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View Full Version : WARNING-----TOP 5 SUPPLEMENT SCAMS!!!

02-07-2013, 05:34 AM
When I was 12, my uncle bought me some cigarettes. And while I would have been happier at the time if he had sprung for some good weed instead, I was still happy to have something to toke on while enjoying a cold beer at the playground.
My joy soon turned to disappointment when I realized they were candy cigarettes, and it was then that I realized that not everything in this world is as advertised. That became even more apparent later on, when I discovered my "virgin" homecoming date had two kids from a guy named Tyrone who was away at "college" (i.e. state prison).

Shift to the world of fitness and the industry it has spawned:

We live in a society where con-artist supplement companies can legally sell you products that can kill you (and has killed many people), yet producing absolutely no results------while people who sell products that actually work AND help people in many ways are classified as drug dealers and imprisoned. If you go on You Tube and watch bodybuilding videos, you will see several that are psted by "TeamMuscletechvideos", showing Branch, Johnnie Jackson, Cutler, and many others where comments have either been disabled or comments with any mention of steroids are immediately deleted. We can't have the truth out there----that might impede sales. These sell-out, spineless bodybuilders keep their mouth shut out of fear of losing a buck, while gladly leading you to believe that they got to where they are by using worthless bullshit.....and have not an ounce of remorse for the money you lost or the damage you've done to your body, and that includes death, as two Marines found out the hard way while guzzling Jack3d. ERs all around the nation are reporting epidemic levels of visits due to pre-workout supps and energy drinks.
But lets not lose sight of the bigger picture here----the entire supplement industry is mostly a scam, and that includes most of the products they offer.
So here is a list in descending order of the Top Five supplements that are total, complete bullshit not worthy of your time, money, or a trip to the ER----or toilet when your ass Xplodes:
NUMBER 5.....WEIGHT GAINERS. If you're skinny, why would you think taking in a ton of unproductive calories is going to add muscle to your frame? Eat plenty of fish, chicken, rice, greens, beef, etc... If you're not skinny, then congratulations on your new roll of fat. That's why they call them "weight gainers". Want a good weight gainer???? Hit the fair and stock up on deep-fried Twinkies (when we get them back).
NUMBER 4.....PRE-WORKOUT DRINKS......My personal favorite is BSN Xplode, but I use a small amount to add caffine to my own personal pre-workout drink which I will describe in another article. Pre-workouts do NOTHING to build muscle-----absolutley nothing. They throw all these "college" studies around (conducted by teenagers majoring in phys Ed who are paid by supplement companies) to convince you they do------BULLSHIT.
NUMBER 3....FAT BURNERS...... In the documentery Bigger Faster Stronger, Christain Boeving made the mistake of telling the truth about fat burners (Hydroxycut) and was immediately fired by Muscletech for doing so. Fat burners are nothing more that a cup of coffee and a few herbs in pill form, and DO NOT work. The only thing you'll burn is a hole in your wallet.
NUMBER 2......CREATINE......Increased water retention and a little vasodilation does NOT mean added muscle. You may add a few pounds to your bench, but that will vaporize like virginity in a catholic orphanage as soon as you stop using it, and most often, even while you're using it due to the body's adaptive responses.
NUMBER 1........TEST BOOSTERS...... If test boosters raised T levels, doctors would prescribe them for TRT. Star athletes would eat them like candy. Police departments would place test-booster dispensers in the locker rooms, and the price for these pathetic products would fall like rain due to super-high demand. The only Testosterone boosters are anabolic steroids----END OF STORY. Even if they were to work at all, the amount of increase in Test wouldnt be enough to add muscle to a field mouse. They give them names that sound like steroids (like "T-BOL") and put them in packaging to make them look medical----and lock them up in the glass case at Vitamin World so women and Children are safe from contamination.....lyin-ass bitches. You can add the new generation of dick pills to this catagory----you've seen the infomercials where the grey-haired, 70 year old guy is sitting next to the hot, giggling 25 year old blonde who is still shaking from the orgasm that just keeps coming in waves. What a stud!!---and you can be too----for $69.95, all major credit cards accepted. By the way, the makers of Extenze were just sued and ordered to pay a huge fine for-----guess what-----false avdertising.

02-07-2013, 04:44 PM
looks like someone is getting frustrated with the supplement industry's big marketing scheme. trial and error showed me this years ago.

02-07-2013, 05:50 PM
Fuckin epic post!!

02-07-2013, 07:20 PM
great post, fucking scammers..

02-08-2013, 12:11 AM
Awesome post bro!

02-08-2013, 02:56 AM
great post bro... So many people think they can take these magic pills and become super heros...

02-08-2013, 12:39 PM
I dont use supplements...except for weight gainer for a replacement meal....quality gainers are a lot diiferent than twinkies, they have protien and ass tons of maltodextrin. However I will say, my partner/bossman went and got competition help from and IFBB pro and the pro told him to stop ALL gainer powders and protien powders, he is real big on the 100% whole foods and he also said that "N.O." boosters were a sham. The only supplements he took when compteting were: vitamin C, insulin, growth hormone, and anabolics....the rest? All whole foods. I tell people all the time, "THEIR IS NO SUPPLEMENT FOR WHOLE FOOD!"

