View Full Version : Abnormal post injection pain help

06-10-2020, 01:39 AM
I have been pinning Supernova 400mg (mast200/test200) At 300mg a week the past 2 weeks and have not had an issue with PIP. I injected Friday with NO BLOOD or any abnormal pain that I can remember, but I am having literally the most intense PIP I have ever had. It has been consistently the same pain level from Saturday until today (Tuesday). I can barely put my full body weight on my leg and it hurts to bend my lower leg into my body. Injection sight appears slightly swollen but no bruising or sign of infection. My feel is that I may have hit a deep vein and formed a clot. What do you guys recommend I do, go to the doctor or wait a couple days to see if the pain subsides?

sorry for the long paragraph lol just slightly worried

**not new to pinning. Trt and cycle user a couple times a year

06-10-2020, 03:55 AM
Wonder if the brewer used a different recipe. Some solvents can do that. I got some from a sponsor on here, and it caused some horrid inflammation. Tried one side & then the other. Had inflammation like a bitch both times. I made a post about it.

Sponsor is no longer on here. Word is, they went down.

Caustic Charm
06-10-2020, 08:54 PM
I’ll never understand why people are so eager to inject in the leg. If you miss, you’re fucked. Delts are far safer.

Having said that, is there any fever to that swelling? Is it getting bigger? If it’s getting bigger, you may have an abscess and need to be in the ER for that.

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