View Full Version : Upcoming powerlifting comp cycle question

08-22-2020, 02:38 AM
I’m planning on running test and tren for a 12 week cycle. Anavar 50mg for 6 weeks and 100 for the final 4 weeks. I want to use anavar for a slight strength boost at the end. I’ve used anadrol/dbol before but they destroy my liver, hematocrit and I need to watch my weight. I was wondering if throwing in s23 or rad140 together would be a waste. I’ve used them during TRT and surprisingly got a decent strength boost. I’m just not sure with the other anabolics they would do anything worth it. Thanks bros

08-22-2020, 09:41 PM
I’m planning on running test and tren for a 12 week cycle. Anavar 50mg for 6 weeks and 100 for the final 4 weeks. I want to use anavar for a slight strength boost at the end. I’ve used anadrol/dbol before but they destroy my liver, hematocrit and I need to watch my weight. I was wondering if throwing in s23 or rad140 together would be a waste. I’ve used them during TRT and surprisingly got a decent strength boost. I’m just not sure with the other anabolics they would do anything worth it. Thanks bros

I've been a competitive powerlifter since 2016 and prepped for a lot of meets. I never liked tren for a powerlifting cycle, but there are plenty of people who do. I've also used anavar @ 80mg/day and it's mild in nature but definitely helped with strength, especially in a calorie surplus.

As far as SARMs, I can't help there because I've never used them and don't know any powerlifters who do. I would assume the Test/Tren/Var combo is going to be WAY stronger than and added SARMs so personally I would just stick with the tried and true anabolics you have listed.