper form in check, the bad habits creep in and can be a bitch to overcome.

01-27-2013, 02:42 PM
I've seen some serious arguments between lifters/coaches and the judges regarding the "breaking parallel" issue. It's the two side judges who decide that (and hopefully those white lights). The trouble comes in when the front judge would get in on the parallel issue, who is not in a position to be deciding it according to most federation's rules.

01-27-2013, 10:41 PM
^^^^Yes sir...what he said^^^^Front judge to make sure that I follow instructions and that I have proper control of that freaking weight!!!
I've seen some serious arguments between lifters/coaches and the judges regarding the "breaking parallel" issue. It's the two side judges who decide that (and hopefully those white lights). The trouble comes in when the front judge would get in on the parallel issue, who is not in a position to be deciding it according to most federation's rules.