View Full Version : BnC question for newbie

08-02-2020, 03:51 PM
So I'm a noob to peds, but I have read and seen a few things ab BnC. Question is since I'm planning on doing another cycle after the one im on would it just be easier to cruise for 4wks or so then run another cycle then do a full pct. Or come off first cycle completely pct then get back on. It just seems that by doing that im causing more than necessary hormone fluctuations. Especially since I plan on hopping back on anyway. Thanks guys look forward to thoughts and responses

08-02-2020, 04:48 PM
My doc has me on trt so I never come off. The smart money says gets some post cycle blood work give your body a break then make any needed corrections on your next run. That's my half cent

08-03-2020, 12:52 AM
Don’t blast and cruise unless your ready to accept lifetime trt
your a noob to peds and want to commit to lifetime injections what a stupid decision you have a lot of studying to do mate.

you haven’t stated anything about your history age or goals. Like most new guys the fad will wear off after a couple of cycles.

08-03-2020, 01:18 AM
Do more research [emoji1303]

08-03-2020, 11:23 AM
Yeah do some more research my friend and ask your questions here if you are not sure or understand what you are reading. This stuff can get confusing but it is serious and not something to just play around with. You could really screw yourself up health wise

08-06-2020, 04:30 PM
I accepted the fact that life on trt could happen before my first cycle. But I'm completely fine with that especially if I get it from a doctor. Im young but I already have 2 kids so thats a box marked off. My natural test is a little below average and after running some test at about 4-5 weeks I felt more motivation and energy also my depression hasn't been a thing at all. So considering the those I think that I want trt/hrt and if I'm on it it'll be cruising between cycles anyway right?

08-06-2020, 04:53 PM
At the end of the day, it's completely your call. You can come off TRT too, it just may take longer to recover, or not. If you're on TRT then yes, it is technically cruising at replacement levels.

08-06-2020, 05:18 PM
My doc has me on trt so I never come off. The smart money says gets some post cycle blood work give your body a break then make any needed corrections on your next run. That's my half cent


I run bloods while on to gauge the Test potency, to review the fluctuations so I can make adjustments, and to make sure my organs aren't experiencing stress that is too much to accept. The pct/post cycle bloods give you insight as to whether or not your body will normalize after the cycle. Some guys run blast #1 only to find out they had a pre existing heart condition, and the cycle did a # on your heart. Same goes for Kidneys, Liver, Prostate, Mood, Depression, Anxiety, Being a jealous prick, short term memory, BP, RBC....these are a few examples of what AAS can and do have an affect on. IMO you need to do pre/intra/post bloods. And when off cycle on trt it's @ 100 - 175mg of Test a week. Anymore is not Testosterone Replacement Therapy. The idea behind replacing your physiological level of T is due to the fact that when you pin 200 or 250 or 300, all the other hormones that are either stimulated by T or inhibited are going to be outta range at those levels. IMO the hormone imbalance that is caused by us injecting significantly large doses of high mg AAS and the chain reaction that occurs is one of the most challenging aspects of heavy AAS use to manage and the most important step in reaching our goals.

Bloods, bloods, bloods.

As long as possible, in your AAS journey, blast for 3 months and trt for 3 months.

You must do bloods before blasting tho so you have a baseline it also gives you insight on how you are naturally down regulating. If your T is 239 and your estradiol is 197 WELL you're gonna need to hit Asin and I'd consider Nolva. This also shows you the health of your organs before cycle. This ability to see the changes and review them is extremely helpful for the user.

08-10-2020, 02:21 AM
Hey thanks riggs that is the kind of detailed answer I was searching for and thanks to the rest of brothers for helping a young buck out