View Full Version : Cruising on TRT Dose

10-23-2020, 01:20 AM
Coming off a long blast and going into a TRT dose 250mg a week for now and eventually cutting that in half depending on blood levels. Question is while you guys go from a blast to TRT dose do you use AIs and SERMs to help with the estrogen rebound of levels falling off and trying equal out? Eventually going to come all the way off and go into a full PCT and take some time off the gear been on for almost 9 months opinions, tips, and advice please and thanks brothers!

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10-23-2020, 01:23 AM
Coming off a long blast and going into a TRT dose 250mg a week for now and eventually cutting that in half depending on blood levels. Question is while you guys go from a blast to TRT dose do you use AIs and SERMs to help with the estrogen rebound of levels falling off and trying equal out? Eventually going to come all the way off and go into a full PCT and take some time off the gear been on for almost 9 months opinions, tips, and advice please and thanks brothers!

Sent from my SM-N975U using TapatalkI do. I only need .25mg adex 2x week personally. My adex is from doc too tho

10-23-2020, 01:26 AM
You'll need bloods to determine ur dose tho

10-23-2020, 01:33 AM
I like Aromasin for coming off a cycle or blast.

I’ll do 12.5mg eod for two week if cruising after blast and then 12.5mg 2x a week sometimes 3 if I don’t eat good. 25mg for 10 day’s straight if PCTing. Just from what I’ve done and has always worked at this dosage. A few runs and u will know what ur dosage will need to be if u don’t or won’t be doing bloods.

10-23-2020, 01:17 PM
I like Aromasin for coming off a cycle or blast.

I’ll do 12.5mg eod for two week if cruising after blast and then 12.5mg 2x a week sometimes 3 if I don’t eat good. 25mg for 10 day’s straight if PCTing. Just from what I’ve done and has always worked at this dosage. A few runs and u will know what ur dosage will need to be if u don’t or won’t be doing bloods.

I like that. Some people; even not on TRT, use Asin/Nolvadex for their PCT and/or estro; over other traditional methods for HPTA recovery and estrogen control. Lots of good articles about it. A lot of guys have different reasons for not using one compound over another due to their experience and sides from adex vs asin or Nolvadex and not clomid, etc.


10-23-2020, 01:34 PM
I am on
Test 165 mg
Deca 75mg
I was using adex .5mg e3d
For three weeks then I stop until my next cycle.

10-23-2020, 07:15 PM
Coming off a long blast and going into a TRT dose 250mg a week for now and eventually cutting that in half depending on blood levels. Question is while you guys go from a blast to TRT dose do you use AIs and SERMs to help with the estrogen rebound of levels falling off and trying equal out? Eventually going to come all the way off and go into a full PCT and take some time off the gear been on for almost 9 months opinions, tips, and advice please and thanks brothers!

Sent from my SM-N975U using Tapatalk

Personally I believe anyone under the age of 45 should always use HCG to get your Nuts producing again at the end of cycles. Most guys don't stay off Test long enough to get their nuts working again without it before jumping back on a cycle and shutting em down again.

Getting totally off Test is only an option though if you are still in your 30's to early 40's. After that you kinda need TRT to maintain healthy test levels unless your just some kinda super test producer like my Dad who never set foot in a gym but had barbarian Genetics that kept him looking jacked well into his late 70's. Most others are gonna need TRT year round, if only at 150-170mgs a week. I still use HCG even in my 50's but that's just cause I like to keep my nuts big and it keeps my libido up while using minimal Test- and also cause I'm a vain Jackass that likes to look good naked.