When I was a kid I used to know all the new coolest supps.....now a days I see guys with all the shit in the gym, I have no idea what it is, green monsters and assaults and all kinda other wacky shit, they ask me, "hey man, what supplements do you take? The look dumbfounded when I tell them just fish-oil. I give my whole foods quote, but nobody likes that, no, that would actually require preparation and effort, I want something in a container thats easy....well bottoms up for ya, but Im going to eat my nutrients. When I started eating more and more whole foods, thats when I truley began to grow

02-08-2013, 08:06 PM
good shit brother

02-08-2013, 08:10 PM
Aint that the truth!

02-08-2013, 09:13 PM
Very true...nice post

02-08-2013, 09:54 PM
Good post bro

02-09-2013, 05:32 AM
I dont use supplements...except for weight gainer for a replacement meal....quality gainers are a lot diiferent than twinkies, they have protien and ass tons of maltodextrin. However I will say, my partner/bossman went and got competition help from and IFBB pro and the pro told him to stop ALL gainer powders and protien powders, he is real big on the 100% whole foods and he also said that "N.O." boosters were a sham. The only supplements he took when compteting were: vitamin C, insulin, growth hormone, and anabolics....the rest? All whole foods. I tell people all the time, "THEIR IS NO SUPPLEMENT FOR WHOLE FOOD!"

When I was a kid I used to know all the new coolest supps.....now a days I see guys with all the shit in the gym, I have no idea what it is, green monsters and assaults and all kinda other wacky shit, they ask me, "hey man, what supplements do you take? The look dumbfounded when I tell them just fish-oil. I give my whole foods quote, but nobody likes that, no, that would actually require preparation and effort, I want something in a container thats easy....well bottoms up for ya, but Im going to eat my nutrients. When I started eating more and more whole foods, thats when I truley began to grow

Very well put!!!! I agree 100%

02-09-2013, 06:39 AM
Thats the truth bro!!
anyone got any penis enlargement pills while we are at it??

02-09-2013, 08:33 AM
haha "test boosters" what a load ha good shit man

02-09-2013, 01:44 PM
Great read bro, I too have learned that they don't work from personal experience. My only supplement is whey protein, PERIOD!!

02-10-2013, 04:32 AM
He'll yeah bro nice post. Energy drinks too. Nothing like swallowing a bag of sugar in a can.

02-11-2013, 12:00 AM
You mean....there is no "MAGIC" pills....

02-12-2013, 05:50 PM
i almost shit the first time i read how much sugar was in a can of coke.wtf

02-14-2013, 01:37 AM
thx alot bro for this

02-21-2013, 06:42 PM
i almost shit the first time i read how much sugar was in a can of coke.wtf

No shit. I try to explain this to everyone who is trying to lose weight and not seeing results. And then I get the well it's "Diet" Coke. Who cares it still has a pound of sugar in it and one less calorie to make it diet.

02-21-2013, 06:56 PM
I was "addicted" to coke, pepsi, etc. and it's no secret how all that sugar in soda was definitely fucking my whole program up. I couldn't figure out why I couldn't lose the weight while I still lifted well and ate pretty healthy. Finally I woke up and believe me it's like an addiction to anything else and it hasn't been easy.
i almost shit the first time i read how much sugar was in a can of coke.wtf

02-21-2013, 08:02 PM
Well put. Especially the Weight Gainer and NO-crap pre workout. Just eat some fruit and add caffeine powder!

02-22-2013, 05:42 AM
AST micronized creatine for PCT!

02-24-2013, 02:22 AM
The supplement industry is a scam I do agree. The problem is that everyone wants to take the shortcut with a fake pill or powder. When the real solution is to eat, train hard, and sleep. You put a famous face associated with those fake ass supplements and people think if he's taking it and looking like that.....I better spend my hard earned $ on that stuff.

02-24-2013, 03:27 AM

02-24-2013, 09:28 PM
No shit. I try to explain this to everyone who is trying to lose weight and not seeing results. And then I get the well it's "Diet" Coke. Who cares it still has a pound of sugar in it and one less calorie to make it diet.

When in college my roommate was buying regular coke yet eats everything healthy ... I asked him one day WTF he was doing and he said
"man you ever have an ice cold coke on a warm day? You dont realize how good it is because we eat and drink everything diet"

So one day after the gym I was a little light headed from carb cycling and decided to throw one back, I dont even enjoy soda (with the
exception of Mountain Dew) and I have to admit, he was totally right!

02-24-2013, 09:51 PM
Interesting post I do take a pre work out because I work out in the
evening after work. But I agree with food is the best gaineri upped
How many meals I was eating a day and the weight started gaining.

03-14-2013, 03:24 AM
Everybody wants a magic pill for everything! I know what does work....DEDICATION, REPETITION AND TEST!!!

03-24-2013, 04:16 AM
i have used creatine effectively. i always use it with my pct

03-24-2013, 04:35 PM
great post

03-29-2013, 08:50 AM
I've always been suspicious of various products. This is a great read!

04-08-2013, 12:11 AM
Thanks for the heads up on these supplements.