View Full Version : Herniated C5 - C7

01-21-2013, 12:44 PM
I have degenerative herniations in my C5 - C7. It flares up every 4 to 6 months. Does anyone suggest a neck and trap workout that may not effect this pain in the ass I have been enduring?

02-04-2013, 03:51 PM
have to stabilize them 1st or anything will cause the cyclic flare ups. There are a lot of "alignment" movements/therapies that can help keep the neck discs "centered". You should be looking into anti-inflamatory and soft tissue regerative supplementation/therapy...

02-06-2013, 04:54 AM
^^^This.... And I apologize bro I do not know enough about this to offer any advice that I would be comfortable giving. Hopefully there will be some others with similar issues or If I run across anything online I will let you know.

03-18-2013, 02:43 AM
Bro I'm right there in the same boat but mine runs from c3- c7 and T1-T5. For the t-spine bent over dumbbell rows help a lot for me because they stabilize the upper and middle thoracic area so well the cervical behind the back shrugs seem to help some but very little. I still have flare ups, quite often really but they aren't quite as intense. Not sure if it helps but it's my 2 cents.

04-17-2013, 10:30 PM
I get 3 cortizone shots a year in 3 different spots...helps a bit. I stay away from pain pills tho...had an issue once.