View Full Version : Strongman Log

10-09-2020, 01:38 PM
Thought I'd start a log for my strongman training. Still dealing with shoulder issues so my overhead presses haven't been going well, but keeping a log will definitely keep me motivated.

10-09-2020, 01:41 PM
Thought I'd start a log for my strongman training. Still dealing with shoulder issues so my overhead presses haven't been going well, but keeping a log will definitely keep me motivated.

Have you tried TB500?

10-09-2020, 08:00 PM
I haven't tried it, went to PT and they think my muscles around my shoulder are extra tight from compensating for my injury, got me scheduled for some dry needling...

10-09-2020, 08:03 PM
Did some deadlift work today, 405 for 5x5, tried pulling 500 but can feel my muscles really pull around that shoulder so stopped before hurting em worse. So worked on speed and grip, overhand, no straps, no over under grip.
Lat pulldowns 3 sets of 20
Barbell bicep curls superset with reverse tricep pushdowns 3x20
Higher rep work to strengthen those tendons.

10-09-2020, 09:15 PM

10-10-2020, 11:32 PM
Complete off day today, worked, went for a 4 mile walk, rest up for tires tomorrow.

10-13-2020, 12:56 AM
20 reps with 800 pound tire, lots of rest between reps of 3-4.

Chest, not very solid due to my shoulder, did light weight bench presses, single arm dumbbell bench press, incline dumbbell presses, and about 49min of shoulder accessory work to strengthen up my rotator cuff.

10-13-2020, 03:02 AM
Your rotator cuff work as you know is key in your recovery.
Glad your making it a part of your training and this should be done first before any other lifting..but you already know this im just adding input from personal experience with the same injury/recovery.
I never tried TB500...i just took low dose Deca to help push through the exercises given by my exercise physiologist.
Looking forward to your Strongman logs

10-13-2020, 05:19 PM
Your rotator cuff work as you know is key in your recovery.
Glad your making it a part of your training and this should be done first before any other lifting..but you already know this im just adding input from personal experience with the same injury/recovery.
I never tried TB500...i just took low dose Deca to help push through the exercises given by my exercise physiologist.
Looking forward to your Strongman logs

I've always done warm ups and movements for my rotator cuff before lifting, I didn't think to do the physical therapy exercises before, PT never mentioned that.
I've been taking a low does NPP weekly to help with my joints, if I don't my knees sound like sandpaper!

Thanks for the feed back!

10-15-2020, 05:36 PM
Ok to catch up!
Tuesday:. Squat and stones day
Warmed up to a working set of 5x5 on squats, damn did the weight feel heavy, it's been one of those weeks where my energy and thinking just isn't where it's supposed to be. Did light stone work, just did the 175 stone for reps, no lap, to really work my core.
Wednesday:. Couldn't hit farmers carry since we have to do em outside and it was cold and rainy, did some high rep bicep and tricep work.
Alternating seated curls, cable curls, rope pushdowns and reverse grip pushdowns. 4x20 on each exercise.

10-18-2020, 07:02 PM
Thursday....Boulder Shoulder
Tried out a new exercise and must say I like it, works the core and really hits my delts. Seated on the floor in a power rack, put the bar at chin height and pressed from that position, 5x10's, I've always been a hard gainer in my shoulders but this gave me a good pump! Ohh also legs straight out on the lift.
After this did some standing military presses with the log, kept weight higher again, 5x10's, then finished off with lateral raises and rear lateral raises.

Friday took the day off,shit at home got in the way.

Saturday hit deadlifts, my mind wasn't in it, too much shit going through it so kept it light and went through the motions on deadlift, barbell rows, pull ups and some core work.

10-19-2020, 10:43 PM
This log is a change of pace !

10-20-2020, 06:50 PM
Monday, shoulder area feeling better with doing more rotator cuff exercises. Started with accessory work on my rotators, did reverse grip bench 4x10, dumbbell bench 4x10, Incline dumbbell bench 4x10, and core work. Really wanted to hit log today, but just felt I should give the shoulder a bit more time to heal, everytime it feels a little better I get on log and go heavy and end up hurting it worse, so just did some super light log work to go through the motions and keep my form and range of movement good.

Tuesday....squat and stones, one of my fav days of the week!

10-21-2020, 04:30 PM
Well shit ended up working late yesterday, shitty day so I was ready for the gym.

5x5 on squats

Stones, 5x10 no lap work, really busted the core used the 150 pound stone, which doesn't sound like a lot, but 10 reps no lap, was killer.

10-21-2020, 11:02 PM
Wednesday.... Armageddon!

5 sets if 21's axle bar curls, 5 sets of 12 zottman curls. The 21's were 7 half rep bottoms, 7 half reps from top, then 7 full reps to finish it off.

Reverse tricep pushdowns 5 sets of 20-30.

Forearms were on fire! Loved it!

Was going to do static holds but forearms couldn't take anymore!

10-24-2020, 11:26 PM
Thursday was shoulders.
Did some more floor seated axle bar presses, legs straight out, really kills my core and a solid pump in shoulders 5x5, kneeling one arm dumbbell overhead presses 5x8, bent over lateral raises and dumbbell shrugs 5x12.
Friday, deadlifts, did deficit deadlifts for 5x5, barbell rows for 5x5, lat pulldowns 5x8.

12-17-2020, 06:07 PM
Haven't updated in a bit, busy season at work and this year is worse than anything I have seen! So been working, training, eating, sleeping.

