View Full Version : How long to see results.

08-13-2020, 08:35 PM
I'm starting my 3rd week of my first testosterone blast. Ive been pinning 375mg of testosterone E twice a week and working out 6 days a week. I took bloods at the beginning of my blast 2 days after a 250mg injection and my levels were at 1565 ng/dl so I know the gear is legit. I have no idea what my levels would be now. My question is when should I start seeing results? I haven't had any strength increases and my weight is the same. My diet is nothing extreme probably 3800 calories 200 grams of protein. My appetite just isn't big right now or I would eat more. Whats a realistic expectation for weight and strength gains for a first cycle testosterone only. I weigh 168 pounds now.

08-13-2020, 08:38 PM
Usually takes 3-4 weeks to really kick in. You’ll start seeing results from there.

08-13-2020, 10:43 PM
I'm starting my 3rd week of my first testosterone blast. Ive been pinning 375mg of testosterone E twice a week and working out 6 days a week. I took bloods at the beginning of my blast 2 days after a 250mg injection and my levels were at 1565 ng/dl so I know the gear is legit. I have no idea what my levels would be now. My question is when should I start seeing results? I haven't had any strength increases and my weight is the same. My diet is nothing extreme probably 3800 calories 200 grams of protein. My appetite just isn't big right now or I would eat more. Whats a realistic expectation for weight and strength gains for a first cycle testosterone only. I weigh 168 pounds now.

Cool dude!

[emoji96]You got a good AI regiment lined up? Gettin that estrogen firing at optimal range is important (to me and my opinion)

[emoji96]That’s a dick ton of calories for 168. What’s ur body fat %? U doin food or weight gainers?

[emoji96]3 weeks you should be feeling sum shit going on and seeing the scale move but you won’t fire right if that E2 is off.

[emoji96]Realistically just running testosterone you may be limited on the results ur gonna see. But it largely depends on training intensity and style paired with the food. Like if ur training hypertrophy or strength or power lifting...makes a big difference in what your physically going to notice. A lot of gears moving to say with limited info on what you could see results wise

Let me know ur thoughts dude [emoji123]

08-14-2020, 01:16 AM
☆I have nolva clomid and exemestane but im not using any so far. I haven't had any sides. However, my trt company is sending me anastrozole if thats right. I'll take that when it gets here, half a pill everyday I pin. I have a drug test coming up September 1st so I dont want to take anything I don't have a pre. scription for. I get test and deca from my trt clinic now so I might add Deca in later if I'm not seeing the results I want.
☆ Im not sure my body fat % i've never had a scan but I am 5 foot 6 with a very lean build you can see the top 4 abs. I eat most of my calories but i do drink 2 protein shakes but its optimum nutrition gold whey which is very low calorie. I was eating more last month because i was taking lgd 4033 and rad140 but I had to stop to get ready for the drug test. When I stopped taking Rad 140 I lost 25-40 pounds from all my Pr's. I feel weak as shit now.
☆I train hard but not anything extreme. I use drop sets on most movements until failure. And I try to always have at least two sets where I am at least 10 to 20 pounds from my 1 rep max then ill drop set all the way down to the bar or last machine plate until failure. This works out to be 30-40 reps sometimes ill do 4 or 5 sets. I spend about 1.5 hours in the gym 6 days a week hit everything twice. I bench 275 squat 315 and deadlift 355

08-14-2020, 05:03 PM
☆I have nolva clomid and exemestane but im not using any so far. I haven't had any sides. However, my trt company is sending me anastrozole if thats right. I'll take that when it gets here, half a pill everyday I pin. I have a drug test coming up September 1st so I dont want to take anything I don't have a pre. scription for. I get test and deca from my trt clinic now so I might add Deca in later if I'm not seeing the results I want.
☆ Im not sure my body fat % i've never had a scan but I am 5 foot 6 with a very lean build you can see the top 4 abs. I eat most of my calories but i do drink 2 protein shakes but its optimum nutrition gold whey which is very low calorie. I was eating more last month because i was taking lgd 4033 and rad140 but I had to stop to get ready for the drug test. When I stopped taking Rad 140 I lost 25-40 pounds from all my Pr's. I feel weak as shit now.
☆I train hard but not anything extreme. I use drop sets on most movements until failure. And I try to always have at least two sets where I am at least 10 to 20 pounds from my 1 rep max then ill drop set all the way down to the bar or last machine plate until failure. This works out to be 30-40 reps sometimes ill do 4 or 5 sets. I spend about 1.5 hours in the gym 6 days a week hit everything twice. I bench 275 squat 315 and deadlift 355

Something seems a bit off. Are you drained energy wise at all? How’s ur sex drive?

I’ve never seen a drug test that looks for AIs or Steroids...unless it’s a sports specific program.

If you follow standard protocol for SupraNatural levels of testosterone then you should be noticing negative and/or positive sides. Increased libido for sure (unless E2 is off), weight gain, strength increases, etc.

To run that much test and no AI in my opinion may be a big reason.

250mg of testosterone i feel great on. Everything pops and fires. 500-600mg I’m Superman and super horny. But I would need some type of AI especially with high Mgs.

Have you ever taken proviron?

08-14-2020, 05:12 PM
3 weeks. Relax and give it time. I would say give it a about 6 weeks before you really start to feel “it” kick into full gear.

It’s legit as you see in bloods. Just enjoy it and be patient Danielson.


08-14-2020, 05:40 PM
I guess my libido is down. My testicles got way smaller. I should be getting hcg and an ai in the mail soon. I have good energy but far from feeling horny and like superman.

08-14-2020, 09:34 PM
So recap:

[emoji736] 750mg of test every week
[emoji736] No AI
[emoji736] 3800cal a day
[emoji736] 6 days a week weight training

[emoji777] Low libido
[emoji777] Shrunken nuts
[emoji777] No gains

Length of time so far:
3 weeks and you had been on TRT before “blasting”

My opinion [emoji1370]
50mg P5P a day
Drop test to 250-350mg a week
Add .5 Adex every other day
Readjust then bump test up after ur system is normal and run an AI and P5P

Or just ride it out and see if u adjust but I wouldn’t continue personally if my dick wasn’t working and I wasn’t feeling anything [emoji1364]

I’m just going off my own experience which I’m no pro nor claim to be nor act as if I know shit about shit.

08-16-2020, 06:11 AM
How's your weight going at the moment? Should be kicking into effect soon.