View Full Version : Back to back cycles

07-23-2020, 09:18 PM
I have always cycled off and run a PCT. I went on trt about 6 months ago and have been blasting for the last three. I typically drop everything and run a PCT but this cycle have decided to slowly ramp things down. I have cut my doses in half and we'll cut them in half again next week tapering down to trt within the next month. Now my question is has anyone ever had any success with jumping right into another blast? I'm thinking about ramping down and then ramping back up with different compounds. My blood work was good 2 months ago and I'm hoping to check it again soon. If everything looks good my question is would it be effective? I hear a lot about receptor sensitivity but it seems to be a highly debated topic. I hear guys like Dave palumbo talking about cycling pretty much all year round and then taking a few months off to clean out. I understand that a lot of people are not going to agree with this technique but I'm wondering if anybody has had any success with it or will I just be spinning my wheels? I'm not looking to be abusive, like I said I have always cycled off but now that I have made the decision to stay on trt at 35 years old I'm wondering if you can continue to gain by switching compounds without taking much of a break.

07-23-2020, 10:45 PM
If bloodwork is good and you feel like you’re still making progress and it’s worth pushing, then there’s no reason not to keep pushing.

07-24-2020, 01:38 AM
Have you ever done it? Was it worth it or do you get better results staying off or trt for a while

07-24-2020, 01:51 AM
IME the longer I blast the more I have to take to yield the same results. There definitely comes a time you experience diminishing returns.

My concern is the effects of long term use that the bloods we run don't reflect. Bloods won't show an enlarged Prostate or damage to the Heart. Bloods also don't show the affects on the brain either. Anyone who thinks long term AAS use doesn't affect the brain then I strongly encourage you to spend a few months researching this before forming a rock solid opinion and blasting yr round.

I'm sure I could keep typing but don't have time at the moment so I figured I'd post up a few thoughts.

07-24-2020, 02:07 AM
Id like to also pipe in and agree that long term blasting at large doses has resulted in pernament mental illness in 2 people i know.
Theres risks in what we do yeah?
Id suggest cut back to your trt dose for 3 months and then jump on again.

07-24-2020, 02:53 AM
Imo depends on what you're running. Test & primo at reasonable doses can be run for years on end. Tren, deca & orals no.
I havent dropped below 250 test per week for over 6 years now.
As far as trt, constantly fluctuating your dose up & down is making your body compensate contstantly. Doesnt make sense to me. If your on even a low dose, your suppressing natural test production, whats the point in half dosing trt? Test is the one hormone your body is designed to function on. So you drop it down but are still suppressed. Just means you'll probably feel like shit eventually. Then you're going to blast and make your body adjust to that. You will suffer more negative side effects with low test than at recommended trt levels. Also, trt is based on "normal" range. If you research this, you will find that testosterone levels in males in the US have dropped over 50% in the last 70 years on average, the studies attribute this to endocrine altering chemicals in our environment & food supply, so even full trt dose is really only half of where a healthy "undamaged" male should be.
I personally feel best at around 500mg per 8 days split 250 e4d.
Everyone is different but there is an average baseline that falling below will cause the exact negatives that cause drs to prescribe trt for in the first place.
Im 45, did my first cycle at 17. I may be a freak but all my systems are fine. *I rarely used any orals in large amounts until 2 years ago* and primarily ran test only and test/low dose deca cycles. I have never run a pct protocol. No gyno. Nuts are fine (they shrink on heavy cycles of course) and I had a child at age 32 & 41.
The body likes consistency. Just my experience to consider.

07-24-2020, 03:06 AM
*as a P.S.
Ive had great success running multiple compound cycles, dropping everything except test, then running another multi-compound cycle. I typically take 60-90 days between while staying on test.
Ill cruise on 250-500 then up test to 750-1000 with other compounds added.

The best combinations for gains with oils for me are:

Test e/Mast e/Primo
Test e/Mast e/Parabolan

I typically stay with dbol only for orals and use aromasin as (if) needed after week 5 on cycle. If I run mast at 400+ I typically dont need aromasin more than once every 15 days or so. (Im not very prone to estro sides except back acne) *everyone is diff! Some guys get gyno just from considering gear use! Lol!

Pwo oils: TNE & Sdrol are staples.

07-24-2020, 03:32 AM
Me too IO I had 2 kids while on AAS.

My Dad was an amateur BB'n competitor has run AAS most of his adult life and the Dr's attribute his advanced dementia to the yrs of AAS use. His heart has been fucked since 50. Honestly this is IME such a gray area in the Medical field. I challenge anyone to find a clinical study wherein the participants are administered the doses we run for yrs on end.

I'm no bad ass, I'm no specialist, but I do have 22yrs in the AAS world and it's taught and is still teaching me that it can come at a cost. All I care about is I share the raw truth about what I've experienced and seen with my BOP brothers.

07-24-2020, 05:24 PM
I'm not cutting TRT in half I'm cutting my cycle until I get to TRT. I was doing 500 test cyp, 400 DHB, 400 NPp. I'm at half of all that now. I'm wondering about ramping right back up after a couple weeks on 200 test or staying there for a few months then jumping back to a blast. And just to clarify I wasn't planning on doing the Palumbo style for good just for these two cycles. I was thinking about pushing test up to a gram then adding tren ace at 350 and maybe a modest dose of an oral but some personal things in life are making me think tren is not the way to go. I'm trying to save a marriage and dont want to risk tren rage so maybe EQ or something. I have always done a hard bulk and hard cut but have taken a more steady recomp approach and I really prefer it. I look bigger and leaner than I have in a while