View Full Version : Therapeutic Deca dose while on trt

04-01-2020, 07:20 PM
Hey there brothers. Hope everyone is staying safe and healthy.
So I've been on trt (dr. Prescribed) for about 5yrs now. My dosing protocol is 0.2ml e4d which keeps my levels between 600-800.
I'm now working out at home and am focusing on mainly heavy lifts and was thinking of incorporating a therapeutic dose of deca to my trt. If there's any benefit, which is why I'm asking now. I was thinking of 50-100mg wk., but I dont know. Any suggestions as always is greatly appreciated. Stay safe my brothers.

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04-01-2020, 07:58 PM
Only for joint issues.

IMO, I don’t get why guys like to do anything but test with TRT, but that’s me.

Save that shit for a blast!

04-02-2020, 04:24 AM
Deca is good at low doses if you have an niggling pain that stops you lifting. (bandaid)
100mg split twice a week is what i took

Plate Smacker
04-02-2020, 09:07 PM
I feel Deca may be a must for me.
So I will be 40 in April.
Yeah, so, I ran 200mg Deca with 200 Test E for 12 weeks for a cruise(mini blast bridge)..
Blasted 500mg Test E, 420 Deca, and around 500-600 Tren E for 12 weeks.
Now on to a real cruise of Test E only:
Now, I am on week 3 of 200mf Test E only, and I can really feel the difference not having deca.
Lower back and shoulder issues.
Never had an issue the whole time running Deca during the year.
I may run 150 Deca to see how that goes, however, want to get bloodwork at week 8 with Test E only, see where I am at.
I have switched to sets of 15 to 20 for just about everything for now. Work period of set about 40 seconds, and 40 seconds rest on my interval timer. Going for pump mostly, during this time.
This cruise is supposed to be 12 weeks, but may extend to 16, if I add deca. Then bloodwork again at week 16.
I'm just torn because I want to do a full reset of Test E only for 12-16 weeks, hopefully I can hold off.
I don't really lose much during cruise, so not too worried about that.