Will update later today on current program, surprisingly, with all the chaos, my power has gone up!

12-18-2020, 08:24 PM
Current program looks like this, decided to shake it up a bit, 5-6 days was wearing me down so onto a 4 day split.
Monday-shoulders (log press wasn't improving so decided to hit shoulders first thing in the week)
Z-Press 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 reps scheme
Landmine presses 4 sets of 6
Arnold presses 4 sets of 6
Log press 3 sets of 3

Squats-5,4,3,2,1 rep scheme
Leg Press- 4 sets of 6
Romanian deadlifts 4 sets of 6
Farmers walk, 220 pound cans each hand

Wednesday-active recovery
Usually go for a walk with the fam or myself

Anderson Incline Press with axle bar 5,4,3,2,1 rep scheme
Bench press- 5,4,3,2,1 rep scheme
Dips 4 sets of six
Tire Flips 600 pound tire for 25 yards

Deadlifts- 5,4,3,2,1 rep scheme
Barbell rows 4 sets of 6
Lat pulldowns 4 sets of 6
Atlas stones, no lap, 4 sets of 5

Rest days

12-18-2020, 08:49 PM
Kratom helps me. Red Bali strain is best for pain.
Im tired just reading about your work dude! Strongman workouts are no joke! Thanks for this log brother!

12-19-2020, 08:57 PM
Kratom helps me. Red Bali strain is best for pain.
Im tired just reading about your work dude! Strongman workouts are no joke! Thanks for this log brother!

I've read about kratom, been leary about trying it as in the past I had a o x y addiction that I've been clear of for over two years. So always a bit gun shy on trying things for pain because I know I can go off the deep end!

In the process of buying a yoke, really want to incorporate that into leg day, also will be implementing sandbag presses soon.

Was pretty happy with my incline, topped out at 275 from that dead stop, so happy with that progress, really struggling to get that log press going in the right direction. It's my weakest event right now.

12-22-2020, 04:57 PM
Yesterday was shoulders
Z-presses with axle bar topped out at 185
Landmine presses 105 for 6
Log 3x3 clean and press each rep 195

Was kinda disappointed in the weight, but think this month is finally catching up to me with 12 hour work days.

12-22-2020, 09:33 PM
I've always done warm ups and movements for my rotator cuff before lifting, I didn't think to do the physical therapy exercises before, PT never mentioned that.
I've been taking a low does NPP weekly to help with my joints, if I don't my knees sound like sandpaper!

Thanks for the feed back!

bro tb500 is the shit use it on all injuries that have to do with a muscle or ligament

12-25-2020, 07:23 PM
Merry Christmas!

Deadlift day! Thought I'd share a little milestone, my 17 year old son pulled 405 on the deadlift for the first time today!

12-25-2020, 07:24 PM
bro tb500 is the shit use it on all injuries that have to do with a muscle or ligament

I'm definitely going to look into it.

12-26-2020, 12:48 PM
Merry Christmas!

Deadlift day! Thought I'd share a little milestone, my 17 year old son pulled 405 on the deadlift for the first time today!

Merry Christmas bro, and that's great for your son. He is very strong for 17yo.
Also TB500 is some great stuff, it helped me get over some minor hip flexor tears earlier this year.

02-02-2021, 02:42 PM
Monday 2/1
Bench 4 sets of 6 @ 80% 1rm
Incline dumbbell presses 4 sets of 12
Cable crossovers 4 sets of 15
Log Press 5 sets of 3 reps
Axle bar military presses 4 sets of 12

02-03-2021, 01:28 AM

Squats 4 sets of 6
Leg press 4 sets of 12
Yoke Walk. 60 sec intervals 4 min rest 30 min of work

Fucking grip is shit right now, weakest part, really need to up my game on grip strength.

Squats felt really good tonight, nice explosion out the bottom, love those days where they just power up like nothing.

02-04-2021, 12:40 AM
Weather was in the upper 20's so took the 220 pound cans out for some farmer walks.
Then went inside for some bicep work, did the bicep gauntlet start with 30's and do alternating seated curls up to 50's for 20 reps each arm.
3 sets of 21's with the ez curl bar and ended with some concentration curls.

02-05-2021, 02:28 AM
Was a bit of fuck it do something different today.
Bench, started at 225 and kept adding 20 pounda till I couldnt do 5 reps, then hit some seated dumbbell presses, started at 45 for 10 reps and kept going up till I couldnt get 10, then onto rocky presses to burn out the shoulders.

02-07-2021, 02:12 AM
Deadlifts, warmed up and did heavy singles, then did some pulley rows, did a killer round of skull crushers, then the crew went out for drunks and surprisingly only 2 people asked to arm wrestle.

Wtf is it with people who dont lift wanting to arm wrestle ya.

02-20-2021, 03:13 PM
I feel like a slob, no lifting all week as ive been fighting a horrendous sinus infection. All I taste is infected snot, not a good time!

02-21-2021, 12:12 AM
I feel like a slob, no lifting all week as ive been fighting a horrendous sinus infection. All I taste is infected snot, not a good time!

I hope you feel better soon brother, being sick sucks puts a damper on everything.

02-21-2021, 02:09 AM
Get well soon

02-21-2021, 03:55 PM
Thanks guys, hoping to feel better by Monday, been slamming green tea with natural honey and mucinex.