View Full Version : First time Winstrol and Why Nobody Use Preworkout It's Nuts

Plate Smacker
10-22-2020, 03:00 PM
So, got some Winstrol raws and tried to for the first time.
Took 40mg at 4PM, at 11PM, 7 hours later... unreal pumps.
Only issue was a headache for like 30 minutes.
I never get headaches.
My blood pressure is fine.
So will lower to 30mg, see what happens.

I'm pretty in tune with body. I eat like a dog, literally same sources of protein carbs ect, for the past 3 years.
Water intake monitored. Makes things simple, and yes sometimes I splurge, guilty.

So any changes I will feel.

I am sensitive to orals somehow.
Mk677, just 7mg ED, I can feel the effects, water retention, joint lubrication type feeling, with some bloating the next day. I can run 7mg, and it literally works badass.
Anadrol, 50mg is overkill. Literally so pumped unbearable. So I would run it at 30mg.

All I know is this Winstrol also made me Feel Good, like also mentally. I felt charged is how I could describe it.
Just a good sense of well being and energy.

Just walking up the stairs, pumps, and just a feeling of being pumped, like day 3 of Anadrol....

So is it just because first dose ever?
Seems like one could use it on workout days if taken 7 hours prior, from what I felt. Doing more research. Have to look at more studies.

I plan on just doing it 4 weeks for a trial run.
I am on a cruise, so I will just add 2 weeks to my cruise, because blood work will be my determination anyway as far as blast.

Been researching winstrol. I don't see issues with me since I run Deca, and if I add MK677, most likely won't get joint issues.
I am going to use it 4 weeks beginning of blast, then last 4 weeks. So first for strength, and also finish strong, with slight diet change to bring out some detail.

I got mine from PPL, it GTG as usual. I've never had any issues with their raw quality.

10-22-2020, 03:27 PM
Hell yeah man! I’m taking it now. I was taking 30mg PWO then backed down to 20mg (sensitive stomach) but at 30mg I had awesome strength gains PwO.

All in all I’m taking 40mg throughout the day but I totally understand you with the PWO feeling and feeling awesome on it.

The only downside is the joints. Even tho I’m running Deca almost 2 days after the Winny I started to notice some joint things and cramps. Also has me drinking a ton more water.
But without the Deca I wouldn’t even want to try it lol

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10-22-2020, 03:56 PM
To many cramps and joint probably with it with me. Now unless ur prepping for a show on the last 4 to 6 weeks. I use var ,dhb and tren

10-22-2020, 04:24 PM
To many cramps and joint probably with it with me. Now unless ur prepping for a show on the last 4 to 6 weeks. I use var ,dhb and tren

The cramps are intense. I got one yesterday sitting down in a chair lol. My abs cramped hard and I thought I was dying

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10-22-2020, 06:16 PM
I’m 48 yrs old, a lot of wear and tear on my joints. Idk if this is why, but winstrol makes me miserable. I hurt from head to toe even with a little deca. The last time I took it I told myself never again. I wish I could tho, I know it works great if used correctly.

10-31-2020, 04:21 PM
I love winny but mannnnn it fucks me up. I swear I could drink 5 gallons of water and still have the worst cramps of my life on it.

10-31-2020, 04:37 PM
I use to suppress cortisol at the end of a cut. Seems to be a happy place at 25mg before fasted cardio.

10-31-2020, 06:19 PM
I'm a fan of 25mg split preworkout and before bed or 50mg PWO and 25 before bed. It straight kills my elbows though and I don't run it too often. My favorite stack for hardening up and polishing is 50mg var and 50mg winny.

11-01-2020, 08:44 PM
I'm a fan of 25mg split preworkout and before bed or 50mg PWO and 25 before bed. It straight kills my elbows though and I don't run it too often. My favorite stack for hardening up and polishing is 50mg var and 50mg winny.

That’s funny. Doing cable side raises today my left elbow felt like it was coming apart. Looks like the Winny is done for now....

11-01-2020, 08:53 PM
Winstrol used to be my go to for over a decade. It’s just I only like to use it when it’s water base injection. Oral winny jacked my stomach up (due to my own fault of not protecting my liver well enough) and now that I’m older and have joint issues it doesn’t do me any favors anymore. In my 20s it was the best shit ever

11-03-2020, 02:54 PM
That’s funny. Doing cable side raises today my left elbow felt like it was coming apart. Looks like the Winny is done for now....

The increased collagen synthesis from var might help a little if you combine the two but it’s not enough to offset the joint pain completely. I seldom run it because of those reasons. Hell it even hurt my elbow 10+yrs ago when I was in my 20s.