View Full Version : Hepcidin, GH and Iron Metabolism

04-08-2020, 01:55 PM
Most people take GH for their anti-aging effects. But from what I have been reading is the anytime GH goes up, Hepcidin goes down...which increases iron absorption.

Thus increasing oxidative stress, cellular hypoxia and aging.

Hepcidin is a regulator of iron metabolism. Hepcidin inhibits iron transport by binding to the iron export channel ferroportin which is located on the basolateral surface of gut enterocytes and the plasma membrane of reticuloendothelial cells (macrophages).

Hepcidin Increases with Fasting But are Reduced with GH Administration

https://watermark.silverchair.com/clinchem1225.pdf?token=AQECAHi208BE49Ooan9kkhW_Erc y7Dm3ZL_9Cf3qfKAc485ysgAAAm4wggJqBgkqhkiG9w0BBwagg gJbMIICVwIBADCCAlAGCSqGSIb3DQEHATAeBglghkgBZQMEAS4 wEQQM0k8snKpNYZe-lE9xAgEQgIICIaDe-TjhGBA3GmQDm2cH_MiEgHfllRgNPuaEFzAi2XdWfkAu90a8-UOV2ekCG2SzYSjPd8Oz5pfjN43JHNrpuDh_JSnEGE4BLS4TGdO 9iy8kPGzqo-zZXUjLsw6Ww6ecAYlkkms3CWoMysHxXppLJKjzB641-mQmMdUn2ePvS85o3UhotBRRHiucgs39pEOz04Sr3RtNsHSVV3w PpNlNoa6B5dedF4oY-l91Zz2wwt6Sb-AhfVoMbSJWYhcsw_gEe6V-ZFm5gqV7qs-9i70J-rcTkQcL5Bp61xTbe2ILCAsMhbM7cW4gUqEZDytf7hwQAWx8N90 VHA48yEgFIPWsAVScmiPdeTIdsWD-hnR1PYE4GIwCw7Ad1mhe0Z4Nq8NOorNNfhzzYr-HcCq0El75W6KYfYdDonCL-CI-mcqh0LFJRVJADHVDp1wa4rZn9PXB-gp4mR3ixIzbqdJTu1p2B7O7vdlNzYlAofNEnbARb-lwX9zHBo1H4DHPZyOyTligZWIDz0pWNlqhBBqebGqD3TYgA_Fu INjn5HraN1VXAEr5xeMGA7HTetAtiBfQc49zMDQa0bg3F5IFJx uLUo61CK2XiFMtoPxSfX8hpcio76Hm4afX4HwmdQJ7TtmJFAdm bHENHvZLaMNtXGYy8eM-P19JghmZ6Qx7inktx_VFBFIlNcHIR-HoIS_VNsl3akKqBiNu9ipZw4OBwKjdWt73L7_G

I am not a GH expert but find this interesting.


04-09-2020, 10:47 PM
Interesting. I've been running GH for 6 months. This is my first time ever using it. Got bloods done recently and my Iron was below normal range. That has never happened before.

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04-10-2020, 01:46 AM
Interesting. I've been running GH for 6 months. This is my first time ever using it. Got bloods done recently and my Iron was below normal range. That has never happened before.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk


There are so many other values to look at other than iron. It’s more to do with iron metabolism vs iron storage. Usually when iron is low, you need to evaluate hemoglobin, TIBC, Mg, ceruplasmin, ferritin etc to get a clear picture. I can tell you this, most people are NOT low in iron.

Serum iron vs tissue iron storage is very different. But low iron a lot of a the time is decreased bioavailability of copper. Start on some desiccated liver.